Tuesday 1 October 2013

Dr. Chris Steele another moronic medical professional ?

OK, I did not see the TV program today featuring Dr. Chris Steele. I do not watch daytime TV other than the early morning news. Until today I had never heard of Dr. Steele. Evidently he is a cross between a medic and a chat show celeb, who is wheeled out to give the great un-washed the benefit of his vast knowledge. Today he was talking about diabetes, a subject he clearly knows very little about, according to a thread running at diabetes.co.uk.

The members at the forum have said, and I have no reason to doubt these people, stated “For a Doctor to make claims which he did on live TV, claiming that all Diabetics are diabetic due to their unhealthy lifestyles and being overweight and lazy, and then only when nudged by Philip Scofield to differentiate between the Types of Diabetes is disgraceful!” ( Eddie comment: Jeez, never confuse those fat bastard type two diabetics with type one's) Perhaps someone should ask the Doctor why the majority of over weight people lazy or not, do not become type two diabetics. I would like to ask him a lot of questions.

The presenter Philip Scofield who apparently pulled the Doctor up, on more than one occasion, and does know  about diabetes (his Mother and Brother are type one diabetics) was not impressed. Maybe the Doc should go back to school, or start reading up on type two diabetes. The last thing type two diabetics need, is a numbskull medic adding fuel to the sort of garbage we see so often in the red top gutter media.


Link to the diabetes.co.uk thread here.


  1. I was unfortunate enough to have seen this tripe from Dr Steele earlier and had to leave the room so I didn't throw something through the screen !

    Pure ignorance at best and the irony is Dr Chris has banged on about a 'healthy' diet for years to avoid CVD and yet his diet has given him CVD as he was diagnosed with it only a few years ago-safe to say high carb low fat didn't work for him eh ! To me his advice stands as a warning of what NOT to do and my lipid panel suggests that I'm on a good path despite such crap that is portrayed by the media and DUK that says otherwise.


  2. Certainly caused a lot of comment. What a shame the Dr didn't seem to have a clue. And we wonder why so many diabetics are confused.
    I agree with Pauls comment "crap" .... "is portrayed by the media and DUK"

  3. People like patterns don't they? There is some argument that our brains are essentially pattern seeking machines, whether faces in the clouds or conspiracy theories; we like it when we uncover a causative link between things.

    It's much less 'satisfying' to our brains to find out that something happens for causes beyond our comprehension.

    Our brains like to be able to say; 'look they eat too much, they have become diabetic'. Doesn't make it right though, anymore than thinking that that cloud has a face.

    But here is a causative pattern that I'm pretty confident is true; if you make your living from 'having opinions' on daytime TV your views are not to be trusted.



  4. What are you saying Dillinger?

    He's a DOCTOR and on TV! Of course he mut be right {sigh}!

  5. According to a Type1 on Page 4 of the debate, Type2's eat too much and drink too much alcohol. He/she thought that Chris Steele made sense.
    So there you have it, simples.

  6. Reading the thread on DCUK made me wonder if any Type1s would admit to being overweight and drinking excess alcohol or is it just Type2s who exhibit this behaviour?

    Teetotal and carb controlled Type 2

  7. There are many different types of diabetes its an umbrella term for many metabolic conditions.

    T1's dislike being tarred with the media stereotype of T2 and that is understandable because I as a T2 also dislike it.

    Apart from that it is basically all diabetes - the extent and the causes vary but probably that is the case for many of those just bundled together as T2.

    Of course the more intelligent and informed T1's know this but the stereo type is everywhere and we can't be too surprised if some T1's swallow all the hype and misinformation.


  8. Patsy said...
    Reading the thread on DCUK made me wonder if any Type1s would admit to being overweight and drinking excess alcohol or is it just Type2s who exhibit this behaviour?

    Of course there are overweight T1's and many admit to enjoying a drink or three. I just wonder how many are eating the junk foods that are said be the main cause in the rise of obesity and T2.

    There are a few and I emphasis a few T1's (the majority are fair minded people), who somehow think they are a cut above us.

    A skinny T2


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