When Cugila was at his most Stalinistic, Sid Bonkers, Phoenix, Catherine Cherub and Noblehead backed him to the hilt. With his departure, the clique as they become to be known, was neutralized and most of their clout was removed. There is a new Cugila on the forum, Anna. Thread locking, post deletion, post alteration and banning is back on the agenda, big time. If this was not enough, her advice to diabetics ranges from non existent to complete dross. Check out this from Anna, posted on the Diabetic nonsense thread here.
"Two old ladies [one whom was diabetic ] in a café couple of years ago said to me
Ooooh you're 'a Diabetic'

Made me feel

Clearly it was written in a vein of what a ridiculous thing to say. Telling a diabetic never to eat sugar again is sound advice in my book. It raises BG fast and has zero nutrients, pure calories and nothing else. Over at the ETYM forum a member of both forums started a thread last night and said he had received a warning from Anna.
"The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
Warning issued for attempting to cause trouble with intent again [rule break of setting up an "us against them"mentality."
This morning I received two emails from members who have received similar warnings from Anna. Only recently Paul served a temporary banning from Anna, for no good reason ! It will come as no surprise all are lowcarbers. It was less than a year ago when the forum had a night of the long knives, and banned a bunch of lowcarbers, which resulted in the ETYM forum being formed. Let's have a look at the "us against them" mentality."
It seems to me there are two main groups on the forum involved in the "us against them mentality." Those that have obtained fantastic control of their diabetes, and report on and support low carb good news every day of the week, some on minimal or no meds. These people that report on the benefits of lowcarb have numbered thousands over the years and have provided 90%+ of the good news posted on the forum.On the other side of the fence are the small group who push carbs, medication and follow the NHS and DUK etc. Most of the anti lowcarbers have talked of their retinopathy and other diabetic complications. They promote what I call the diet of slow death. People who have followed this group hardly if ever report any good news, for very obvious reasons. The NHS stats prove the high carb low fat diet does not work, full stop.This small group of anti lowcarbers have done more than anyone to promote an "us against them mentality."
The big question is WHY have the lowcarb antis been supported by so many moderators ?. Is it because so many past and present mods can identify with poor diabetes control and failure, and stick with there own kind. Or is there a policy from the owners and management of the forum, to subdue lowcarb as the way for better diabetes control. Let us not forget, the forum and main diabetes.co.uk site is about making money. The forum is a mail shot list for the selling of products and diabetes related services, and I can tell you, there is not much money in promoting a lowcarb lifestyle. None of this would matter if the forum was small, but diabetes.co.uk proudly boast we are the largest diabetes forum in the UK. The forum has helped many people, but the antis have confused newbies and out of control diabetics for years, and have undoubtedly sent many to an early grave.
What is it with these people as soon as they get the mods job out come the jackboots and their stomping around like little hitlers!!
ReplyDeleteAnna doesn't even have a clue about diabetes, is this why she's determined to get rid of those that are far more clued up than her.
It seems the battle for and against low carb continues. Of course if the moderators do not know enough about diabetes how can they moderate. I thought moderation meant fairness you should keep the equilibrium and always show peoples thoughts and views.
'The forum has helped many people, but the antis have confused newbies and out of control diabetics for years, and have undoubtedly sent many to an early grave.'
ReplyDeleteThat is a strong statement, possibly held up by the very bad NHS statistics regarding diabetes.
have you ever thought that low carbers might have confused people too - just a thought!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"have you ever thought that low carbers might have confused people too - just a thought!"
Hi Anon
To answer your question from a simplistic point of view I would say "no" based on the low carb diet advice I have seen offered from various sources(Which ultimately saved me) Would a Coeliac patient continue with a high Gluten based diet? well I would certainly hope not and as diabetics our bodies have an intolerance of carbohydrates so reducing them down to a minimum is a no-brainer IMO-so many people have reaped the rewards of doing so without any negative effect's on their health and enjoying a massive improvement on BG control,weight,BP and lipid panels.
+1000 to what Paul so succinctly said.
ReplyDeleteAlso why is it always the LowCarbers that are subjected to banning, thread deletion and warnings via PM from Anna.
Bonkers is the rudest most hypocritical and the biggest forum bully around, phoenix has the honour of been the most dangerous to the well being of Types2 pushing her high carb diet that can and will lead to the use of highly suspect drugs that she will never have to take. Last but not least is noblehead as we have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt to be be an out and out liar. There are others I could name but seeing the have gone AWOL I will give them a miss for "now". These individuals are given free rein to spread misinformation with the approval of Anna.
Anna lest we forget was named as a friend by cugila.
To whom it may concern.
ReplyDeleteAny more +1000 malarkey will result in an instant banning. Anyone questioning my supreme authority will be keelhauled for mutiny. More serious offences will be dealt with by the pipe fitter.
To whom it may concern.
ReplyDeleteAny more +1000 malarkey will result in an instant banning. Anyone questioning my supreme authority will be keelhauled for mutiny. More serious offences will be dealt with by the pipe fitter.
