Sunday 20 October 2013

Sent in as a comment but worthy of a new post !

From Bill Cook

Canadian CBC aired an excellent documentary just two weeks ago on "The
Secrets of Sugar": Can be found here.

It shows how the sugar industry deliberately concealed the health risks known to them already back in the 70s.

Sounds like tobacco tactics?

Sounds like some historically unprecedented legal and financial claims?

Sounds like Coca Cola will only be allowed to advertise mineral water at Olympic Games and soccer world cups?

I think so.

Have you ever wondered why "life-style" diseases started spreading only once sugar consumption surpassed the metabolically safe levels of max.
50g/day (acc. to WHO) back in 1900?

And why they exploded only since sugar is found in almost every processed food?

Have you ever wondered why ADHD became the number one performance killer in our schools?

Have you ever wondered why insulin-dependent forms of cancer are on the rise?

Because sugar and HFCS both contain fructose, which messes up the whole metabolic system.

Evolutionarily, it was meant as a fruity calorie boost once a year prior to winter.

Today, it's the all-year number one calorie source in the US, and on the rise worldwide.

Something went wrong.

Something has to change.

As a first step, the EU must withdraw their "health claim" and issue a
"health warning" of fructose and sugar in general.

Only then will we be back on the right track.

We can change legal laws any time - but we cannot change biochemical laws.

Please spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. "Please spread the word."

    Bill, I couldn't have put it better myself. It is so important to talk, and keep talking. Spread the word to all who open their ears (and eyes) to what is going on.

    All the best Jan


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