Thursday, 1 August 2013

Good grief a truly lowcarb bread available in the shops !

OK, once you get past the spin and the hype check this bread. Who knows what it tastes like, but do you know what really enthuses me ? the big boys are beginning to wake up to the fact, people want to eat less carbs, and they realise there is a market for lowcarb food ! This is what they say.

Click on screen shots to enlarge.

So, carb content way under half of most commercially produced loaves on the supermarket shelves and "carbs have a terrible reputation" could have been written by the lowcarb Hezbollah, times are a changing folks. Over the last five years I have seen the list of Doctors and Dietitians raising their heads above the parapet steadily increasing. They know a diet based on sugar and starch is not the way to control type two diabetes and weight problems. The cat is out of the bag, and countless millions all over the world, realise we have been hoodwinked for decades. We won’t fall for the propaganda of saturated fat is a hazard and sugar and starch is healthy anymore. Every where we go, we see low in fat as the big message, how long before the big boys in food manufacturing, realise low in carbs/sugar will be the next big earner ? I believe some have seen the light, and this new bread proves it !

Check out the full details here.



I bought some from Waitrose today, had a slice with just butter it has a soft texture and a slight malty taste. I will definitely be buying more depending on the outcome of a few BG tests which I'll do tomorrow.



  1. Just shown this to my wife who says she will add it to the list of shopping next time we go near our Waitrose. It could be an excellent addition to our lower carb eating. Who knows you may be able to market the low carb cakes more? We did make the new lemon one but used two lemons it turned out great,thanks


  2. On offer at £1.32 but will be £1.99

    Too dear for me.


  3. Happy days!!! Fried egg on toast! It's pricey BUT I would freeze it and just toast from frozen as and when..the anti's must be barking right now..the message is getting out there albeit small but getting there all the same!

    Thanks for the heads up..even Carbo can tuck in now! lol

  4. This is so true it's sickening "Every where we go, we see low in fat as the big message," What we all want to see is low in carbohydrate. Those well controlled type 2 diabetics know the guilty party for poor blood sugar levels is carbohydrate and not fat.


  5. Jenny said...

    Too dear for me.

    Yes I agree that is the big drawback Jenny.


  6. paul1976 said...

    even Carbo can tuck in now! lol

    The heroic amounts of toast carbo/tubs gets through it would cost a small fortune.



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