You seem to be forgetting Eddie this is a democratic cooperative and the consensus of the team is that you are out of order, any more of this and you will be severely reprimanded.
For and on behalf of the team.
You seem to be forgetting Eddie this is a democratic cooperative and the consensus of the team is that you are out of order, any more of this and you will be severely reprimanded.
Oh come on you two don't act all innocent you have caused enough aggro everywhere you have been! I still don't understand why you are bothered about other people let it go boys !
ReplyDelete" I still don't understand why you are bothered about other people"
ReplyDeleteBeing bothered about other people is what we do. We want every person in the world to win their fight against diabetes.
When all diabetics are given the option of a low carb high fat diet we will retire.
Well it does not come over like that - all you do is pick on people. Scary!
ReplyDeleteIt is funny how there are no comments on other sections only your rants.
Where/when did Cugila name Anna as a friend?
ReplyDeleteWas that a friend to his cause or a personal acquaintance?
As always the talk/discussion about the benefits a low carb high fat lifestyle can bring has received differing comments.
ReplyDeleteLooking around other blogs and forums, because let's be honest we all 'hop' across to other places to see their views, what's going on etc, always brings in differing opinions.
The great thing is whether people comment or not our viewing figures show that people are reading our blog and it's mix of articles.
We do our best to spread positive news. We have helped countless people to better control of their diabetes and lifestyle.
Eddie and Graham have only ever mentioned/targeted about 12 people over the years, who it appears have done their best to spread confusion and mis-information.
We are always pleased to receive comments and again thank all our readers.
All the best Jan
ReplyDeleteI am surprised at you to think that you condone Eddie and Graham's behaviour.
Only 12 people targeted? You should be ashamed to say that.
You believe in LC and others, with perfectly good stats don't. Why is it so important to hound others to conform with your way of thinking? It is almost like religious fervour that you exhibit.
Why should a Hindu convert to Christianity or why should a Christian convert Hinduism?
Surely you can see my point of live and let live.
Hello Irene
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comment and view point. And as you can see from this and other posts, many comments are received, some who agree and some who don't.
I think it's important to open up the conversation for people to see and learn, make informed decisions - how they then choose to live their lifestyle is up to the individual. I am not diabetic but these past years have been, what I like to call, "Living the low carb lifestyle". For me this means foods that are low in carbohydrates, high in fat and moderate in protein. I also include exercise and sleep in with this lifestyle.
For me, and these are my views, my opinion, all those three work together. I am fortunate that I do not have any underlying health problems and appreciate that each of us as an individual do need to make our own choice. We need to take account of all options especially if there are any other underlying health problems.
It is only by having as much information available to us that we can make informed choices.
Eddie (and Graham) set up this blog - I think the title of it gives the game away ... The Low Carb Diabetic. As has been said before Eddie is passionate about 'the low carb diabetic' and the improvement eating this way can and does bring, to your health,so many benefits. Of course, some may not use the word passionate, again that is up to the individuals view point.
It is true that the blog highlights many articles, posts and links to other blogs, medical papers, recipes, cartoons, even family living. We like to give a mix, and as with any newspaper, book, magazine the reader can then decide what he/she wants to read.
I like to think that each of us in the recently expanded 'low carb team' bring our own individuality and views.
They are views and as the title suggests are going to be more on 'the low carb diabetic' side. It is unfortunate that the word 'side' is used I hate seeing things as them and us, why not see it as two sides to a coin, two sides to a story - choose your own definition.
Perhaps the controversy that surrounds low carb, high fat can sometimes get as heated in a discussion as religion and politics.
Different view points should be given and allowed to be stated. People are free to comment.
At the risk of repeating myself. For me, and a great deal of diabetics I know, we are pleased to have made what we see is the right choice. LCHF
Thanks for reading
All the best Jan
You'd make a good politician Jan.
ReplyDeleteI don’t care how other people get good control of their weight or diabetes. I object to people that hang around on forums year in and year out, spreading misinformation, lies and confusion. I also have a problem with dishonest and biased mods. I have helped hundreds of people to a better way of diabetes control, what have you done, other than stalk around as an anonymous troll, with your one line comments. BTW as you have proved, you can say what you like hear and it gets approved. DCUK and ETYM delete posts and ban people that make comments they do not like, especially from lowcarbers. It was ever thus.
Jan HC or LC it does not matter if it works fine what I find offensive is the bully boy tactics of your husband and Graham - clearly you do not!
ReplyDeleteDo you find the bully boy tactics used by the bully boys we bully offensive ? or is it only lowcarbers you find offensive ?
Whoever is the bully - you do make me laugh now trying to be an angel. In truth I am not sure how you have any supporters because you must be one of the crudest and rudest men I have seen on any forum. I really feel sorry for your poor wife and family.
ReplyDelete" one of the crudest and rudest men I have seen on any forum"
Can you give me a few examples ?
Seriously anon, It's no good trying to woo me with terms of endearment and constant attention, your sweet talking me will get you nowhere. Tell me anon, why do find me so attractive ?
