The mocked "obesity excuse" of being born with a slow metabolism is actually true for some people, say researchers.
A team at the University of Cambridge has found the first proof that mutated DNA does indeed slow metabolism.
The researchers say fewer than one in 100 people are affected and are often severely obese by early childhood.
The findings, published in the journal Cell, may lead to new obesity treatments even for people without the mutation.
Scientists at the Institute of Metabolic Science, in Cambridge, knew that mice born without a section of DNA, a gene called KSR2, gained weight more easily.
It used to be generally recognised that some people were born with this problem and that it was obviously genetic. Now with the increase in obesity in the general population this tends to be forgotten.Further research may also finally prove that weight gain is a symptom and not a cause of T2 diabetes. Lots of good and optimistic signs around lately!