Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Quote of the Millennium !

"I dont post anonymously and neither do I post things behind peoples backs on other forums or blogs, because that is bullying and only cowards do that."

Every post he has ever made has been anonymous, unless of course, his name is Sid Bonkers.



  1. Let's face it 95% of people post anonymously on forums. They may have a forum name but it is hardly ever their real name. Defren, xyzzy, Biohazard, Paul1976, Grazer, Pneu, Dillinger, all anonymous.

  2. Another cowardly anon. You've got to do better than that !
    'Defren' may be an unreal name, but at least other forum users 'know' who she is. And she is held responsible for all her comments. Same goes for all your examples. As it would for librarising. No problem for me using that but I'm happier to use Geoff J nowadays. Now that's real - I can even email you a copy of my birth certificate. Is it ?

    Your post is a great example of why anons are gutless. Perhaps a side effect of overdosing on the carbs ?

    Geoff J aka librarising

  3. "I dont post anonymously and neither do I post things behind peoples backs on other forums or blogs, because that is bullying and only cowards do that."

    Is this the same Sid who was happy to join foul mouthed kenny's forum.

    He was also a member of kenny's bullying and cowardly clique at DCUK.


  4. Sid, Terry, Fred or perhaps Joe? Whoever he is we all know him as 'Sid Bonkers' the man we love to hate. Poor Sid does he deserve this? The diabetes world would be empty without him. DCUK would not have any threads locked. Wouldn't life be too boring? Perhaps Mr Gezzathorpe wishes to take over Sids place?
    No lets stick with Sid.

    L B

  5. But Mr/Ms Anonymous that is almost a Sid Bonkers type response; of course we use anonymous names (except for Eddie) but Mr Bonkers has just said from his high horse that he doesn't whilst using the anonymous name 'Sid Bonkers'.

    Do you see the problem?

    I don't think Sid is bad, I just think his brain doesn't work very well and he doesn't have the smarts to reign himself in.



    p.s. Dillinger is my real name by the way; I am the 20's gangster John Dillinger and even though I was shot 30 times in that Chicago cinema 80 odd years ago my low-carb diet has pulled me through)

    p.p.s As to high horses I heard a great line the other day; "people who are against animal drug testing should get off their high horses."

  6. You have taken it out of context. Paul was talking about people not even bothering with their forum name when posting on blogs but using the anonymous card.
    How many people do you know who actually use their own name?
    Mind you I did find out a lot of real names and locations when reading an online petition recently.

  7. The writers on here could use Bully as their forum/blog names and use a number to rank them. Bully1, Bully2 etc......

  8. Anonymous said...
    "The writers on here could use Bully as their forum/blog names and use a number to rank them. Bully1, Bully2 etc......"

    Nothing like having a dig eh without having the balls to use a basic recognisable forum name..ask yourself..what do YOU do to campaign for change against the ludicrous dietary advice for diabetics that ends in misery for many? do you even care? I think you've got the wrong blog'd be much more at home on Carbo's blog where anonymity and starch are the name of the game.


  9. One of my problems with anonymous writers is that you can't tell if anon entry 1 is by the same writer as anon entry 2, 3, 4 etc.
    This makes it hard to engage with him/her/them.
    Or engage over time with their stance, as you can with those who consistently use a forum name.

    As the late great Jim Bowen said "you can't beat a bit of Bully !"

    Anons can perhaps be bull**** 1, 2 etc.

    Geoff J

  10. Carbo’s blog has gone the same way as his forum, he never did have any staying power. Shame the anonymous carb addicted blowhards have nowhere to go, maybe Evie at the Carbsane blog will take them in.


  11. Lowcarb team member said...
    Anonymous said...
    "The writers on here could use Bully as their forum/blog names and use a number to rank them. Bully1, Bully2 etc......"

    Hey Paul I reckon anonoymouse has got it right we should heed is advice and use Bully as a prefix in our blog names without the numbers of course.

    Bullyfighter general AKA Graham


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The best of health to you and yours.
