Friday 11 October 2013

DCUK quote of the day !

"Choice is each members own to vist this DCUK forum - if not agreeable then you are
also free to leave ."

This is code for. This forum is run for the benefit of the mods and a few of our groveling toady mates, if you don't like it you can F**K OFF.

Thread locked by Anna as usual. Mind you, it made a change for the bonkers one not to have been involved.



  1. "Choice is each members own to vist this DCUK forum - if not agreeable then you are
    also free to leave ."
    Are we, look at the number of poor saps that have tried to leave but are kept on the rolls!

  2. I've lost count of the times I've thought in the last few years "stop the earth, I wanna get off".

  3. I often wonder if reporting posts to the mods on there is a very one-sided affair. Just to give a balanced overall view maybe we should all report posts which we feel might pose a danger to others. Like Hana's mistake over the weetabix. That sort of thing.



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