Wednesday 30 October 2013

MP Tessa Munt wins our numbskull of the week award !

Never a day goes by when we are not having the epidemics of obesity and often linked type two diabetes rammed down our throats by the media. Only those recently arrived from another planet or released from a long stretch of solitary confinement, have not heard the news. and that news is reduce sugar if you value your health. My first thought after reading about MP Tessa Munt's ludicrous ranting, was who's payroll is she on. Checks of MP's declared interests comes up with zilch. This leads me to believe the woman must be unhinged !

"Tessa Munt, an aide to Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, warned that jam could be turned into “coloured mud” if plans go ahead to relax the regulations governing the minimum level of sugar which a product calling itself jam or marmalade can contain.
Ministers are planning to reduce the minimum sugar content in jam from 60 per cent to 50 per cent.
Ms Munt, the Liberal Democrat MP for Wells, warned that the new rules could result in runny spreads which quickly go out-of-date.
She said new regulations from Brussels will mean manufacturers will be able to call their fruit spreads jam even if they are only 50 per cent sugar.
Ms Munt warned that it will mean that producers will be able to sell a "gloopy sludge" that resembles nothing like the traditional British staple."

Now I will be the first to admit there are more than a few who regard me as one wave short of a shipwreck, but fighting to keep “a traditional British staple” with 60 per cent sugar content is utter madness.


Link to the lunacy here.


  1. She may have incipient dementia caused by eating too many carbs, I see she is MP for Wells in Somerset, obviously been having too many west country cream teas.
    Stick to the clotted cream Tessa, cut the crap that goes with them. Eddie can give you a few safe cake recipes if you struggle or try a few fresh berries instead with lashings of cream!

  2. Clotted cream and blueberries, delicious and low carb. What else.

  3. She probably was thinking of the cream teas.

    I don't think she need fret unduly.
    Other countries manage to produce conserves etc.. without using the amount of sugar we do.

    Polish sour cherry jam is almost sugar free. I used to buy it when I still ate bread. Available, obviously in Polish shops and in some supermarkets where they stock Polish foods. Useful for anyone who wants a spread of hat kind.



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