Thursday, 18 July 2013

Sian Porter, Dietitian consultant and morbidly obese ?

Tonight I sat watching a BBC documentary called “ Britain’s Favourite Supermarket Foods” Some of the information was useful and some was complete dross. The highlight for me was when they wheeled out the expert ! A consultant dietitian called Sian Porter, guess what ? She was well over weight and may well have been in the morbidly obese range ! The message at the end of the program ? Low fat yoghurt's can help us lose weight, oh dear, complete bollocks from the BBC, as usual.


This program can be seen here. 

Read a lot of spin by Sian here.

From Sian. 

" The media is a crowded place and as we all have to eat, everyone has an opinion on nutrition from celebrities to politicians to journalists. As dietitians we can give independent, evidence based practical advice that is interesting and entertaining. The aim is to inform and educate readers and viewers to see through the hype and make informed decisions that are relevant to their life. If we don’t do it someone lacking our skills, knowledge and evidence base will."

Yeah, Jeez you could not make this shite up !


  1. whatever happened to the BBC -- they were once a respectable organization! we KNOW what happened to A & E and The Learning Channel -- they were privatized and turned into "sewage"....

  2. I did watch this programme and it was quite a mix. Some info was good but some was confusing. For some time now I do not buy anything low fat because if you read labels the sugar content is increased.

    Ayisha Branta G

  3. OMG the NHS went to Sian to write an opinion piece disguised as fact -

  4. What a pity you are mean minded about people who have spent 4 years receiving the best training in nutrition ie dietetics and actually do know what they are talking about.

  5. Anonymous said...
    What a pity you are mean minded about people who have spent 4 years receiving the best training in nutrition ie dietetics and actually do know what they are talking about.

    Sorry but when it comes to diabetes despite their training they don't have a clue, the BDA websites guide to type 2 cites the Eat Well guide which means we should be consuming 38% from starchy carbs which will guarantee a fast progression on to multi medications or insulin

    They don't also have a clue about the devastating effects of their beloved whole grains on blood sugars



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