Sunday, 15 September 2013

A Moral Obligation.

Most people, casually or sometimes, anxiously, perusing the various diabetes fora and blogs will be irritated and often exasperated or just repelled by the apparent backbiting, bickering name-calling and what appears to be incessant raking over of old arguments.  To many all this is totally irrelevant. Especially the newly diagnosed-they just want to learn how to deal with their condition. The 'aggro' is off-putting-they don't understand it and find it unnecessary. They need reassurance and support and hope, as well as good advice.

Here I must pay tribute to the lowcarbers who left DCUK to form ETYM. That was a golden time for the newly diagnosed, and I believe their legacy lives on. Of course, always bearing in mind those quietly soldiering on there still.

A whole new generation of posters just accept from the outset that it is necessary to reduce carbs and can't see a point in the battles. That's life isn't it? The current generation never appreciate the struggles of previous generations until, and not always then, they face their own battles.

I am not a sensitive shrinking soul I am not afraid of debate or of stating my opinion. For that reason I could never understand the hysteria which greeted Eddie's posts and Eddie's comments. Many took exception to the personal nature of some of them. I have to say that I was just puzzled by them. I didn't understand why a blog which was so influential and a source of so much excellent information also seemed to be the source of so much contention - or so it appeared. If people disliked Eddie’s blog and Eddie's opinions and if he objected to the opinions of others then why not ignore them.  There you see, dear reader, the innocent diabetic encapsulated. How could I be so naive? I didn't think of myself as naive -I could spot a troll a mile off and was not taken in by private messages I received from various parties with an agenda which wasn't too obvious. But naïve I certainly was.

First of all I have learnt that Eddie and Graham do what they do - because they CARE. And they have cared for a long time. What might appear to be personal attacks are not personal at all or even attacks but attempts to correct misinformation and to explain the motivation behind it. Consider the medium here - a blog with limited space - it is essential that the point is made succinctly and quickly. No time or space for long explanations. Often the comments are no more than alerts.  Eddie and Graham - and Jan too - have a great deal of experience but no time to write a comprehensive history of all the shenanigans they have witnessed and no way of making people read it if they had.

Out of curiosity I have occasionally dipped into some other blogs, which purport to be about diabetes. Sometimes it isn't even mentioned. It is all about personalities and egos. Some have tried to insinuate that this is the case here. All I can say is that they have never read this blog. I suppose basically, I just didn't understand what the lowcarb controversy was all about and the lengths to which certain people would go - for no good reason - just to make themselves important by appearing to lead an opposition group. Some even believe they are performing a public service. Some gentler and better motivated souls feel that the more vulnerable should be protected from the harsh realities, at least for a time. I don't agree with the last group, but understand that it might be the uncompromising language used by both sides which they dislike rather than the principle.

For me its quite simple. if you are in possession of some information - which is capable of saving people from premature death and/or mutilation then you have a moral obligation to share that information. Others may disagree but what right do they have to try to prevent people benefiting. Is loyalty to a friend a good reason? Jealousy? Desire for attention? I don't think so.

Many of us will have seen all of this recently in more than one other place. Those appearing or portraying themselves as vulnerable are often allowed to dictate to the majority. Many of these attention-seekers have other problems - eating and personality disorders perhaps, but are encouraged to become controlling to the detriment of those genuinely seeking help with their diabetes. Thus the truth has to be watered down or hidden lest we upset them. I am not just speaking of diet here but of every aspect of the condition. It is a very useful method of censorship. Of course most of us don't have the time to delve into what went on before but it is right they should be aware that things have not always been as they are now.

In some respects, the battle has been won, all this means to some is that they must take their activities to a different level. Lower. The casual reader-dipping into many diabetes fora may have missed the deliberate de-railing of threads, deletions and locked threads in some other places and the bias in favour of certain individuals. I don't think this is always due to lack of objectivity - it often seems to be the product of lack of understanding of the issues. Similarly extremely and overtly biased moderation has been allowed in other places merely for the sake of convenience.

