Thursday, 10 October 2013

Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen comments about Barry Groves again.

Some may remember we had some comments posted by a person who says he is Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen. These came in around the time Barry died and some of his posts can be read on this thread here. I have stated before I do not know if this Paul Jones is the genuine article or a spoofer, one thing is clear, the poster is an idiot, but hey, I love taking on idiots. Taking on idiots and their lawyers has become a sport for me, although somewhat time consuming, it is never less than interesting. Anyway, back to Paul Jones or the spoofer and a comment that came in around two am this morning.

“Barry Groves died of the very thing he claimed his diet prevented, a heart attack. So I Dr Paul Jones comment questioning Groves diet is valid.”

It is a fact Barry died of an inherited heart defect, as did his Brother and Father. Clearly Jones is saying Barry’s lowcarb high fat diet did not prevent Barry from having a heart attack. As we have seen in the past, if a high profile lowcarb advocate dies, at whatever age, the antis get excited and point the finger at the diet. This leads me to wonder, what would be an appropriate way to die, for a lowcarber that would not lead to the antis making negative comments. Would it have been better if Barry had been struck by a bolt of lightening while reaching the top of mount Everest, maybe being wiped out by a Tsunami wave while surfing at Bondi beach, maybe fired from a giant cannon as a human cannonball would have been a better way to go.

The truth of the matter is, Barry and no other lowcarber to my knowledge, has stated a lowcarb high fat diet, will make it impossible to get a heart attack or any other illness or disease. Lowcarb does not make a person immortal, it will not turn you into superman, it will not give you the intellect of Albert Einstein. However, it is a proven and safe method of losing weight, it is a proven and safe method of controlling blood glucose, with nil or minimal medication. It has proved to be beneficial in many ways, for many health related conditions. It works and keeps on working.

Barry Groves helped countless people to a happier healthier way of life. He was highly respected by people from all walks of life, from laymen to medical professionals. He was a world class sportsman until a late age, and was mentally and physically active until the end, at the age of seventy seven. Oh that we could all achieve what Barry achieved, and at 63 years of age, I would grab the offer of living to and dying of a heart attack at 77, with both hands.



  1. Best way for a low carber to go for the anti's...hit by a double decker full of tourists while crossing the street at Trafalgar Square.

  2. Interesting that Dr Jones implies on the old thread that any improvement in lipid panels is due to the metformin and not LCHF-well I'd like to know how I've managed to improve my lipids without Metformin and only using LCHF and minimal injected basal insulin? or is he implying that ALL of our anecdotal evidence(and there's one heck of a lot of us enjoying good results out there) is completely fabricated?


  3. Jones if he actually exists will never engage in a meaningful debate here, his ilk never do. A negative comment here, a negative comment there, but all the antis never have any answers. They believe they know what does not work, but are completely clueless as to what does work. Let’s face it, if the average Doctor, Dietitian or academic had an answer for the obesity and often linked two diabetes epidemics, we would be seeing some progress in there eradication. They have failed utterly, and will keep on failing, until they stop being shills for big pharma, junk food outfits and bent science.


  4. Hi Marc

    The antis would be pleased just to see us go. Sugar and carbohydrate addiction is a terrible thing. Like junkies looking for their next fix, straight thinking never occurs. Only when cleansed of the junk, can the path to enlightenment be seen.


    Ketogenesis, Chapter 16, Verse 9:

    "Rejoice, for the tent of low-carb is with mankind, and normoglycemia resides with them. Anyone conquering carbohydrate will inherit these things. Outside are the carb-ridden dogs and those who are disgusting in their starchy filth, and all those who are liking and carrying on a carb-fuelled lie."


  5. Hi Eddie,I’m sure you’ve probably found this already so apologies in advance but just in case you haven’t this ‘Appears’ to be the guy and surprise-surprise has no medical background whatsoever which explains an awful lot!

    Best regards


  6. Hi Paul

    I have not checked this guy out, you may have found the man. I am not over impressed, if this is the ‘Paul Jones’ I am no Oxford Don, but this guy can’t even spell the word “Univeristy” on his CV.


  7. From the first glance Dr.Grooves health advice "Don't base meals of starchy foods,don't eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day,don't eat more fiber" looks paradoxical except part one (for a LCarber), but there is a lot of truth in it. There is no category of food we should try to consume according to the principle the more the better. There are constant efforts in a media to declare one food or another to be the "super food". Dr.Grooves made a lot of fan of such nonsense. Many people feel if some food has beneficial components, the more of it is consumed, the better the outcome will be, and that good food is free from calories. My husband is dealing right now with consequences of eating too much plant food. It could really irritate digestive tract in some people, especially the raw staff, especially consumed close to a bed time. Fiber doesn't irritate my stomach easily, but I avoid eating too much food volume anyway. According to what I read, staffed stomach gives a wrong signal to a vagus nerve. In Dr.Bernstein book everybody can read about the "China Buffet" effect when his patients reported elevated blood sugar levels after eating too much of the food approved for them, but to the point of feeling staffed. So, it a good idea to have a vegetable side instead of a starchy one, but going overboard in that direction could be still not very healthy.

    I wanted to rant about it for a while, and the post about "Eat the colors of the rainbow and stay healthy ! " almost made me do it, but I restrained myself in order not to spoil the whole party.

  8. Many thanks to all for your comments and I feel sure there will be some more. Whether you love it or hate it the low carb high fat lifestyle ALWAYS gets the conversation going.

    Speaking personally I have been following this lifestyle for just over five years (would you believe the same amount of time as Eddie!). I am not a diabetic and am fortunate not to have any known health problems, and I have never been overweight.

    Our low carb high fat lifestyle is based on vegetables, and the more range and different colours (the colours of the rainbow) the greater the range of nutrients.To this we add meat and fish, eggs, dairy and high quality natural fats.Butter, cream, nuts, seeds, avocados etc. We are certainly not vegetarians. Not that we have anything against vegetarian or the vegetarian way of life.

    In fact what YOU eat and how YOU eat it is a personal view.

    If you click on the link to our food and recipe blog, that was on our 'Colours of the Rainbow' post you will see all the meals feature various meats, fish, dairy, and high quality natural fats.This is typical of the food we eat, and it has controlled Eddie's diabetes for over five years.

    I fully appreciate, that everyone is entitled to their view, what they eat and some have to take regard of health problems.

    An exchange of ideas, views and conversation is how we learn and progress, that's what make's it so interesting and rewarding.

    The very best of health to you all.

    All the best Jan

  9. Galina L. said...

    My husband is dealing right now with consequences of eating too much plant food.

    Hi Galina, I don't think you will appreciate Dr Jones then as his preference is a low fat plant based diet.


  10. @Graham, in order to thrive on a low-fat-high-fiber diet it is better to have a digestive system similar to orangutan. May be some feel much better eating like that for a short while after years of overeating - sort of giving their body a nice break after over-staffing it with a garbage.

    @Jan, I strongly suspect that eating a lot of bright colored plants + meat and fat is a fan and enjoyable way to practice a low-carbohydrate diet with elements of calories restriction, a little bit like more generous version of Bill Clinton's diet. He ,probably, took it too far and looks emaciated from my point of view.It looks like,however, that your family found the right balance. I wouldn't put a growing child or a breastfeeding mother on a such diet because they need a lot of nutrients, but as people get older, avoiding excess could be more health-promoting and beneficial. I remember using a and noticing how little veggies added to the count of nutrients regardless of the color.

  11. May be this chap:


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
