Saturday, 20 July 2013

Gezza never fails to amaze !

Gezza said to IanD.

"I believe I am following your advice and increasing my fat as you said that would benefit me and help to avoid hypos."

Ian actually said.

"Please let us know how that change of diet affects your low BG incidents. IMO it should be beneficial." A subtle difference I would suggest.

Why am I smelling the shit of the bull here ? If you are suffering from a hypo, fat is the last thing you want to consume. Try Glucotabs, Lucozade, full sugar coke, anything other than fat. Fat has little or no effect on raising BG numbers.

More game playing from Gezza ?, time will tell, it always does.

Correction to last Gezza post. I said the way Gezza was going he would be on a Bernstein 30 carbs per day diet by Christmas. On July the 18th. he stated carbs 29% of 1500 calories per day, a carb reduction of 50% in 24 hours. At this rate he will be on a Bernstein carb recommendation before the heat wave ends. Remember Gezza was on 250+ carbs per day on a 2000 calorie per day diet  not so long ago !

 Gezza signature on the 18th.

Click on screen shot to enlarge.

As of today Gezza has removed all details from his signature, as can be seen from the screen shot, has he gone for the full Monty Keto diet ? has he gone zero carb ?, has he gone batshit ? we need to be told !


Link to here.


  1. a very clear picture is forming -- this guy seems to be lacking in insight, and he's plunging into a caricature of a low-carb diet. he's going to end up sick and feeling like hell, and then he's going to blame low-carb for his own stupidity.

    one can't make it up as one goes along, and expect the best results! because we've found that "food is medicine" we know that unqualified people ARE "practicing medicine" without the knowledge that they need to do it successfully. people's behavior can boggle the mind....

  2. I just hope he is not abusing Ian's trust and wasting his time.
    iam is trying to help and Ian as we all know is a very admirable person.

    I think that when people try to help and their advice is treated in aggressive way then the person concerned is very confused and angry and is just looking for someone to blame.
    I hope this doesn't happen to Ian who deserves everyone's respect.
    Gezza does need help - but not necessarily for his diabetes{?}

  3. We are surprised at you Unbeliever/Blinkered.
    Why are you breaking DCUK form rules? ......Being rude and offensive to forum members on other media......Just remember that opinions are like backsides, we all have one.

    We know you are not getting on well on ETYM and always thought that you were not into school playground tactics. How wrong we were.

  4. Anonymous said...

    "We are surprised at you Unbeliever/Blinkered.
    Why are you breaking DCUK form rules? ......Being rude and offensive to forum members on other media......Just remember that opinions are like backsides, we all have one."

    Bravely spoken gutless anon ! Who is the we ? Gezza is full of it, you know it and I know it. Why has Gezza kept away from the thread I have quoted on ? He has found the time to post elsewhere !

    "We know you are not getting on well on ETYM and always thought that you were not into school playground tactics. How wrong we were."

    Back to the Royal we ! Blinkered gave far more than she took at ETYM, and does not skulk in the shadows like you anon.


  5. Hi Tess

    Games are being played for sure. The truth always outs in the end. I have one keen sense of smell, and I have been smelling BS from this guy for some time.


  6. Rude and offensive? To whom?
    I am concened about Ian and about Gezza. Ian is a very nice straighforward character and Gezza just seems to want to challlenge
    all the advice he is given.
    I think many of us recognise that angry feeling - I certainly do.
    Rude and offensive is i the eye of the beholder.
    Forum rules are open to interpretation too.
    I only care about the opinions of those I respect -who is it possible to respec the anonymous
    in that context?
    I appreciate many have good reasons to remain anonymous of course
    Please don't seek to threaten me with "rules" from any forum!
    Actually I should thank you for that. Funniest thing I've heard for a while.

  7. Anonymous troll said...
    "We are surprised at you Unbeliever/Blinkered.
    Why are you breaking DCUK form rules? ......Being rude and offensive to forum members on other media......Just remember that opinions are like backsides, we all have one.

    We know you are not getting on well on ETYM and always thought that you were not into school playground tactics. How wrong we were."

    'We'? who IS can't even post with a recognizable forum name...piss off!! Unbeliever/blinkered is worth a MILLION of you,whatever you are..Cretin! bloody troll grrrr

  8. Having on of your off days again Paul?

  9. Anonymous said...

    Having on of your off days again Paul?

    Paul is worth a hundred of you, you gutless piece of trash. How will you deal with cancer when you get it ? Paul knows, he has been there and done it, and whipped its arse.


  10. ETYM never fails to amaze me.
    14 replies to a post about a psychotic blackbird, you couldn't make it up.


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The best of health to you and yours.