It isn't easy to be a Moderator if you care about fairness and can put personal feelings and prejudices aside. Not everyone can.  I have to say I was shocked by Sid's post referred to by Eddie. I hope that woman will avail herself of the Dr's offer of free treatment. Maybe we could make a block booking with him for a few others. There must surely be something wrong with those who go to such lengths to attempt to take others down with them. I know quite a few people, who while disagreeing with Sid, have been prepared to tolerate him for many reasons. Presenting this unfortunate woman as an "expert" to many who know no better and will probably look no further is a step too far. This sort of in-SID-ious behaviour [sorry] should be beneath him. As we have said before - he could help others - why doesn't he concentrate on that?

I was very glad to see Eddie explaining the CarbSane matter. It was a good opportunity to set part of the record straight. I hope that by posting this, people who sometimes baulk at the er .. "direct" language employed on this blog will read it and appreciate that this arises from concern for fellow diabetics.

Eddie and Graham deserve thanks and praise and certainly don't deserve the demonisation we sometimes see. They have worked selflessly for years and continue to do so.

I am very proud to have been invited to join the team and I know Paul is too. It makes me quite angry to see this blog and the people who run it-hard working and committed, attacked by selfish egoists who do nothing but confuse those desperately seeking help and guidance. 



  1. Well said Kath ! Your post sums this all up perfectly !

    All I want to add is for me to also thank Eddie and Graham for everything they do for fellow diabetics and for helping me in a big way ! I've learned so much thanks to these guys and I'm very proud to be part of the team !


  2. i see their work as valuable to the low-carb world at large, not just diabetics! a carbohydrate-driven metabolism is downright dangerous to a LOT of people, and current official dogma promoting healthywholegrains (etc) is causing disease, misery and premature DEATH. by educating people one at a time that a ketogenic diet is NOT DANGEROUS but health-giving and restorative, people can reclaim control of their lives!

    Kath and Paul, you are great additions to a great team. :-)

  3. Well Kath you must have been reading a different blog or forum - to say the least he has been rude, aggresive, down right nasty and a real pain in the neck. He is of course still doing it and I fail to understand why any of you would want to be linked to this type of man!

  4. Anonymous said...
    down right nasty and a real pain in the neck. He is of course still doing it and I fail to understand why any of you would want to be linked to this type of man!

    Perfect description of Sid Bonkers! Are you sure you've got the right place pal.

    Kind regards

  5. Get real it describes creepy Eddie - not sure why you are all fooled by him - he is a nasty man

  6. Thanks Tess and Paul. Anonymous, I explained my position in my post. I see far ruder nastier and more aggressive posts than I have ever seen here, in other places daily. I was a Mod on the forum where Eddie experienced most hassle. He was never rude to me -even when I disagreed with him. Maybe because I treated him in the same way I treated everyone - with respect. The comments of one or two of the mods were far ruder more provocative and unjustified. Banning him was unjustified too. Eddie certainly challenges ideas and statements he disagrees with and points out possible secret agenda, He might do this, occasionally, in language that Jan and I would not use. That’s because he feels deeply about the subject. With all due respect, if you really believe Eddie is such a monster you must be reading other forums and blogs wearing rose tinted glasses. What you see is what you get here. No weasel words or underhand allusions or secret agenda, that applies to us all.


  7. Naive and gullible. You are not a very good judge of character.
    Don't give your address or telephone number because Eddie will fall out with you.

  8. Anonymous creep said...
    Get real it describes creepy Eddie - not sure why you are all fooled by him - he is a nasty man

    Nothing more creepy than an anonymous prat like you, for all we know you could be one of these vile stalkers we read about.

    The only reason for anonymity is that you have something to hide just what skeletons have you in your cupboard?


  9. Anonymouse said...
    "Naive and gullible. You are not a very good judge of character.
    Don't give your address or telephone number because Eddie will fall out with you"

    And just why should Kath listen to you what on earth do you know about Eddie other than what he has written on this this blog?

