Saturday, 6 July 2013

Eat To Your Meter Forum goes batshit !

Yesterday a thread stated on the ETYM forum called ‘Can anyone explain‘. Evidently I had been banned, then it was no he has not been banned, then I had changed my forum profile, and I had even re-joined under another name. Well the only thing that was a fact is I am banned, as can be seen from the screen shot below. The next question for the very small group of people who may be interested is, why was I banned, and why was my recent posts deleted within three minutes that led to the banning.

Click on screen shots to enlarge.

Well I had been telling them from day one the forum name was a big mistake, that it had to include diabetes or diabetic in the name. So, they finally take heed after banning me (still banned) and what do they do ? Copy a well established forum’s name ! At first I thought is this a clever marketing ruse to cash in on others work. I dismissed that as far too accomplished for the chumps running the place*. Not only that, their chances of getting there new name on the front page of a Google search are next to nil. Hits get a site up the rankings, place diabetes support in a Google search and see what you get, and that is what you are always going to get, while those sites exist. BTW If I owned the forum diabetes support I would have a lot to say about this latest development at ETYM, just a thought.

Thank you to the people who have supported me, it’s much appreciated, and Paul don’t worry about getting stuck in the middle. You’re the most liked guy over there for a bloody good reason, if people don’t like you, or turn on you, them f**k them, they are not worth worrying about.


* The chumps do not include xyzzy or Pneu, big respect guys. The good guys have seen your hard work at the flog !

A few forum name suggestions

Sid Bonkers flying diabetics circus or Defrens diabetes cakes and commiseration agony colomn or happy birthday to the diabetic pussys (cats). Am I taking the piss ? To right I am, but I did not start this sad debacle.

PS. I received an email from Defren today, the first in a very long time. This informed me I had a PM from her in my mail box at the forum. I logged in to read the PM.

What did I learn, I am still banned and wait for it ! We hope you like the new name and changes to YOUR forum. And people say I am a piss taker LOL


  1. Oh, how you like to twist everything, so it makes you look like the almighty one.

  2. I think the new name is a copy of an established forum.
    No imagination used there by anyone.
    It really should be called the Defren flop show. Does she really think other people have not had any major surgery? She had a burst appendix, she is not the first and will not be the last, get over it.
    The only thing she has got in abundance is ego but that won't draw the crowds.
    Be thankful that you are banned Eddie, it's a forum that is going nowhere.

  3. I don't see any copying Eddie, they are 2 completely separate domain names.

  4. Google "diabetes"

    First website is Them a few rows down

    Both with similar keyword and "diabetes"

    These are 2 different entities but both doing the same thing, they look different. Both have information and both have forums.

    What's your point?

    Google "diabetes support forum"

    First website is, then, keep looking you will see, guess what? doing the same thing, same keywords, and have forums.

    In fact Eddie, they all have the same keywords "diabetes support forum"

    The new domain is not the same as any of them. So there are lots and lots of sites using the same keywords and names doing the same thing.

    One could accuse you the same Eddie...

  5. Bio

    Have I not been saying from the start, diabetes or diabetic should be in the forum name from day one ? Yes or no ? Now I read from Defren

    "having diabetes in our name is vital to do the work we all want to do"

    I will put you straight on other major issues soon. Together we will make a good forum out of that horses arse yet.


  6. Whatever they call the forum, it is doomed.
    There are too many chiefs and not enough indians and they are a tight knit clique. It would be difficult for a newbie to assimilate all that is going on with regard to handbags, shoes, operations, and everything else that is not diabetes related and reinforces that Defren is a pain.

  7. "Oh, how you like to twist everything, so it makes you look like the almighty one."

    Almighty one, maybe to some, but it’s all relative don’t you think. Some think I am clever, other think I’m an idiot, ask me if I care. As for twisting the truth, watch this space to see who are the real twisters of truth.


  8. Eddie,

    Yes you did, that's not a secret. But we went with etym because that's what we were. But don't think for one minute we changed because of you.

    The domain name has been owned for many months, lots of companies/people rebrand all the time, it's nothing new and so what if we changed our name, big deal. We still promote eat to your meter.

    Thanks all the same, but I would rather not be together with you helping.

    Maybe instead of bad mouthing us, you either ignore us or be nice, after all is it not about just helping other diabetics?

  9. "But don't think for one minute we changed because of you."

    That's cool Bio, it just took you guys nine months to work out what I worked out in nine minutes.

    Maybe I am sharper than I thought !


  10. Blind Dog said

    Eddie the change has mine and pneu's full support but we really can't be arsed to argue at the moment as on of our much loved family dogs is fighting for her life after suffering heart failure last night.

    I'll let you decide if you want to publish or edit this in fill and won't object if you don't.

    Will try and comment for you when I can.


  11. I wish that ETY did support diabetics.
    All they are interested in is themselves and their own lives. Pages and pages of useless blogs, Defren's diary and her every move. Who cares how many calories/carbs she is eating daily? Who cares whether she eats 5 strawberries or 6? Who cares if Ashleigh eats junk food every day? This is not support, this is rubbish.

  12. Dear Eddie,
    You do make me laugh with your blog.
    Looking on the cakes and commiseration forum, you have been reinstated. Wonder how long for?


  13. More bullshit at ETYM

    I am still banned, they just changed the colour of the banned to the same as everyone else.


  14. Time to send the sock puppets into ETYM Eddie. If they can play dirty then so can others. They need tying up in knots. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

  15. Whos trying to play dirty, we certainly are not. And in reference to the colours, they simply changed with the upgrade to the forum software. This is being fixed.

    Crikey people do you have no life?


    Anonymous's I see you don't have the balls to sign with a real name!

  16. Bio said, "I see you don't have the balls to sign with a real name". lol
    What does Bio actually mean? Does it say who you are anymore than Anonymous does. If you put your name and address then there would be a difference.

  17. Bio, you'd be better off consoling the Drama Queen aka Defren. She thinks she has PTSD now.

  18. She will be telling us next she is a diabetic LOL


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