Xyzzy said at diabetes support formerly ETYM forum.
"Eddie resigned after he sent a pornographic email to Jo (Defren). I
still have the email and the internet headers that are invisibly
attached to all emails when sent proving it came from his email address.
I still also remember Sue (my wife) and I taking Jo's telephone call
and having to console her over its content when it appeared in her
inbox. I also have Eddie's bizarre attempt at an apology in a later
Xyzzy is that the best you can do mate, give me a good argument at least. I know you can do better than this. We've done the "pornographic email" bit yesterday get up to speed lad.
I copied all the board members with that "pornographic email" It was a joke, an old joke many have heard, bad taste maybe but not pornographic ! Publish this "pornographic email" together with my "bizarre" apology.I have not denied sending the email and have posted it on this blog, or as near as damn well as I can remember. My resignation was weeks after the email was sent. If you lot thought it was so bad, why was I not fired as a board member immediately and banned for life? You're talking utter tosh and you know it ! More importantly, many of your members know it I suspect !
So chuffed you took my advice re. the forum name, remember how you came on here, more than once and gave me an argument, when I said diabetic or diabetes needs to be in the name. The big question is, how low will you people go to defend the indefensible ?
Your board members have bullied and lied and connived, most of the members can see it. Many have emailed and posted here in my support. Why do they fear to post on your forum ? When will Blinkered get an apology ? When will you lot admit you have messed up big time ? Why have so many of the early members walked ? Why is it that a forum that has hundreds of visitors in a day, yet no one wants to join ? When are you going to remove all the obvious spoof names in the members list ?
I would ask these questions on your forum, but the MO in your joint is delete, thread lock and ban. Over to you xyzzy. BTW I am off fishing tomorrow, so you and your board can get your heads together and come up with some plausible answers. Let's face it, you and your team always came at me mob handed when I said something that rocked the boat.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that when someone like him spends his entire time attacking our forum on his blog, members are surprised that we stop him from attacking us on our own forum by banning him.
Entire time attaking us Grazer has lost the plot anyone can read this blog how many articles are about his crappy forum lie after lie from them.
I hope you don't wait as long as Blinkered will before this is sorted.
ReplyDeleteI notice that xyzzy's tone in his post was really bad. Why didn't he just say F**K OFF if you don't like it here because that is how it came across.
Any mod/board member would have said something along the lines that if there are genuine concerns then please PM me but that would involve common sense I suppose.
A them and us mentality is now alive and well on ETYM with members bewildered as to why the hostility when questions are asked. Nobody is above criticism and if Board Members and Mods think they are immune then they need to think again, no matter how much money they have put in.
Grazer said.
ReplyDelete"members are surprised that we stop him from attacking us on our own forum by banning him. Well we have, and I can tell you he won't be coming back while I'm a board member and part owner."
Grazer you don't have to go because of me LOL. Permanently banned eh ? great, now we can have a real debate, if you and your bullying gang are up to it that is.
It would have made more sense and been more honest to ban you permanently rather than allow you to post as if the ban had been lifted andthen ban every post you made regardless of he conten.
ReplyDeleteJust for being you!
i suppose that his must mean that there was disagreement amongst the Board but it was irrelevant as he 2banners1 always got their way.
their loss.
Some ETYM Board members have short memories.
ReplyDeleteThey couldn't take over DCUK and used Eddie's blog as a platform to denigrate it's admin and members and now the tables have turned and their site and this blog is showing them up for what they are.
What with all this talk of pornography and grooming in xyzzy's post, what the hell is going on?
ReplyDeletei didn't read any of he comments on
ReplyDeletehat forum yesterday -mainly because i hate reading my own typos which I can't see at the ime but often can the next day.
it strruck me that if eddie and his log didn't exist , hey would have o invent him.
he can be blamed for everything.
It was very dishonest of Grazer o try o say that the incident wih me was about eddie. grazer was presen , took part in the thread and knows very well that alll the objectionable behaviour happened long before eddie posted in my support saying eacly the same hings that others had said - yet heir posts were not banned.
the wole thing, weasel words , xyzzy;s agression , rying o shift the blame to eddie is all a smokescreen , put up to defend the unreasonable behaviour of one person.
Because many of the mebers there now are just groupies they are happy to have unpleasantness and
anything which reflecs badly on the idol igmored.
They know it and so do i.
thats why you ge the nonsense from those who have been backfooted.
i think Bio's account of why Eddie left - no mention of "dodgy" emails being the immediate cause is honest and accurate.
if a compromise could no be reached then I have no diffficulty believing that Eddie and Dillinger and boro would have preferred to be just ordinary members so they could post their own views.
Its always a pity when people can't see that there is room for all.
if the "delicate flowers" are allowed to hold sway then others are deprived of information which could save heir lives -or limbs.
the grumpiness and chidishness
shown by some mebers just proves o me that they know hey are on the wrong track, have in some cases been forced ino a false posiion
and resent it.
Just goes to show that no one gets your wierd sense of humour!
ReplyDeleteWhat with all this talk of pornography and grooming in xyzzy's post, what the hell is going on?
ReplyDeleteThe so called pornography xyzzy refers to was a one line joke which was innuendo and no way could be classed as porn.
As for the grooming you will need to ask xyzzy about that as he says it was happening on the DCUK forum.
Asleigh is joining in now and calling Blinkered names.
ReplyDeleteThis is the woman who lives on junk food and has nothing of any interest to contribute to ETYM.
Amazing turnaround by ETYM board. They loved it when Eddie was taking the mickey out of DCUK members and joined in. They even told the members being mentioned that their upsets with Eddie had no place on DCUK.
Eddie is calling you out now xyzzy, how do you like it?
I don't think Defren ever had a grip on reality.
ReplyDeleteShe uses the ETYM forum as her own stage and prances about thinking she is something special. I wish she would wake up and understand that weight loss does nothing for personality, she is still boring.
She would have us believe that she has never heard a dirty joke She must have led a very sheltered life.
What a motley bunch they are and I think their forum would suit them better without any members.