There are two stories here. The first is that of why
this board even exists. The second in how it operated to violate Mr.
Cooksey's rights.
North Carolina has dozens of similar
"licensing" boards. For the most part they all exist to stifle free
competition, under the guise of protecting the public safety, health
and/or welfare. In reality they seek to protect the insiders' turf.
this case the BDN tried to shut down a website Mr. Cooksey operated.
He was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic in 2009. As a result he launched
a personal quest to learn how to cope with the disease. He did learn
and overcame his diabetes. He then launched a crusade to tell others
what he had learned.
Important: He posted on his website a clear
statement that he was not a license health care provider. But that did
not stop the BDN from trying to shut him down for practicing "dietetics
and nutrition" without a license.
The BDN contacted him and threatened to take him to
court unless he changed his website. The dictated the specific changes
they required. Eventually Cooksy sued the BCN but a trial judge
dismissed his suit because, the judge ruled, he did not have "standing"
to sue. Last week the Fourth Circuit of Appeals overturned the trial
judge's ruling, holding that Cooksy had a First Amendment right to
express his views on his website and remanded the case back to the lower
court for a trial on the merits of the case.
More on this story here.
Good to get an update on this story
What is it about low carb eating that makes people feel so threatened? As far as I know, anyone is free to eat whatever they wish without approval from a dietician. Does that mean everyone who has a cooking blog needs to shut their blog down?
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing up the story. It was a potential thread to all nutritional blogs.