Sunday, 20 October 2013

Malcolm Kendrick is a very pissed off man !

One of our heroes and health gurus is Doctor Malcolm Kendrick. He does not pull his punches and there is nothing ambiguous about his posts. Check out his latest post, it goes for the jugular. A few extracts.

"As I have pointed out many times on this blog, and elsewhere, carbohydrates, at least all the carbohydrates humans can digest, are converted to sugar(s) in the GI system. They must be, because all that carbohydrates consist of are different number of sugar molecules bonded together in different ways. When you break them to bits in the digestive system, they become simple sugars.

In short, when they looked at all the evidence, they found that low carb/high fat diets raise HDL cholesterol (the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol). They have no effect on LDL levels; they also lower blood sugar levels and triglyceride (VLDL) levels. All good and healthy, and all of which bascially means that insulin resistance has been reduced – the underlying cause of diabetes.

Why is everyone in the Western World becoming obese? Because we are replacing fat with sugar in many foodstuffs. The obesity ‘epidemic’ started at exactly the same time as the idiots, sorry experts, decreed that a healthy diet was a diet full of carbs. Which was, and remains, the exact and complete opposite of the truth."

Read the full post here. If you take Malcolm on, make sure you're loaded for bear, he takes no prisoners when it comes to outdated stupidity and bent science.



  1. Well tell him to move to Sweden !!

  2. We have to be thankful to people like Dr Kendrick who don't give up but keep pushing their message.

    People will look back on all this in amazement and horror. Its very often the simple solutions which are the most effective but most difficult to get accepted.Washing hands was another one.

    I am allergic to peppers and intolerant of other veg in this "family". Maybe I should eat more of them because they are supposed to be healthy?


  3. Anonymous said...
    "Well tell him to move to Sweden !!"

    Don't be silly we need him here, Sweden has enough Doctors that are prepared to challenge the low fat dogma, besides I doubt Dr Kendrick is fluent in the language.



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The best of health to you and yours.
