Monday, 19 August 2013

Long-term study finds Australian adults increasingly at risk of diabetes and obesity.

One of the most comprehensive studies tracking the health of Australians has released findings that paint a disturbing picture of the nation's battle with diabetes and obesity.

The AusDiab study was funded through a National Health and Medical Research Council grant and followed 11,000 Australians for 12 years. Researchers found the incidence of diabetes remained very high, with almost 270 adult Australians diagnosed each day, and people aged 25-34 were gaining more weight than other age groups. Patients with diabetes were also found more likely to suffer other conditions as well.

Prevalence of depression in patients with diabetes was 65 per cent, which was much higher than those without diabetes. Study leader Professor Jonathan Shaw says the link between diabetes and depression is complex.

More here.


  1. The only young Aussies I have met in recent years were tanned and fit from all the water sports etc the climate allowed them to enjoy.
    It comes as a surprise to hear how that the obesity problem is so bad there. I don't know whether they are more like the Americans or like us?

    How can governments and Public Health officials avoid the obvious?

    I disagree with Professor Shaw about the links between diabetes and depression. They are not complex but simple, understandable and only to be expected.


  2. I agree with you 100% Kath regarding depression and diabetics. I get depressed at times, who wouldn’t when we see what is going on in the world as we watch the news. I have never been depressed about my Type 2 diabetes. I have always regarded my type 2 diabetes as a life sentence, not a death sentence. It was my diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes which stopped me taking my health for granted, and pushing hard for many tests that my atherosclerosis was discovered. Four years ago I had two heart stents fitted, whether I live one day longer no-one will ever know but it is an absolute fact that reducing my weight, controlling my bg numbers and my heart procedure has improved my quality of life massively.



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