Sunday, 8 September 2013

Why we picked a red bell pepper as our logo.

Over five years ago upon diabetes diagnosis Graham and myself joined a diabetes forum. A Dietitian in residence at the time, warned us new to the crazy world of diabetes and new to the even crazier world of diabetes forums, and new to the totally and utterly crazy world of low carb, that scurvy could be coming our way in the future. The reason for this, was because we had dropped potatoes, and lowcarbers left themselves short of vitamin C.

Well folks, we did not fancy the idea of things dropping off, so I looked into foods that had a lot of vitamin C. Well it turned out potatoes were not front runners in the vitamin C stakes. I had been eating red bell peppers for years, both cooked and raw, lowcarb and chock full of vitamin C. Over five years into our lowcarb lifestyle and not a trace of scurvy. Make red peppers a regular on your shopping list. One cup equals close to 300% of your daily vitamin C requirement.



  1. ah every day every meal - fabulous and utterly boring.

  2. Did I say eat red peppers every day ? and with every meal ? Are you aware scurvy brings on mental disorientation amongst other symptoms ? Get them peppers down ya, you know it makes sense, why fight it.


  3. Quite right Eddie. Pity I am allergic to them isn't it ? I had been eating them for years with just occasionally a little bit of indigestion. Then one night I ate something containing red peppers and collapsed in agony. It took them forty minutes to stabilise me before taking me to hospital where I also had my diabetes diagnosed. I find it quite ironic to have one appearing next to my name all the time!

    If you read lists of ingredients you will find that they are added to the most surprising things - a lot of the time for the colour. But yes they are a very useful thing for most people.


  4. Kath said...

    "Pity I am allergic to them isn't it"

    Kath maybe we could change your Logo what do you think about a potato?

    Ok I'll get my coat!


  5. Utterly boring said...
    "ah every day every meal - fabulous and utterly boring.

    Yes breakfast, lunch, evening meal, supper, snacks I'm even working on a bell pepper cake.

    Just off to open a bottle of bell pepper wine.


  6. Latest on Bell Pepper nutrition I've just formulated a new low sugar drink to rival Coca Cola and Pepsi, tastes great and is a viable alternative to those sugar laden drinks.

    After much deliberation we decided on a name so watch this space for further information about our new healthy drink:

    Dr BellPepper


  7. I have only just seen your comment Graham. Yes get your coat -fast. did you know that peppers , tomatoes aubergine and potatoes are all members of the deadly nightshade family. since discovering my capsicum allergy I have realised that I have always been a little intolerant of most of these although I seem to be Ok with aubergines. Another reason to avoid POTATOES! Could you manage a nice cauliflower?



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The best of health to you and yours.
