Sunday 11 August 2013

Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS A very special Woman !

Today, while having a trawl around the internet, I stumbled upon this Woman and her fantastic website. Clearly Sarah is not prepared to adhere to the outdated rule book, or grovel to big pharma and junk food. More and more, we are learning of healthcare professionals, who remember why they became a healthcare professional. To help others to a happier and healthier life. These are brave people who stick their heads above the parapet, and very often receive scorn and ridicule from their peers. They are worthy of the highest respect. Some words I found on Sarah’s website, in no particular order, but these words give me great hope. Some people cannot be bought, some people put the interest of their patients first, some people are very special, I believe Sarah is one of those people.


That is to say doctors should be patients’ advocates, fighting as hard as they possibly can for what they believe is the best treatment for each patient. Instead, many doctors have become what I call “defenders of the faith”. The big problem being that the “faith” is laid down by Big Pharma who manipulate drug trials in order to give favourable outcomes (gosh, when I dictated that originally it came out as incomes! Actually either would do!). As a result of which medicine today no longer follows a logical and independent science base. Indeed, the current system of post graduate medical teaching is akin to mothers learning about nutrition from advertisement hoardings posted by the food industry.

It is generally assumed that doctors go into private practice in order to earn lots of money. Fine, if you are an NHS Consultant with a long NHS waiting list which patients can jump courtesy of BUPA. These economics do not apply to the single GP living in rural Wales where, let's face it, the local people are very careful with their money, trying to compete with the local medical service where consultations are free, prescriptions are free and referrals to the hospital are also free. No, economics is not the reason why I have ended up in private practice. Indeed, I have to say I am very bad at economics – I know I have enough money to give myself a very adequate lifestyle and see my two daughters through university. I have no savings, no pension plan and no intention to retire because I enjoy my work. For me not to work would be the death knell. This style of medicine suits me. However, I would not advise any young doctor to tread the path I have trod unless they have very good reason. It is fraught with insecurity, lack of support and of course very poor holiday entitlement. Furthermore, other doctors who do not understand my style of practice regularly complain about me to the GMC and although none of these complaints has come to anything, simply answering their numerous queries is tiresome.

The only reason I can see for a General Practice grade doctor to go into private practice is for clinical freedoms. I have worked for 20 years within the NHS in General Practice and increasingly found myself restricted by what I was and was not allowed to do. Having recently spent six months as an Associate Specialist at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital working with patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, these restrictions have become so great that I am simply unable to practise there.

The dietary advice for diabetics given to British patients by most NHS dieticians is little short of appalling. They continue to prescribe high carbohydrate diets to their patients and concentrate on regulating the diet with respect to when carbohydrates are eaten instead of the correct change in the diet to reduce carbohydrate intake to a low glycaemic index diet.

Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS

Link to Sarah's website here.


  1. Oh dear she is another Dr Briffa - supplement seller - she has been investigated by the BMA

  2. "she has been investigated by the BMA"

    And cleared !

    Oh dear ! Are you a dietitian flogging the diet of death ? Maybe a big pharma rep killing people for money. Maybe a carboholic, obsessed with carbs and medication. One thing’s for sure, you are a negative anon. And that counts for zilch on this blog. Thank you for adding to our page view count.


  3. Ah no smoke without fire she is a medical outcast like Briffa-he sells snake oil and tries to claim he is an innocent!

  4. Medical outcasts are right up my street. The none medical outcasts have failed totally. 93% of UK type one diabetics never get to a safe HbA1c NHS stats. Over to you anon.


  5. Oh Eddie people like me add to your count for amusement . Maybe you would actually publish what you eat every day instead of the vague posts about what you eat and supplement with?

  6. “Oh Eddie people like me add to your count for amusement” That I truly believe, because you have no useful information to add to the debate. You are an anon, skulking in the shadows. Obtaining a warped satisfaction, at the expense of others, who try to help diabetics and victims of corruption and bent science. What I eat is clearly illustrated on our food blog (address at the top of our blog) Who’s payroll are you on anon ?


  7. Ah hiding again about what you eat Eddie go on post what you do not a cake

  8. Clearly you are not one of the more accomplished lowcarb anti anons that post comments here. I have a keen sense of smell, and I smelling typical UK dietitian or carb junky. I will try one more time. The food I eat on a daily basis is exactly as posted on our recipe and food ideas site. I do not take or use any supplements.

    Link to our recipe site.


  9. Anonymous said...
    "Oh Eddie people like me add to your count for amusement . Maybe you would actually publish what you eat every day instead of the vague posts about what you eat and supplement with?"

    Hi Anonymouse!

    Touched a raw nerve have we?
    Why don't you have a proper read of the blog? If you do you'll see plenty of examples of what Eddie eats and the great recipes he posts-ALL low carb! I bet you're not a low carber-most anonymous posters aren't and advocate a diet of starch and high meds but do come back anytime although maybe if you want us to take you seriously then post with an identity and debate your case from YOUR perspective rather than attacking Dr Briffa from behind the shadows in a cowardly way.


  10. Anonymous said...
    "Ah hiding again about what you eat Eddie go on post what you do not a cake"

    Oh no!! Gibberology at it's best!

    Love to the dogs!


  11. "Ah hiding again about what you eat Eddie go on post what you do not a cake"

    What a stupid prat you are, Eddie has posted many of his recipes on this blog. I can't see him going to the effort of cooking the meals if he was not going to eat them.


  12. A family member has had two recommendations to Dr Myhill from different people who has cured them of chronic conditions where standard medical procedures have failed. Thanks for posting this I read quite a lot of her website. Her dietary recommendations are for all, I notice, but perfect for diabetics which indicates that the diet followed by many of us is in fact , or should be he normal diet and its everyone else who is out of step.


  13. I was just thinking earlier that Eddie and Graham have managed to find some great stuff recently.
    I saw the number of comments for this item and thought I was missing a really good discussion.

    Just as well you have a sense of humour Eddie!


  14. Anonymouse said...
    Ah hiding again about what you eat Eddie go on post what you do not a cake

    Hey sunshine we don't hide on this blog because unlike you we have nothing to hide!

    It's plain to see why you choose to remain an anonymous weasel for you must know we can expose you for what you really are: A hypocritical LowCarb anti

    And just for you plenty more recipes here:


  15. Anonymouse wimp said...

    "Maybe you would actually publish what you eat every day instead of the vague posts about what you eat and supplement with?"

    More to the point are you a diabetic if so what type? just what do you eat and what meds and supplements do you take, how old are you and what gender, finally are you one of these vile anonymous internet trolls we read about.

    As for supplements all I take is omega3 and Eddie doesn't take any at all.


  16. Thanks for the link to Dr Myhill's site. I had heard of her but hadn't seen her site. I shall add it to the carbsaner blogroll.


  17. It is refreshing to see a Dr who does stand up for what she believes. Interesting post, thank you.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