    Kath has nothing at all to fear from Eddie who after all is honest in putting his full name up for all to see unlike anonymous trolls.


  10. I agree; I don't understand the heat that Eddie gets and unlike virtually everyone (me included) he uses his real name. That's quite something in the weird world of t'internet. More so in the really weird world of diabetes fora.

    It is very necessary to have someone harping on about carbs because otherwise the point can easily be lost.

    I always thought that the 'tortoise and the hare' story was kind of inapplicable to real life; no tortoises beat hares. But I'm wrong; on the DUK site you have Sid Bonkers who is so consistently wrong that anyone with half a brain would be an intellectual hare to his tortoise mind yet he never gives up; he is always there, always spouting the same rubbish.

    Borofergie was a hell of writer and a hell of a lowcarb advocate but what has happened to him? Sid Bonkers has lapped him and is still plodding on...

    For that reason alone we need to salute Eddie and the rest of the term on this blog; thank you for your time guys and thank you for the great links and thought provoking articles you provide.

    I'm sorry I don't contribute more and will do my best to do so because I can hear Sid Bonkers at my back crawling ever closer...


  11. But it’s nice of them to be concerned about me Graham. When I was in need of some support in another place many sympathised but very few were prepared to speak out. Perhaps they would like to be more specific? What threats do I face? Perhaps I will spend a long while trying to help and have it all thrown back in my face for no reason -or no apparent reason? Perhaps my complaints will be ignored? Maybe I will be told to stop complaining and just accept it? No, surely not. No dire warnings about Graham anyone? Seems unfair.. He will be jealous.


  12. Anonymouse said... "Get real it describes creepy Eddie - not sure why you are all fooled by him - he is a nasty man" Utter rubbish! Eddie speaks out of concern and with a passion-The low carb message is a strong one and it HAS to be! Diabetic complications are VERY real and cuddly kittens, tea, cakes and commiserations just don't cut the mustard when it comes to safe BG numbers! Instead of anonymously slagging off Eddie who has literally spent 1000's of hours posting great advice which has helped many diabetics-why don't YOU offer some help or support to the newbies who are struggling out there? Don't come back and say you already do as you can't even give an anonymous forum name so how do we know you're even diabetic and are not just another troll?


  13. At the moment Eddie is trying to be Mr Nice Guy - wait until you all fall out!!

    He has been banned from various places for harassing people on the forum and off - if you think he is anything other than a bully then you are deluded Kath. People look at this blog for fun as it just churns up the same stuff all of the time.
    And why stay anonymous - obvious really!!

  14. Oh Paul - you as well. If Eddie spends all this time trying to "help" people it is his choice - no one asks him too. It does not get away from the fact that as he has done this he has caused alot of heartache for people as I know!

    Personally if he was my dad I would be ashamed of him.

  15. This post is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. We all have them and we do not always agree.
    I hope the OP does not live to regret siding with the most hated man on diabetes blogs. Graham is a close second. I haven't left him out.
    There are people on DCUK who give valuable advice to all and sundry, it's not all about diet, and they have been brought into disrepute here.

    Perhaps the OP is keeping her enemies closer??

  16. I just have to say that if my post has only succeeded in .encouraging Dillinger to post more often it will have been worthwhile I have always been a great admirer of his posts. Certainly Borofergie is a great loss but it’s easy to understand why many busy people trying to find the time to help others give up in disgust at having their efforts frustrated by mischief makers with nothing else to do as Dillinger points out that is why we have to be particularly grateful to those who stay the course.


  17. Kath and Paul keep up the good work, your a welcome addition on this blog I would just ignore the negative comments there not worthy of a response.


  18. Thanks Mel, your support is appreciated but Anon is entitled to his/her opinion and a reply.
    I believe that if you post your opinions you should be prepared to defend /explain them further if required.

    anon and I will probably never agree but his/her post is not abusive to me personally and I see no reason to avoid answering.


