From Phoenix today.
"Scheiner discusses this when talking about the pizza effect."
"The final insult brought on by high-fat foods like pizza is the
prolonged, gradual blood sugar rise that occurs many hours after eating.
And guess's not carbs that are causing the rise. It's the
fat. But not directly. Here's how.
High fat meals and snacks
cause an increase in serum triglycerides for many hours. When the liver
is confronted by large amounts of triglycerides, it becomes resistant to
insulin. And that results in greater secretion of glucose by the liver.
Without a concurrent increase in insulin, blood sugar levels are going
to go up, up, up."
Any newbie reading that would feel it was OK to eat the carbs and that eating fat would cause a rise in BG. Which is totally wrong ! Fat has very little if any effect on raising blood glucose, carbs raise BG not fat ! As the experienced know, its high fat meals together with HIGH CARBS that is the worst possible combination.
Do you want to avoid the pizza effect ? Don't eat the pizza. Eat the foods that usually form the topping, and dump the high carb base.
Now you know why I call Phoenix the slippery one, she never gives up, but she is subtle, at times.
BTW we know exactly what the 'pizza effect' is. Us lowcarbers don't have that problem, because we keep carb levels very low. It's amazing how many problems lowcarb diabetics do not have to deal with. As Jimmy Greaves used to say "football it's a funny old game"
Link to the slippery one here.
"Now you know why I call Phoenix the slippery one, she never gives up, but she is subtle, at times."
ReplyDeleteYou dont do subtle do you Eddie.
She is quoting a diabetes expert who is well respected by diabetics and professionals.
ReplyDeleteAre you an expert?
‘Are you an expert’
ReplyDeleteGood grief perish the thought. Most experts get it totally wrong as witnessed by the thousands of negative comments made by the forum members. Experts have created the situation that has brought about 93% of UK type one diabetics never getting to a safe HbA1c. Expert such as DUK are pushing carbs with every meal.
Feel free to call me anything you like, but spare me the disgrace of being called and expert.
BTW Phoenix knows exactly the confusion her post will bring about. She is very bright and very knowledgeable. A line or two informing the members about carbs raising BG more than fats would have been great. But Phoenix on her 60% plus carb diet would never be interested in the newly diagnosed diabetics that can’t even get a test strip, let alone insulin, a pump, test strips and a top notch healthcare team.
I wonder if one of the mods will clarify the situation, not a chance eh. I doubt whether they even realise the confusion the post could cause, nothing new there then. Then again, maybe they do.
Looks like thery will go to great lengths to define pizza, and even spaghetti as a high fat meal. Do they ever even mentions carbs? The entire thread is obviously meant to deceive and now I see why you get so wound up after your visits there.
ReplyDeleteProbably, it wold be interesting to conduct an experiment - one team of people with compromised bs levels eats pizza(who don't care about their diet), another team just eat pizza crust(who think that the carbs are not so bad without fat, and let make that crust out of wholegrain flour), and the third team - only toppings, and all measure their blood sugar at regular intervals. I am not sure it would be an ethical experiment. May be your opponent could be asked how she would predict the results.
ReplyDeleteTJ is right. There will be people reading this who will see it as an attack on Phoenix, personally. They will be missing the point.
I see Phoenix is trying hard to continue the BS. I will let this post run for a day or so, and then completely shred her argument with a new post. She has also unwittingly opened a huge can of worms re the poor advice regarding the forum.
'May be your opponent could be asked how she would predict the results.'
ReplyDeleteShe would never ever come over here for a straight debate, she knows she would lose. The lowcarb antis can never compete on a level playing field. As soon as thread goes pear shaped for the anti's on the forum, the thread is locked and the lowcarber is often banned.
We have seen this on countless occasions. The mods are under orders, most of them no nothing about good diabetes control. Pneu was the last mod that knew what he was talking about, and he left because of the abysmal and corrupt way the forum is run !
As always, follow the money.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteShe is quoting a diabetes expert who is well respected by diabetics and professionals.
As Eddie said we know all about pizza effect and were not disputing that, it's just the implication that fat and not carbohydrates is the only problem, phoenix frequently cites studies with >40% carbs as LowCarb high fat diets this is why we have the problem with the reference to high fat.
Are you an expert?
We are experts in the management of our T2, but I've got to admit were not in phoenix's league for she is the self appointed expert on every type of diabetes.
Having said that her guru is carbinsane who is widely recognised in asylums as the foremost authority on type 2 diabetes.
Who are we to argue with the words of wisdom from one who has shown that CICO* is the only way to go, her undoubted success with the weight loss and her svelte figure are proof of that.
*CICO = Crap In Crap Out
Well said Graham.
ReplyDeleteSo much confusion seems to result from failure to define terms. Very often deliberately.
We see this all the time.How often do we hear that a "new study shows...?Its the updated version of Lies, damned lies and statistics.
I wonder how many newly diagnosed have been prevented from even reducing their starchy carbs by dire warnings about the dangers of low carb from people who sound
authoritative and professional, quoting irrelevant information.
The trouble is that they don't know what to look for or how to question the information they are presented with.
That is what made the recent post from the Mod about Hana's little slip so annoying to many. As I said before they desperately need someone on the Moderation team who understands these issues. The hard part might be to get them to stay.