"After years of low-carb dieting myself and of taking care of thousands
of patients on low-carb diets, I can tell you one thing with pretty much
certainty: Low-carb diets reduce triglyceride levels markedly. And I
can tell you that low-carb diets reduce blood sugar levels as well.
Most of the patients with the highest fasting triglyceride levels also
have elevated fasting blood sugars. On a low-carb diet, these patients
drop their triglyceride levels like a rock."
"You can eat saturated fat to your heart’s content and still markedly
reduce your triglyceride levels as long as you rigidly reduce your
Michael R Eades MD
Great article here High triglycerides driven by carbohydrate consumption
Thanks for the link to Dr Eades blog and article.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't previously read or heard of Michael R Eades and it was an interesting article which backs up our anecdotal evidence.
I also didn't know about Omega 3 and the positive effects of reducing trig levels so it may be a good idea to introduce 'Fish friday' every week in my house.
I agree with Paul the link was interesting and highly informative.
Paul B
If anyone bothers to scroll down to Simon Fellows comment of Feb 4th they may see something to make them smile.
Crabohydrate ! LOL! Do I win a goldfish in a bag?
ReplyDeleteHmmm..where have I come across something similar like this before? I feel it may have been on a forum somewhere where Crustaceans were deemed non poisonous and non addictive. {ponders}
Great stuff and explained in a way that is easily understood even by the scientifically challenged such as myself!
ReplyDeleteI have noticed the emphasis changing from low Bgs to cholesterol over the past few years. It is obviously easier to blame cholesterol and prescribe a statin rather than address the problem of lowering bg levels.
It underlines the importance of actually being aware of trig levels, its sometimes difficult to extract this information from your GP, although we have a perfect right to the information.
The writer's insistence on RIGIDLY reducing carbs is very important. Lowcarbing is sometimes a meaningless badge for some - makes them feel they are doing something
even if they're not.
I'm not giving you a goldfish young man - I know exactly what you would do with it!
LOL!! Oh no! My 'Boil in the bag' Friday fish supper plans have been foiled !
I haven't had my trig levels tested since I went lower carbs. Boy, that makes me curious how much lower it went now. :D