  19. To my friends, thank you for your kind words and loyalty, I am sure you know, loyalty is a human quality I value above all others. I do my best to be loyal to my family, friends and the lowcarb cause.

    To Anon, I think you have comprehensively informed me of what you think of me, that’s cool. Now, how about getting involved with a proper debate. Perhaps you could tell me what is wrong or un-safe with a lowcarb lifestyle for someone with a broken metabolism and wanting to live a long and active life on nil/minimum medication, to control blood glucose, weight when required, lipids and so many other health benefits.

    Over to you Anon, I suspect you will not get into a meaningful debate, prove me wrong.


  20. Kath

    Dillinger is a busy guy his comments though infrequent are much appreciated. Like me and Eddie he has witnessed the debacle that went on at DCUK under kennys bent reign, we had the clique with the likes of Sid Bonkers, jopar, catherinecherub, noblehead, phoenix, Ally and kens many pseudonyms virtually running the show unhindered. The LowCarbers on the other hand were subject to censorship in the form of editing thread deletion and banning if they had the audacity to to stand up to ken.


  21. Before you answer Eddie Anon - if you intend to do so - I should like to answer one or two points.

    I am not sure whether I am answering one anon or two - but here goes.

    Firstly: I fully agree about the people on DCUK who try to help others. You must have missed mine and Eddie’s comments about that a short while ago.

    Secondly: I also agree it is not all about diet but until the diet is right for the individual then its relevant, diet is always an individual choice. The NHS recommendations naturally carry more weight {in more ways than one) with many newly diagnosed. The GI diet was recommended to me but I was already using it and it was no longer enough when I was told to up my carbs because of various drug side effects the effects were catastrophic for me. reverting to my former diet -GI with reduced carbs reversed the upward trend in my bgs almost overnight and actually caused me further problems, so I have no doubt what carbs do to me.

    Now an interesting point, I first heard of reducing carbs on DCUK from a certain long serving mod. One of two who departed shortly afterwards, which is probably why I was confused about the carb wars for some time afterwards.

    You say no-one asks Eddie to do what he does. No one asks anyone to do what they do - were you invited to look at this blog? People don't come here to laugh, on the contrary. they come here to learn. Some come here to see if they have been mentioned here, some don't like what they read. At least they can read it and they can answer-in fact they are invited to do so.

    People here may be too outspoken for some. It is a matter of personal choice, but I prefer the open approach to the other insidious campaign - the one which goes on behind the scenes by pm with assistance from those who should know better. The one which allows favoured members to have posts removed purely because they don't like the content. Mention the mere word "carb " and some react like Pavlov's dogs.

    If I were to feel threatened or bullied in any way here - and I can't imagine how I could - everyone is the soul of courtesy - I would merely cease to come here. I hope I don't have enemies anywhere but there may well be some with whom I disagree and who dislike my opinions.

    I think as I said in my original post that the old arguments have become irrelevant. A new generation of diabetics automatically reduce their carbs. GI is too difficult for most people, low carb is simpler. I like Paul's “Drop the Big Six" - after all we are not recommending people to eat toadstools.

    I think people should take a step back and ask what they are really arguing about. The reason I lowcarbed without calling it that was because I had always done so naturally. I am small - it was the custom when I was young to reduce starchy carbs to keep weight even, so I have always done so.

    I am sure feelings have been hurt and injustices done but people of good will with a concern for others can overcome these things. There is no reason for anyone to carry on a vendetta because of a simple dietary adjustment which is capable of saving lives and limbs. I know that is taking it down to the lowest common denominator but that is how I feel.

    Sorry if I offend anybody but this is my honest opinion, - gosh - hope the guys don't bully me!
    How about it anon - come and give us your opinion and a recognisable name.
    You may think of Eddie and Graham as bullies but you can't think of me in that way. Its a genuine offer.


  22. Anonymouth said...
    "At the moment Eddie is trying to be Mr Nice Guy - wait until you all fall out!!

    All fall out will we! ! Paul and Kath joined us because we are like minded people.

