Hi guys!
Looking around cyberspace this morning I stumbled across this rather misguided article, just one of the misconceptions below stated.
"Nothing irks me more than the concept of a low carbohydrate diet. There is such an abundance of vapid, obsessive chatter over why a bowl of pasta or a piece of bread is so threatening to our figures that it seems people have completely lost touch with what constitutes good nutrition.
Now don’t get me wrong, I know that not all carbohydrates are created equal. Bleached flours are essentially void of any nutritional value and white potatoes have extremely high GI values, but why people are so afraid of legumes and whole grains – which happen to be very protein dense completely baffles me.
It boggles the mind as to why someone could possibly think that a processed protein bar or a protein drink sachet, pretending to be a health product is better than a piece of fruit or a serving of hummus"
So low carbers exist on a diet of 'Atkins' bars and protein shakes? well the answer to that is NO and neither do we spend a fortune on processed food products, take a look at the recipes on the blog to see the kind of grub we ACTUALLY eat.
Link to the blog here www.lowcarbdietsandrecipes.blogspot.com
More from the article here.
"neither do we spend a fortune on processed food products"
ReplyDeleteCertainly do not in our house. Processed foods are kept well away from. Good fresh food is what the money for the weekly food shop is spent on. If I can get something that may be on special offer then it's a bonus.
It’s strange but people always assume that anything out of the norm has to be extreme and threatening. The “norm” is what needs to be regarded with suspicion.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing particularly new about a "low carb diet" it is just the name itself. In the 60's it was common knowledge that avoiding starchy carbs was the way to lose weight and to keep it off. I have noticed this aspect of a low carb diet is beginning to gain popularity with those in their late twenties and thirties. This is good because that age group will create a demand which will benefit everyone.
The most ridiculous and meaningless phrase in my opinion, is “a normal healthy diet” look around you, what is a normal diet healthy? The alternatives is not a protein bar and shake. I totally agree with Sue's post above.
Wasn't it in the 60's when things started to go astray? Mods, rockers, Carnaby Street, perhaps not. Those in the know managed to still live a clean and healthy life while others were led astray quite badly.Now in 2013 a healthy lifestyle is beginning to mean far more to people, that is good.
I think people did still eat more healthily in the 60s. Steak bars not burger bars were he order of the day people ate smaller portions and had he time to cook more as most people would still work nine to five Monday to Friday.
ReplyDeleteShift work, irregular hours and fast food based on carbs started to creep in after that. Yes I agree hat people are becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, having lived through a few recessions sometimes there can be some unexpected bonuses in the midst of all the misery. I hope a healthier lifestyle is one such result