The big talking point over the last week is chemical weapons. Who used them is still being investigated, and they are indeed terrible weapons. Our Prime Minister did his best last night to get us involved in another war, and failed. But what’s all the fuss about chemical weapons ? Is it more acceptable to kill non combatant innocent men, women and children with cruise missiles, laser guided smart bombs and missile launching un-manned drones ? If people were trying to kill my family the method would not figure too high on my list of priorities. Stopping them would be my main priority with any method that worked, full stop. This is what war is all about, and it is never pretty. Let’s not kid ourselves war is ever anything less than total destruction and horror. The only winners are the arms manufacturers and we are one of the largest arms exporters in the world.
So why all the fuss about chemical weapons ? Could it be the aforementioned ‘acceptable weapons’ are way beyond the scope of the average terrorist to manufacture or steal. Could it be that chemical weapons may soon find their way out of Syria and be used in your town in the future ? We are hearing the great and the good tell us, the users of chemical weapons have committed a heinous crime and must be punished, but where do you draw the line ? In war there is no line. World War Two resulted in 60,000,000 deaths. We have learned nothing from history and the carnage never stops, and it won’t stop, because the human race are the most stupid animals on earth. The only animal to destroy his own environment and poison the land and the sea. We destroy each other for religious beliefs, for the colour of a mans skin, for profit and greed. As Einstein said, mans intelligence is limited, his stupidity is infinite.
ReplyDeleteIf they start the war, the amount of dead people will increase for sure, including women and children.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!
ReplyDeleteExactly. Do you think they insult our intelligence A} because they don't think we have any. B} because they don't have any or C} because they know no one listens to them or all three? Mind you we have to think of all those Iraqi’s who were "saved in the "shock and awe" bombings. I am hoping that all this is just playacting and showmanship and going through the motions. j I don't just disbelieve the words of individual MP's or Parties but I am more and more seeing the House of Commons as a theatre where the script is agreed beforehand between them all and then a show is put on for the public.
Eddie, we lost our Democracy here in the states some time ago. They want to go in and they will be dropping bombs, one way or the other.
ReplyDeleteMaking machines that kill people is the only thing we seem to able to manufacture better than anyone else.
Imagine that, we can still make things better than others...
ReplyDeleteYes I am sure you are right. The cruise missiles and bombs will go in. What good will that do the average Syrian ? How many innocents will be killed and maimed ? Will this end the war ? I don’t think it will help the situation at all. If we really want to help, we should send more medics and teachers etc. into the refugee camps, with medical supplies, better food and better shelters and temporary buildings. We should set up better methods to stop weapons and ammunition getting into Syria. We can do many things, but more violence and slaughter is not the answer.
Just when you think you have seen it all......
ReplyDeleteI think the tv companies must have been anticipating a "Yes" vote because the TV press coverage seems totally geared to reinforcing the reasons for "punitive action". I don't think the Americans need to send bombers etc they could just send John Kerry to bore Asssad and his army to death.
They keep producing "evidence" about the chemical weapons claim. Why can't they understand that most people are querying the proposed response? We all know who will be punished by this action. The rhetoric is being upped all the time. I am not convinced that we have heard the last of any
British involvement. Democracy????