    "He has been banned from various places for harassing people on the forum and off - if you think he is anything other than a bully then you are deluded Kath.

    Not a bully it's just payback time for the idiots who are bullying and harassing over at DCUK, your the deluded one sunshine.

    "People look at this blog for fun as it just churns up the same stuff all of the time."

    Yes we do have fun here as well as the more serious stuff, we are a diabetic blog in case you've not noticed hence the many studies, friends stories and of course amazing recipes! !

    "And why stay anonymous - obvious really!!

    That's an easy one, it's patently obvious why you stay anonymous: Your a wimp who is frightened of being exposed for what you really are!!


  23. Anonymous said...
    "This post is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. We all have them and we do not always agree."

    Spot on you don't agree with our opinions and we don't agree with yours.

    "I hope the OP does not live to regret siding with the most hated man on diabetes blogs."

    Kath will have no regrets at all I will vouch for that.

    Oh goodie fame at last for Eddie I mean the most hated man on the blogosphere wow!

    "Graham is a close second. I haven't left him out."

    Ah! how kind of you to think of me, love you too sweetie.

    "There are people on DCUK who give valuable advice to all and sundry, it's not all about diet, and they have been brought into disrepute here."

    The people you mention were already disreputable and we are only pointing that out.

    "Perhaps the OP is keeping her enemies closer??"

    No Kath is with friends here her enemies are in other places.

    Anyway it's late so I'll bid you goodnight.


  24. Love Graham's last post!

    "Especially the "love you too Sweetie!!
    That's another thing we have in common, guys - a sense of humour.
    Sadly lacking in some places.
    Love you all ,sweeties!


  25. “The most hated man on diabetes blogs” Fame at last !

    Yesterday an anonymous poster stated I was the “The most hated man on diabetes blogs” Whether that is true or not, I don’t give a monkeys toss. Almost all the negative comments I receive are anonymous, or are made on forums I have been banned from and cannot respond. I always invite people to come here and discuss the issues in a serious manner, but none come over here. The reason? They know they would lose! Many of the people I have argued with and lampooned, are forum or ex. forum mods, or toadying members working for, or under the protection of a corrupt mod, running a forum to their own agenda and not for the benefit of all the members. The usual method of censorship from corrupt mods, is to thread lock, delete or alter a members posts, and ultimately ban the member. Usually the banned member disappears never to be heard of again. Problem solved for the mods and their little clique of sycophants.

    The forum carries on, the lunatics that took over the asylum spout their rubbish and misinformation is the order of the day. The low GI diet, portion control, vinegar on your chips reduces BG as was stated by the bonkers one yesterday this type of nonsense carries on. To the experienced and well controlled diabetic, the lowcarb anti antics are laughable. But the confused newbie and long term out of control are further confused. The antis don’t care of course, as long as they perpetuate the lies and promote their methods of control that work for them (so they say) but would never work for someone living in the real world, they are happy. You see it’s ‘their forum’ and they will fight to the bitter end to protect and continue the lies, misinformation and methods that do not work for the majority of diabetics.

    This is how and other forums have been for years, and will ever be thus I suspect. Carbophile’s, David’s, Ken’s and ETYM forums gone or on their last legs, and why ? Because freedom of speech and lively debate was not tolerated. They started out or rapidly became a cakes and commiserations club. For so many mods, the power went to their heads, they were ego trippers with little knowledge and even less staying power. For some the novelty of being a forum owner, board member etc. rapidly wore off, and as always, the behind the scenes squabbling and politicking and power grabs became more important than helping people.

    If only people like me and Graham had disappeared, but we didn’t and we are here for the long haul. When we are no longer around, other team members will be here or on our other sites and blogs, spreading the lowcarb word, helping diabetics and others to a healthier, happier life. Being hated by a bunch of anonymous, cowardly, scheming and misguided bunch of low life’s is a small price to pay as far as I am concerned. In fact I rather enjoy it, the day the antis start liking me, will be the day I know I have lost the plot, and if that happens, I will call it a day and walk.


