Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Carbsane quote of the week !

"Yeah, I think the LC folks especially have a distorted view of normal weight. I myself will never be a "normal weight" and that is fine with me."

Carbsane aka Evelyn Kocur the morbidly obese blogger that rubbishes lowcarb, and her hate list runs from A to Z of the lowcarbing and Paleo world. She knows it all, other than how to lose weight of course. "I myself will never be a "normal weight" Too right Evie !

Evie on twitter. 

19 Aug
Thanks! In other news, my stalker blog has gone poof.

We're still here Evie !


  1. "Yeah, I think the LC folks especially have a distorted view of normal weight. I myself will never be a "normal weight" and that is fine with me."

    Kind of says it all..well,there you have it low carbers have been labeled in the past liars,scurvy inflicted and NOW suffering with safe weight myopia to boot ? All hail the Carbsane Asylum!!

    Gotta laugh or you'd cry eh!


  2. Shame her own stalker blog hasn't "gone poof" - there would be many victims who'd breathe a sigh of relief if it did.

    I guess I'm imagining that my current "normal" weight, achieved (and maintained easily) following a LCHF diet is slap bang in the middle of the healthy/normal BMI range for my height? Not to mention my "normal" A1c of 5%.

  3. Many congrats on that Jill -if its true that is!



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