"Many dieticians, in particular, do this ‘appeal to authority’ thing,
like it absolves them from the need to be accurate, do the necessary
research or think for themselves."
Doctor John Briffa
Check out the link where John is shredding the latest black ops outfit The Fat Information Service aka the forum of Flora flog.
Link to the thread here.
Check out a dietitian who can see the need for accurate information, who does the necessary research, and can think for herself. Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE
The low carb dietitian site is here.
I love John Briffa :)
ReplyDeleteI'm unable to visit your site every day but was flattered to see this post today. Thanks so much for the mention and your continued support And I love Dr. Briffa too :)
Thanks for the comments ladies, keep up the great work dispelling the out of date myths about food, and shining a spot light on those who make misinformation and stupidity a full time job. And yes John is a star, we need more like him.