  26. I wonder if Paul and Kath will be quick to attack DCUK members here when they are named in your personal attacks ?

    You have given a hard time to so many of DCUK, forum members and Mods but they are still active.

    Being banned from one forum is acceptable but when you are banned from every forum you join then you have to ask yourself why rather than be in denial that you are in no way to blame.

  27. "I wonder if Paul and Kath will be quick to attack DCUK members here when they are named in your personal attacks ?"

    Why don't you ask them ?

    "You have given a hard time to so many of DCUK, forum members and Mods but they are still active."

    DCUK has over 70,000 members. I have given about a dozen a hard time. As for active, Kenny, Sue, Jopar, SarahQ, Tubolard/carbophile ain't very active these days. And even the slippery phoenix and the delusional Cherub are very subdued these days. As for nob head and bonkers, they are a laugh a minute.

    If I have missed anyone please let me know.


  28. I just wanted to comment on your great "position statement". Not that any of us were in any doubt.

    Any fair-minded person would surely accept that Anon and friends have been given every opportunity to have their say  and this has always been the case.

    They will NEVER accept your invitation, to debate the issues because the issues re diabetes and diet are not the issue for them. At sometime a comment of yours must have hit a raw nerve and it has rankled and fermented for years.

    This usually happens when a comment is devastatingly accurate.

    Sniping at you from an anonymous position doesn't make them feel any better but they can never "come out" because  that would mean exposing their vulnerability to all and admitting that there is no "Cause".

    I hope they learn to let go for their own sakes. Does fostering the long term, underhanded game they play help anyone?  Will it ever?
    Sad people.


  29. Anon

    Deal with the issues or don’t bother posting comments here. You have said the same thing over and over again. I have got the message, you don’t fancy me. Your last post was deleted.

    We will give you a new thread to post whatever you like, no edits, deletions or alterations whatsoever. Your chance to state your case, and the methods you employ to control your diabetes and why you believe they will work for other diabetics. Your chance to educate rather than snipe at me and other team members.


  30. I think Eddie gets called a bully because he is prepared to pick up the phone and call people.

    That doesn't make you a bully in my book; that makes you a communicator.

    The first time I spoke to Eddie on the phone (my number was on the DUK site) I thought; that's a bit weird, to get a call from someone from an Internet forum.

    But thinking on it; it's not weird at all - the forum is not some escapist fantasy forum where people are pretending to be goblins and knights, it is a forum for dealing with a debilitating chronic disease.

    It's no joke, it's no fantasy and if you are prepared to speak in a forum why wouldn't you be prepared to speak in real life?

    Now it happens that when we spoke we were agreeing about something and it would be slightly different to have someone call you up and say 'what are you talking about?', but not much - if it's fit for a forum why shouldn't it be fit for real life?

    Especially, if you are stupidly or intentionally spreading really really bad information? I'm thinking of The Dietician; who I seem to remember got upset at Eddie for calling her (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Calling people up or calling people out is not bullying, making your point is not bullying, mocking foolishness is not bullying.



  31. Anon

    I have just deleted another of your posts trying to implicate others regarding my run ins with various people. Once again you refuse to offer any meaningful information other than snipe.


  32. Hi Dillinger

    What the chumps who call me a bully seem to not understand, is I post under my real name. When I phoned the aforementioned dietitian I was polite, no abusive language, no threats or comments. All I asked was confirmation of her real name, obviously I gave my real name, otherwise when she gave the number to the Police they would not have known my real name, as the telephone was not registered to me. The curious thing is she waited quite a few months before contacting the Police and used a ruse that an anti Welsh or female comment had been made on this blog. The Police checked me and the blog out, and were happy that no offence had taken place.

    As for bullying anonymously named forum members, it’s laughable. How do you libel a guy called Sid Bonkers or Capt. Doughnut etc.! I have offered to meet my detractors on many occasions, no one takes up the offer. I expect they think I would eat their livers with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti. It really is funny don’t you think, how brave the anons are hiding in obscurity like a frightened sheep, and they have the audacity to call me a bully.


