Old timers from diabetes.co.uk will remember the Dr. Jay Wortman fiasco. Jay a type two diabetic and lowcarb expert was banned from the forum some years ago. This was back in the days Cugila ruled the place like a demented tyrant, banning anyone who dared to question his authority. Arguably his leading henchman and enforcer was the idiotic Sid Bonkers. Sid enthusiastically put the boot into Jay. Sid makes statements on a regular basis such as “Which is why I believe you to be just another poorly informed low carber who is trying desperately to give kudos to a diet that has only been proved to be useful in the short term” BTW Sid likes to say he is a low carber. He isn’t, but never misses an opportunity to have a go at low carbers. Yes, he is one confused man. On June 10th, 2013, 11:02 am he said,
“What I have said on numerous occasions is that restrictive diets do not work in the long term and there is lots of evidence to support that stance, in fact it is the reason why low carb diets are generally only useful in the short term”
“restrictive diets do not work in the long term” this from a man who lives on cornflakes and other junk and on a stated 1200 calories per day. Well Sid’s diet is very restrictive in my opinion, and he has been on it for a long time. Over the last few days he has made a complete fool of himself, Sid’s good at that, attacking newbie’s is his forte ! Over the weekend the Bonkers one went into full attack mode accusing a Doctor of being a troll. The thread quickly disappeared, victory to the lowcarb anti buffoon ? Err no ! The forum management checked the “Troll” out and the person is genuine and is a Doctor. An intelligent posted this comment when the thread was restored.
“I am disgusted to be quite honest we constantly complain about the medical profession being blinkered about low carb, finally we find someone willing to spend his or her time on this and they are treated in such a way some of your responses (obvious which) were downright awful. I am ashamed of "us"“
Another poster said. “I was watching this thread yesterday with interest - and it never crossed my mind that this was not a genuine posting from a G.P. However, when the challenges and accusations of 'troll' (not sure what that is!) appeared, I then thought I had been somewhat naive. Today, I just feel sad that - although verified as genuine - I doubt he/she will be heard from again - and as a newly diagnosed and confused type 2 I would have been so interested in hearing more of his work”
In the history of the forum Bonkers has been involved in more threads being locked and more grief than anyone else, the big question has to be why has he not been banned. I hope the Doctor returns to the forum and I believe he could be very valuable to many of it’s members, as for Bonkers, he is a liability and a menace to the diabetic community in my opinion.
Read the full story here.
Sid's a buffoon if he really thinks 1200 calorie starvation diet is adequate for the average diabetic.
ReplyDeleteSid is a very long way from being the average diabetic. An active four year old child requires more than 1200 calories per day. Sid forgets to tell people he is extremely sedentary due to non diabetes related illness. 1200 calories is not sustainable in the long term for an adult. And he has the neck to say lowcarbing is not sustainable long term, that’s why he is Bonkers !
After a few years forum and blog watching a question still remains, why do forums appear to fear doctors?
ReplyDeleteDr Wortman was treated abysmally and this present Doctor the same. Hold your head in shame you know who you are.
Jay spoke on the cruise, and he was at our table at the precruise dinner. Nice man, good speaker, and his 3-year-old "low-carb baby" was a beautiful, bright, well-behaved child!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it nice people can be treated badly and those that are not appear to get away with it.Being cynical the readership increases when this sort of thing happens,is Sid allowed to stay for a reason?Life can be strange.
ReplyDeleteL B
The experienced and old hands realise Sid is a wave short of a ship wreck, but I believe he confuses the newbie’s. He can sound convincing at times. The fact is most of the members with very good control have reduced carbs dramatically. Also, many have been lowcarbing for years with no ill effects. Lowcarbing is sustainable in the long term and is the way to go for optimum BG control. Why has he not been banned ? It’s beyond me when you consider how many less rude and good people got the red card. Forums are funny places at times, I would want paying to get involved with a forum again.
If the "Dr had bothered to read the forum rules then this would not have happened. John Briffa is a member of DC UK and has never puts his professional title.
ReplyDeleteIf everyone used their professional title then we would have domestic managers, sanitary inspectors, Lance Corporals, PC's, Able Seamen, etc, etc, etc... It is not needed.
This "Dr" let his profession down by posting on a public forum and complaining about fellow HCPs. Not the code of conduct expected from a "Dr". Let's hope he does not start giving a one size for all diet as this is exactly why people complain about the NHS. He has to have a face to face consultation to advise anyone in the UK.
Forum rules ! Are you trying to wind me up. Sid breaks the rules for five years, that’s OK. A new member joins and you bleat the RULES clearly you are using too much medication. The rules have lead to the early death of millions of diabetics and you talk about petty forum rules. What planet are you on ?
"This "Dr" let his profession down by posting on a public forum and complaining about fellow HCPs"
ReplyDeleteHe/she is a doctor not a member of the Mafia; you are allowed to criticise your fellow professionals without having some big man in a black suit say 'never take sides against the family in public again.'
Also, he/she was complaining about dieticians; a worthwhile and wholesome activity; you claim that they are 'HCPs' but I suppose that people who clean the loos at the Health Centres are 'HCs' too?
The point about stating your profession if you are a GP on a medical forum doesn't really need further comment does it?
At time of writing Bonkers and the other aggressors have still not apologised. That speaks volumes about them I feel.
I loved the picture of the trolls, but couldn't work out which one was the despicable Sid.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis "Dr" let his profession down by posting on a public forum and complaining about fellow HCPs
I recall a dietitian called Ally5555 who went even further and called fellow HCP's quacks and dickheads, but she was an anti LowCarber so that's alright then!