Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Two doctors have performed a spoof funeral ceremony for the NHS - whilst wearing David Cameron masks - in a bid to highlight their concerns over the Government’s health reforms. Dr Clive Peedell, a BMA council member, and fellow oncologist Dr David Wilson ran through the night from London to Oxford to bury the coffin marked with the NHS logo in the Prime Minister’s constituency of Witney. Dr Peedell is co-leader of the newly formed National Health Action Party, a political party launched by doctors and health care professionals.

He said: ‘People of Witney, you should not vote that man back into power. If you do there will be no NHS. This Government has abused the democratic process by forcing through a highly unpopular £4 billion top-down reorganisation of the NHS, which they promised they would never do.’

Story source here.


  1. Good story and it's true

  2. The idea of the NHS is a glorious and truly civilised thing but as we have found out with our diabetes the execution is often not quite so wonderful.

    Any organisation needs to refine what it does, manage change, make sure it behaves in a rational and efficient manner and most importantly not waste money.

    The NHS, sadly, is guilty of failing in all of those areas and that is not acceptable to us as the patients nor to us as the tax payers.

    It is a truism that the public sector, because it is protected from the harsh realities of the market, also fails to benefit from the evolutionary pressure of surviving those harsh market conditions.

    I don't think that it is good enough that in almost all my interactions with the NHS I come away thinking that the treatment is slightly suspect and slightly shambling.

    Good intentions are not enough.



  3. Great post Dillinger and worthy of a new thread, I will start one soon.



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