Thursday, 8 August 2013

Has the Bonkers one got the “minerals” ?


Sid Bonkers yesterday at the forum of flog. Raving at a flog member and a member of this blog namely Paul. How ironic, the biggest forum bully in the history of the forum, other than the Stalinist Cugila, should attack Paul and accuse him of bullying. He then went on to say “It is you who is continually mocking me and other DCUK members on the ediots blog and what I said stands, if you have something to say to me or about me at least have the minerals to say it to me here where I will reply”. As almost always Bonkers got it wrong ! I mock Bonkers, and he deserves it. Apart from bullying lowcarbers for the last five years, he has been heavily involved with harassing two Doctors from the forum. The last Doctor that joined the forum, swiftly received the Bonkers treatment, when he stated on the forum “Forgive me if am wrong but I smell a low carb troll here, perhaps you could allow the mods to verify who you really are by allowing them to contact your practice for confirmation as you do not sound genuine to me”

Bonkers went on saying “If you are a real doctor however, with nothing to hide, then I'm sure you will be only to happy to provide your name and the name of your surgery so it can be verified tomorrow when they open. And I will be happy to apologise and reply to you in a more positive manner. Until then I still believe you are a low carb troll. Happy to be proven wrong though, the ball is in your court”

The Doctor's credentials were checked and found to be genuine by the management. Did Bonkers apologise ? No. I suspect it is because he does not have the “minerals” Will he apologise to Paul ? No way. I have observed Bonkers for the thick end of five years. His usual MO is to bully, insult and ridicule people, (almost always lowcarbers) and when it all goes pear shaped for him, he disappears for a while under the nearest rock. Of course he is welcome to come over here to debate the issues, but I reckon he hasn’t got the “minerals”


Link to Bonkers playing the bullying oaf here.

Click on screen shot to enlarge. BTW the thread was locked.


  1. I am pretty sure that Sid and others don't think of their own thread de-railing post deleting activities as cyber-bullying, but that is the case. Tactics like those drive posters to make their points elsewhere as a derailed thread or a deleted post makes nonsense of the argument and denies an opponent for the opportunity to make their point.

    Comments posted elsewhere can always be answered elsewhere. Pulling the plug on an opponent, could and should be seen as an admission of defeat, if done purely because you are losing the argument.


  2. So Unbeliever, you are also calling Sid a cyber bully? Please clarify.
    Why shouldn't Sid stand up for himself as well as Paul?

  3. Why does Sid not come over here ? I will tell you why, because he is a bullying coward and he can’t go running to the mods to delete or ban people. The bottom line, he does not have the “minerals” to take me on, on a level playing field.


  4. Problem with Sid he likes to dish it out but he can't take it, if you look through his posts there are many instances of his bullying ways.

  5. I didn’t' agree that Paul was a cyber-bully. Of course Sid or anyone else should be allowed to stand up for themselves and state their case. I was pointing out that Sid's methods of standing up for himself
    was more often than not, to join with others in derailing a thread and having it locked or by making a complaint and having the post deleted. A robust argument is not bullying. neither is stating your opinion elsewhere when you have been denied the means of doing so in the place where he discussion/argument began. As have said before I quite enjoy Sid's posts.. My exchanges with him have often been quite amicable but on occasion , when he didn't like what I posted he merely complained - behind my back and had my posts deleted. He just can't see that his way of doing things is just as objectionable to others as posing about him elsewhere is to him. And he, certainly does no need any ANONYMOUS assistance.


  6. Why doesn't Sid come over here?
    Why don't you go over to DCUK?
    Oh I forgot, you are banned.

  7. "Oh I forgot, you are banned"

    I never left you chump, win a coconut and tell me what name I post under. The more the merrier is the DCUK motto, or haven't you heard



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