Keep up the good work Eddie I for one know were your coming from, I've been harassed by the bullies at dcuk and they deserve all they get.
ReplyDeleteOMG - Eddie I have seen a picture!
ReplyDeleteA trawl of this blog would pull up quite alot - go look!
Just leave people alone.
Admit it anon, you are totally obsessed with me and can't keep away.
ReplyDeleteGlad to be of service, would you like a signed photo of me ? you could keep it by your bedside.
Eddie swalk xxx
You mis read that - you are not my type.
ReplyDeleteI just want you to stop picking on people when it has nothing to do with diabetes.
Seriously though folks. There are a number of people, not all lowcarbers but people just trying to help others who are concerned about what they see as heavy handed moderation on DCUK.
ReplyDeleteThis is not about Eddie and Graham, but others who feel aggrieved by what they see as heavy handed moderation.Long term posters who have helped many and are left puzzled by their treatment.
They have not been satisfied by the answers they have been given. Yes it is certainly their choice to stay or go but if they and others go - who will miss out?
Everyone likes to see justice.It has to be done and seen to be done. If not, posters and members will lose respect for those they see as responsible.
Obviously there is a perception that certain individuals and supporters of a particular viewpoint have more influence than do others.
Only the moderators and admin can know the truth of this.
This blog is independent, people come here when they are denied a voice elsewhere. There is concern over a perceived lack of transparency.
What would be the harm if addressing these concerns and having compassion for those who rely on advice from people who have been banned or discouraged from posting,surely that is not unreasonable?
TBH I don't think any of you here are helping anyone - it is almost a point scoring exercise against other forums.
ReplyDeleteAll you do is bitch and post papers that are so far removed from normal life!
This is the problem with the internet it gives little people a voice!
"This is the problem with the internet it gives little people a voice!"
ReplyDeleteThat is the beauty of the internet, we give you a voice. Post after post of dross from you, we have so much patience. Now, before you disappear into oblivion, can you give us any useful advice on the control of diabetes. We have treated you politely, it's the least you can do. Just one good recipe or sound piece of advice.
Otherwise I might get the impression you are a very disturbed person and on the run from a secure hospital.
Eddies stalker said...
ReplyDelete"You mis read that - you are not my type."
So your a Type 1 are you!
"I just want you to stop picking on people when it has nothing to do with diabetes."
Nothing to do with Diabetes! what planet are you on?
It's all about diabetes, those people we are targeting are the ones who relentlessly run down LowCarbers at every opportunity and with the help of biased moderators get them banned or warnings through PMs.
It's plain for all to see you are a supporter or perhaps one of the clique, which include noblehead a complete and utter liar, Sid Bonkers the forum bully boy and portion control enforcer, and phoenix the chief spreader of misinformation and a serious health risk to Type 2 diabetics.
Kind regards
Anonymous bitch said...
ReplyDelete"All you do is bitch and post papers that are so far removed from normal life!"
But we love bitching about the bitches sweetie!
For diabetics NORMAL life could mean amputations, kidney failure, heart attacks etc. Many of the papers we publish are peer reviewed studies which will eventually hopefully go some way to help alleviate the sufferings brought on by the dire consequences of the dietary advice
given to many newly diagnosed diabetics.
Of course if your prepared to dismiss these far removed from life studies and prefer to follow the high carb medications/high insulin use feel free, just don't expect us to go down the same route.
Take care
King regards
Lowcarb team member said...
ReplyDelete"Where/when did Cugila name Anna as a friend?"
Hi Kath,
That would be after he'd been relieved of his mods job and had one of his rants on his own forum.
AAh, 2 post papers that are so far removed from normal life ??????
ReplyDeleteThey are not at all removed from normal life for diabetics.
Many of us like to understand the condition and take control for ourselves.
I am sure this blog has helped many.
DCUK has helped many too and could continue to help even more.
Is the real problem that you don't believe we should be controlling our own condition and telling others how we did it?
I remember when any discussion of complications was unwelcome on DCUK yet we see people asking the same questions on a daily basis.
Hi Anon
ReplyDeleteWhoah! I'm sure we can sort something out for you here and as Eddie's aspiring agent I'm sure we can arrange a photo shoot,a 2014 calender perhaps?
You could hang it in the pantry so every time you go in there for cereals,cakes,biscuits,pasta and crusty white bread then no matter what the month,he can give you a 'Wink' to remind you to ditch the junk and then hopefully you'll gain a real sense of clarity and not feel the need to Troll on here-you'll thank us one day I'm sure !
Have a good Friday !
The dcuk forum is a farce now the place is dead, just check the unanswered posts. I suppose the mods are far to busy in their witch hunt against low carbers to have time to deal with them.
ReplyDeleteAlso the mods do not have the knowledge to answer the posts. They are experts in saying nothing and the three word game.
To Anon stalker.
ReplyDeleteI gave you a chance to post something of use to the diabetic community, as always your rants got very boring so I have deleted your posts sent into today.
I don't mind the insults but you were sending me to sleep.