Monday, 22 July 2013

The Drama Queen returns !

This is all the thanks we get ! She bleats  “I don't know why I and the other board members have bothered putting our time and money into this place, I really don't.”

Time, many put far more time into helping fellow diabetics and people struggling to lose weight, and as for money, you can get a forum hosted for less cost per month than a bottle of good wine. I see the gruesome Grazer was going on about money today “And my fellow board members spend our own hard earned money running this, just to try and help people.” bring out the violins.

Both Graham and myself offered to pay for the forum and much more at the start. You two forum owners have blown it big time, spare us the sympathy votes. What will it be next ? Threatening to close the forum down ? Threatening to leave ? Maybe you could start a smear campaign and pretend people you want to ban are pervs or trouble makers. What a shambles you have presided over, man up and sort it out, or go ! As you said about me, no-one is indispensable, only the members ! When the members walk, and many have, you haven't got a forum, you've got a cakes and commiseration club.Try and remember that.



  1. no kittens??? i thought it was mandatory to have lots of cute pictures of kittens, preferably with sappy platitudes written on them in a cakes-and-commiseration site.... ;-)

  2. What a lot of sanctimonious crap from Defren. She should stop and think of the part she played in all this.

    As for the shoes, what can one say? I have heard of diabetics having to take special care of their feet but that is not what Defren is on about.

    She has an odd take on support when she lets members down. Blinkered showed her up and she will not rest, she has to try and discredit her.

    Lots of people are sickened by Defren's contributions to the ETYM forum that is going nowhere.

    I will never post there again and wish to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.

  3. Ha! It's like Toy R Us over there at the moment with the amount of pram emptying going on!

  4. You do it because you care Jo. Never forget that was why you and the others gave us a platform to use to spread our kind of support. We were all fed up at the browbeating and downright bullying that went on at the other forum where tinpot megalomaniacs ruled the roost.

    Two tinpot megalomaniacs appear to rule the roost at ETYM.


  5. I wondered how long it would take for the kneecap sucking to start. Very touching, I'm sure.


  6. She is getting the attention she craves now. The ass lickers are coming to her aid.

  7. Yes, she will be getting lots of attention I think. What ever you do, don’t mention jump leads !


  8. Can't you just PM the like-minded, and go out and create your own board? Been there, done that. :)

    No one is worth that aggrevation.

  9. You are a well known lowcarb freedom fighter Eddie. Blinkered is a gentle and kind helper. She did not deserve the bullying she got from Defren and her little gang. Shame on them.


  10. Gwen

    Thanks so much for your comment. I think Eddie would do it but I may have talked him out of it. He does enough already behind the scenes. We do go out of our way to help people and we enjoy doing it. You have to take the rough with the smooth in this life. I work in the smooth department LOL and Eddie deals with the rough!!!

    All the best Jan

  11. The Eddies and Caroles fill a very important role in this world. I (and people like me) are inclined to sneer quietly and move on, but to takedown the Juggernauts one has to be willing to get in their faces.

    Keep fighting the good fight! Some of us wallflowers DO have your back!

  12. EYTM or DiabetesSupportForum or whatever it is goinf to be. Thought I had stumbled into NetMums by mistake. Back stabbing, in-fighting and luvvies or as Eddie would put it... Eerrm... I think you know what Eddie would call them. Here's a clue begins with A, two words, the second begins with L.

  13. I have given up using foul language. I received this as part of a PM via the forum of fantasy yesterday.

    “I have decided to take my own advice & write to you to tell you that I really find foul language used in posts to be very offensive . It is not necessary and shows a lack of courtesy. If I, a lady of 65 yrs , was in your company would you use such language I wonder? If so, shame on you.”

    This ‘Lady’ went on to tell me she had “burnt” what was left of her husband seven years ago, riddled with illness and minus a limb due to diabetic complications. She felt I was too hard on people and I should try the slowly, slowly, catche monkey approach. Not my style I’m afraid, I leave that to the NHS and collectors of shoes and cats.



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