  33. To Anon


    You've been offered a chance to forward and demonstrate your argument on here but so far,as suspected,there is silence(I wouldn't waste your time doing it on the Carbo blog BTW as I imagine his In-tray is VERY full as Carbo has given up the ghost)...I have a question for you in fact,"How can I keep my HbA1c at 5.1%,my weight stable and my insulin dose at only 10 units a day on anything other than low carb? HCP's just go quiet when I ask them so what do you suggest as a low carb anti as you obviously are an expert judging by the sanctimonious tone of your posts"

    Also regarding anonymity,even Cugila posted with his forum name on here(not that there was any debate TBH,mostly swearing and much of what he said before he disappeared didn't make any sense) so at LEAST have the 'Minerals' {LOL} to state your case on a level playing field so we know who we are dealing with {My name really IS Paul BTW}

    The ball's in your court,over to you...


  34. Anonymous said..

    "You have given a hard time to so many of DCUK, forum members and Mods but they are still active."

    Still active! lets have a look at the remaining anti's shall we.

    Sid Bonkers your star performer, he is the most self-contradictory member of your declining clique,and the rudest.

    catherinecherub Dubious A1c told us she gets low BG's due to a thyroid problem yet claims in her sig it's all down to low GI.

    noblehead he's just a weasel who jumped on the bandwagon when the clique were attacking LowCarbers,

    phoenix she warns of the dangers of LowCarb for T2s and cites studies >40% carbs to back her claims up. She is seriously deluded if she thinks T2s can follow the same regime as a insulin dependent without having to resort to potentially dangerous drugs.

    What have they and their low GI diet achieved over the last five years very little according to this poll.


  35. I have just seen the question about whether I will be quick to attack Dcuk members mentioned here.
    I am not in the habit of attacking anyone, If I have a problem I will say so in the place it occurred and to the person concerned -where possible. If I was prevented from doing so by what I considered to be unfair means and it was something I considered important then I might mention it here. Not as an attack but as a reply to one.
    I am not a sheep - I don't follow anyone blindly. This is not a place where we are required to attack others. We state our own opinions -but openly and honestly. In contrast to some of the underhanded methods used by some people in other places.


  36. There you are off again - why are you so obsessed with people you do not know. Also why would anyone reveal their name - you would hound them.

    I actually feel very sorry for all of you but the people you have hoodwinked Eddie like Kath, Paul and others I feel the most sorry for.

    Kath - you should look back at this blog then you may not be so keen - vile, abusive and disgusting comments and cartoons.

  37. Hi Anon

    We don’t really want your name. We know the type of person you are. I expect you have done nothing for the benefit of other diabetics. You are the sort of person that takes and never gives. Moaning and whining why life passes you buy, in short a failure. Moan, moan, moan but never a positive idea that could help or educate others. Post after post on this and I suspect other threads moaning. The people we lampoon can look after themselves very well. They have turned misinformation, thread locking etc. into an art form, and you come over here trying to defend them. Obviously you are one of them. Think yourself fortunate you can have your say on this blog, something you and the clique have denied so many for years.

    The reason you will not post under an anonymous forum name, is because you will expose yourself for what you are, and all would become clear to all. You are clearly working so hard to discredit me in the eyes of Kath and Paul and some of our commenters. But every comment you make illustrates what a cowardly, weaselling, gutless person you are. If I was you I’d get back to the forum and start PMing the rest of your little gang. You see your ilk are so transparent, if you had much going on between your ears you would know it, alas you will be the last to realise, how you must miss Carbo’s blog to hang out on.

    Our team put in a huge amount of time helping others. For years we have paid for web hosting. Working behind the scenes, face to face meetings and telephone calls encouraging others to a happier healthier life. Working on forums and blogs promoting a method of salvation for many. Meanwhile, you creep about as anon in the shadows, you are a disgrace and you have the bare faced effrontery to call me a bully. Get some counseling before it’s too late and you end up in a Rubber Ramada.


