Tuesday, 10 September 2013

My September Newsletter - sort of !

One of my favourite seasons is Autumn. The past few days here in the UK the mornings have definitely had that ’Autumnal Nip in the Air’ the temperature has dropped, some of the leaves are beginning to change colours and all together you get a different feel about things.

Don’t get me wrong summer was great, and we had many happy family days. The grandchildren kept busy and very active, and were able to enjoy quite a range of outings, holidays etc. You can see the fun at the farm pictures below, a great day.

With September here, all but two of them are now at school, new uniforms, shoes, book bags etc were bought. I had to laugh when our children were telling us, “it’s not cheap bringing children up you know” Well LOL yes we do know….and we wouldn’t have had it any other way. The happy memories are absolutely priceless. Again pause for pictures below as brother and sister go off to school together…..

The past week or so we have been decorating. Now I must admit me and a paint brush has never worked well. Me putting a kettle on and making a cup of tea or coffee, well yes I’m the worlds best. So Eddie has had paint brush in hand, I’ve been chief tea maker and it’s worked a treat. Whilst this has been going on I’ve also had a sort out of old photographs. I love looking at photographs, I know these days people have them on computer but I still feel you cannot beat holding that photograph in your hand and cherishing the memory that picture evokes. It’s like books … I love holding a book to read. Letter writing, yes call me old fashioned, but what a shame the art of letter writing is disappearing - now of course it’s all emails. My dear dad wrote some wonderful letters to my mum during the war, and my grandfather sent silk postcards to my mum when he was away. I have them to this day and will always cherish them. 

Anyway .. Slight pause whilst I sort tonight’s dinner out. Some delicious low carb sausages with mashed swede, onion and cabbage. Last night it was oven cooked chicken thighs (with skin on) and a selection of vegetables and the day before a pork casserole with red pepper, mushrooms, onion and carrot. Who say’s low carb food is boring, I certainly don’t.

.. Back again, hope you’re still with me.

As some of my fellow bloggers will know, I do mention that when on the computer I often look up and the view from the window is of trees. Which sort of brings me back to my first paragraph and my love of Autumn. I think this squirrel (photo taken from our lounge window) may know that with Autumn fast approaching he may need to check on his winter fuel supplies. Ahh that looks tasty…

I hope you all enjoy the coming season and many thanks for reading.

All the best Jan


  1. Enjoyed the read. Like the sound of your dinners.


  2. Cute Grandchildren:) My wife also would rather hold and cherish a photograph and the memory, than look at a computer screen any day.

  3. Grandchildren are so nice to have around you. Mine live quite a drive away and I do not see them that often, so I agree with you photographs are very good to have around you.

  4. Happy Days. The children look cute:)


  5. Thanks Jan for another of your positive posts pointing out the really important things in life.

    Lovely photos.

    I know what you mean about books and photos. I have been resisting getting a kindle although it is necessary because have a huge number of books and many of my photos are on the computer. Keep meaning to print them out. Unfortunately Kodak software is no longer supported now that they have gone out of business and its not an easy task to rescue all the "captive" pictures.


  6. Many thanks to you all for your thoughts and kind comments. It's much appreciated.

    All the best Jan

  7. Have you though of writing a regular "Newsletter " Jan? I'm sure it would be welcomed.



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