Monday, 1 July 2013

The Battle Of The Bulge.

Despite coming under heavy attack from Generaloberst Sid Von Bonkers, eighth Army lowcarb anti divison commander, the valiant lowcarbers are fighting back. Von Bonkers highly secretive ‘Miracle’ weapon, the mark 4 Gezzafaust failed to deliver the knock-out blow, and was deemed to be very noisy, but lacked any real punch on the battlefield. Von Bonkers woes were compounded by his Army intelligence HQ, The Phoenix Centre, failing to come up with any relative information. The Carb War goes on. Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.


  1. I absolutely love this blog and read it everyday. You just never know what you are going to find. Interesting links to great diabetes news, good recipe ideas and always that wicked sense of humour.


  2. There is a fatal flaw..There is no compartment for 'Glucotabs' in the missiles main body..Mandatory requirement for Gezza I would suggest...meanwhile sources have reported that intercepted messages have been decoded and the contents state over and over again...."Fooouuuurrrrss The Flooooooooooor..."

  3. Hi Paul

    Quality with a capital K, we missed ya, and your great sense of humour. As you know we are always looking to recruit extraordinary talent, you know where we are.


  4. With you 100% Kay


  5. Good grief Eddie I disappear for a few months (not particularly well at present) and leave you in charge ...

    What the fuck is happening over on DCUK. Come on send the troops in to sort it out!

  6. Hi Steve

    First, I was very sorry to hear you are not well and have a battle on your hands at the moment. We had our differences of opinions and scraps, but we were always fighting on the same side. I was chuffed to see you posting on the flog, your posts were, and are still amongst the best ever placed on that forum. Also, I saw Pneu is doing the rounds, a young man who has far more knowledge than most medics in the safe control of diabetes.

    Regarding The Battle of the Bulge I am working on episode two, you feature highly, an excerpt.

    While Generaloberst Sid Von Bonkers, eighth Army lowcarb anti divison commander, convalesces in the Kehlsteinhaus or the "Eagle's Nest" the valiant low carbers are gaining the upper hand. With Von Bonkers suffering from battle fatigue and malnutrition, brought about by an extremely restricted starvation diet, the situation looks grim. With lowcarb reinforcements gaining ground, and with Air Force Ace Wing Commander ‘slim’ xyzzy DFM Spitfire Squadron exacting great damage on the enemy, Von Bonkers is said to be a gibbering .wreck.

    The best of luck and health to you and yours.

    Kind regards Eddie

  7. ... Thanks for the kind words Eddie. At the moment my pituitary gland is working overtime spitting out the wrong hormones which is making life difficult. Dunno ... you just get your pancreas to behave and some other bit starts mucking about but I'm gradually getting it sorted ...

    ... As you say we've had our differences and are bound to disagree in the future but that's half the fun isn't it ...

    ... Fundamentally I appreciate our aims are the same even if our methods differ ...

    ... Take care and keep up the good work ...

    ... PS Whatever happened with Nigel Poo? I did try to sort that out and he even promised to give up attacking you but he soon reverted to type so I couldn't be arsed anymore. ...

  8. When gezzathorpe posted his blood test results the remnants of the anti low carb clique were on it like a rat up a drain pipe.

    I have linked to their comments below you will notice neither Sid Bonkers or catherinecherub made any reference to the hypo's (which undoubtedly influenced his A1c) or offered any constructive advice to what could be be a serious condition.

    Cherub !Well done gezzathorpe, marvellous results

    Bonkers Great results Gezzathorpe You must be well pleased


  9. Quote of the week from bonkers:

    "I simply object to those people who insult me on other blogs and forums"

    This from the most arrogant, rudest and sarcastic hypocrite on the forum.


  10. "I simply object to those people who insult me on other blogs and forums"

    He could come over here and debate on a level playing field, one to one, with me, but he won't, because he is a gutless bully. As could Gezza.


  11. Blind Doggie/xyzzy, whatever your name is.
    ETYM won't survive for very long if members are lied to.

    DCUK does not need your boring posts either.

    I have posted anonymous here because I was considering going back to ETYM but not now I can see what is going on. Devious, devious, devious.

  12. "DCUK does not need your boring posts either."

    I find his posts both interesting and constructive and he certainly adds intelligence to the debate.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