  38. touched a nerve Eddie - be nice to people and then they might be nice back. It is a bit early to be ob the bottle!! but that was quite a rant!

  39. Anon

    I can assure you I have not been 'ob' the bottle. As for touching a nerve, no way, I might get really offensive later, if you ask me nicely.

    Eddie xxx

  40. To Anon

    "Be nice to people and they might be nice back".

    Not necessarily. Quite a few people are incapable of seeing anything but the "monster" they have created, but who exists only in their imagination. They obviously need a hate figure. I have witnessed Eddie doing everything possible to fit in with people on another forum. Those with open minds recognised this. Others wanted to ban him on sight -before even reading his posts.

    What would you call being "nice"? Eddie has been very restrained under attack. In the circumstances it doesn't matter anyhow -if people won't listen because they have already made up their minds -then whatever he says is irrelevant.

    I can sense a distinct whiff of the overgrown child showing off to her /his friends. "Look at me I told them".

    Instead of making recommendations for Eddie's behaviour -how about demonstrating a little maturity and an open mind. Appreciate the fact that you have been allowed to vent your spleen.

    That is my last word on his thread. This discussion serves no useful purpose. Not even for you Anon.


  41. There will be no more comments on this thread approved, unless they are highly complimentary to me and Graham. As all know, we are men of a highly delicate disposition, and I do not want our senior member being stressed. Graham has had a traumatic couple of days re. this thread and I don’t want the old boys BP going up.

    Anyway anon, thanks for raising our comments and page views. We will soon reach three quarters of a million views and you have played your part. Who would have thought it eh ? A couple of old rejects from DCUK still fighting on when so many antis have bit the dust. Just think, if we had not been banned we might of disappeared into the wood work years ago. That’s destiny for you, a mysterious thing for sure. It’s been emotional, but I would not have missed it for the world. With our new team members on board, I feel a million views is only a matter of time.

    BTW anon, do you like our new blog ?


  42. Delicate disposition!!! who me! OK maybe just a little bit.

    On a more serious note Kath's excellent post is being devalued by the anonymous idiot who is obviously one of the cowardly clique members.

    We are still prepared to accept anonymous comments just as long as they are constructive criticisms, the sort of comments posted by anon on this thread will be deleted.


  43. Last word from me to the Anon poster...

    Just to thank you for advising that Kath and I should look through the blog archives-Well today I did exactly that and as well well as some great cartoons,great links to studies I also found an EXCELLENT low carb bread recipe from 2011 that can be made ultra quick and in the microwave too! Nice one and I wouldn't have found that great recipe without going back that far on your advice so thanks for helping me as a low carber and promoting the low carb good cause.

    Lots of love,hugs,butter and heavy cream.

    Paul xxxxxx

  44. Well it must be your rose tinted glasses - I had a look and some of the cartoons are vile and the commentary just as bad!

  45. Hi anon.

    You just can’t keep away can you. I know I ain’t no angel and certainly no cherub. Keep coming back if it helps with your therapy. You know we love to help, I hope you find some sort of peace soon. We don’t hold grudges here.


  46. OMG - you are so deluded Eddie - you are behaving yourself for a reason!

  47. Oh anon

    Such hate, it does you no good, hate just brings you down. If it makes you feel good keep it up. Email me, I will do all I can to help you. I am in the help business, including you ! Take that leap of faith, seek help. You know it makes sense, why fight it !


  48. Anonymous clique member said...
    "Well it must be your rose tinted glasses - I had a look and some of the cartoons are vile and the commentary just as bad!"

    You must have missed the only really vile comments on this blog! There from your ex clique leader cugila AKA kenny.

    Perhaps you should have gone to Specsavers sweetie.

    Do take care
    Kind regards

  49. Someones in big trouble! I thought we'd decided to delete anoymous moronic comments.

    To all team members be in my office prompt 9am Monday.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
