Wednesday 10 July 2013

It’s official ! People who criticise ETYM Management are w*****s !

“She is a real star and does not deserve the criticism she has received in recent days in "other places". The people who have been having a go at her are complete w*****s as far as I'm concerned. They need to grow up” xyzzy

“Don't you worry about me Steve, people like that are all brave sitting behind a keyboard” Defren

Well, they have got something right for a change at the cakes club. I am a w****r, well, let’s put it this way. At 63 years of age, and due to my excellent BG control, since type two diagnosis over five years ago, the old wedding tackle shows no signs of erectile dysfunction. Too much information, check out diabetes forums and over the years you will see so many men suffer from this situation. Often these men are in their thirties and is a very serious problem. As Doctor Richard Bernstein says “Highly elevated BG numbers effects every tissue in the body” Clearly many men risk their eyesight, limbs and kidneys by not taking their diabetes seriously, maybe the threat of erectile dysfunction might scare them into getting their diabetes under control.

As for being brave sitting behind a keyboard, I am always willing to discuss any issues face to face. I use my real name and my mug shot is out there. Anyway must go, I’m on a promise, wouldn’t want to keep her waiting, they don’t call me Spread Eagle Eddie for nothing.



  1. ETYM is finished as a diabetes forum shame all the members are leaving or have gone.

  2. Eddie too much information but I get thepoint

  3. Who are ETYM? have had an increase in members since the name change...

    Shame the ones here are all bitter and twisted.

  4. Should read the headline as ETYM Management are wa**ers.
    The increase in membership is because of their gushing and praising on a forum with a similar name by Senior Members of ETTYM in a bid to recruit from there. Wait til the handbags, shoes and cakes starts again. People will clear off.

  5. Blatant advertising on another forum. ETYM must be desperate.

  6. Grow up you w*****s :-)

  7. "Grow up you w*****s :-)"

    Chill out Steve, it's only a forum and a piss poor one at that.

    Can the shoe section recommend any good sandals for this heat wave weather ?


  8. I think the shoe section only does high heels Eddie. Maybe whips too?
    The image I have of Defren in high heels in not nice.

  9. Seems to me some people just aren't capable of understanding the concept of support. Supporting people is different to activism and one day when you're a big boy and have grown up you might just get the difference.

    In the meantime what's happening with Nigel Poo. You still having your playground tantrums at each other :-)

  10. “Seems to me some people just aren't capable of understanding the concept of support.”

    Our team have been supporting people for over five years, paying out for our website hosting, posting on forums. Working with people behind the scenes via email, telephone and face to face meetings.

    “Supporting people is different to activism and one day when you're a big boy and have grown up you might just get the difference”

    I remember when you board members were activists, then you got your own forum and turned it in to a clone of Ken must be chuffed you copied his style of moderation. Thread locking, post deletion etc. Why do you think so many who came over from DCUK left months ago ? Try being honest with them, they are not as stupid as you think, they smelt bullshit and checked out.

    “when you're a big boy and have grown up”

    When will you man up and realise you and your other board members have messed up big time. Remember how you refused to believe you had got the name wrong for nine months. When I stated that on the forum recently my posts gets deleted, I get banned, then you change the name ! Then one of you clique comes over here and states, we did not change the name because of you.

    What about Blinkered, she makes a suggestion about removing the blogs from the front page, she gets a hard time from some of the members and leaves the forum. Then you follow her advice and people say the changes are great thank you.

    As for Nigeepoo, why don’t you ask him yourself ?


  11. I got a hard time from the BOARD
    MEMBERS who were moderating Eddie - still don't know why.
    Not much support in evidence when
    I was bullied in public .
    Judging by he messages I received that episode shocked many people.


  12. Blinkered you did not deserve the treatment you received, the good people realise you were trying to improve the forum. The board members are so frail and insecure, a member could not be seen to have better ideas than the fonts of all knowledge ! My posts that got deleted were legal and contained no attacks on individuals. The reason the blogs from a few people dominated the forum was because virtually no other posts were being made. Let’s face it, even Ashleigh aka Donna kebab has checked out.

    Good health and luck to you, Eddie

  13. Unbeliever,
    You really did not deserve the back lash you got for a sensible suggestion.
    I had hummed and harred about joining ETYM but seeing what transpired put me right off. The Board really are a load of wank**s. It also showed me that any upsets and you are on your own, nobody jumped to your defence. PM's are all very well but people could have united with you.

    They seem to only want new members and are treating the people who trusted them on a new forum with contempt as in your case.

    Your treatment has not gone unnoticed and will come to haunt them as in Karma.

    They treated Eddie the same when he dared to offer advice.


  14. In he end I think it was the forum which suffered the damage. Not because of me but because the high principles and good intentions were shown to have been forgotten.
    Shame, that he talents of most of the Board and some members are being wasted.
    I hope they find their way back to helping acual diabetics again.
    Good to see that Stve and Pneu
    sill do so.


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