When you go prospecting for gold you have to put in a lot of work before you get lucky. It’s the same when looking for diabetics to help. The reality is you rarely know who you have helped. That’s cool, not everyone takes the time to let you know, but when they do it makes all the work worth while. Over five years ago, some fellow diabetics showed me the light, to diabetic salvation. They taught me about lowcarbing. I had taken the advice of medical professionals and after a couple of months of trying to control very high BG numbers and failing, I gave lowcarb a try. Within five days my BG dropped to non diabetic numbers. I was so naive I thought I was lucky or maybe different to other diabetics. I soon realised, I was just a run of the mill, bog standard diabetic, and almost anyone could do what I had done. Problem solved, all I had to do was tell everyone all about lowcarbing, easiest job I ever took on, or so I thought ! I have lost count of the times I have thought of that last statement, and almost fell off my chair laughing. But hey, maybe it’s the way I go about spreading the good news. Talking of good news, this was emailed to our team yesterday.
“Hi there,
I just wanted to thank you for all the information you provide on your website.
I am not (yet anyway) a diabetic but having recently found out that my Grandparents and now an Uncle are type 2 diabetics I have had a big wake up call. I am in my late forties and overweight. I have tried Weight Watchers and Slimming World and on each occasion I have lost 3 stone only to regain 4! It was while looking for information on diabetes for my Uncle that I came across your website. I am now following a low carb diet and not only am I losing weight I am also no longer hungry all the time. I am trying to persuade my Uncle to follow your advice but he is confused and afraid of all the diet advice given by the NHS. I have been horrified by the lack of support he has been given and that by following their diet book he has gained another stone in weight.
I am hoping that by following your lifestyle tips I can avoid or at least delay type 2 diabetes.
Many thanks,
Full name and email address supplied.
You are probably less likely to get thanks and appreciation on a blog than a forum but we all need encouragement so I am very glad Rachel took the time to let you know how you had helped. I think that in your case you probably advised some of the helpers elsewhere too.Heartbreaking to find that people are still being given advice which will harm them. It's very difficult to persuade people that their Drs are wrong especially when they have never had occasion to doubt them before. Let us hope that Rachel can lead by example. I am so glad she wrote to you.
ReplyDeleteWe know you do what you do from conviction and not for thanks but still....
It is heartbreaking that people are being given the wrong advice about weight loss, diabetes control. The sad fact is you do not have to be a diabetic to achieve a much healthier lifestyle. The benefits of a low carb high fat diet are getting more known but of course it is not a diet but a lifestyle change which must involve food, exercise, good sleep patterns, common sense you would think.
ReplyDeleteI wish Rachel and everyone else good luck in there search for a good sense attitude to healthier living.