Tuesday 8 October 2013

Strictly Come Dancing.

I am almost always in a cheerful optimistic mood, but the last few weeks I have been on a real downer. No reason I could think of, BG numbers spotonski and enjoying the mild autumnal weather, then it hit me, like a diamond bullet between the eyes, the reason for my suicidal thoughts, Strictly Come Dancing! I believe a similar show runs in the US called Dance with the stars.

My wife is a level headed person (for a woman) (only joking gals) but she goes completely batshit during the Strictly season. One word of negative comment from me can wreck the whole weekend. So, three months of the cadaverous Sir Bruce Forsyth, who proves without doubt, there is life after death, cracking jokes deemed far to poor for even a cheap Christmas cracker. Three months of total bilge from Brucie, that is when he is not too incapacitated to turn up (he missed Saturday’s show) and was replaced by the gruesome Claudia. Our Claudia, a sort of cloned ancient Egyptian dwarf, staggered around on heels so high, she had to be assisted in walking at one point, has less talent than my neighbours cat. But it doesn’t end there.

The celebrity dancers range from knackered out over the hill sports stars, to morbidly obese Z list Celebs, rolling the dice one more time, before checking into either long term rehab or an old peoples home. There is a glimmer of talent and vitality amongst some of the Celebs, I can only think the money was too good to turn down. The professional dancers all seem to come from ex Eastern Block Communist Gulags, I bet some wish they were back in the old country at times. These guys and gals add the sizzle, to the well past its sell by-date, rancid sausage. Cavorting half naked and working hard to avoid what the dross newspapers call ‘a wardrobe malfunction’ the mediocrity is dazzling. On to the judges.

The nice guy roll is played by Len, a sort of cross between Dell boy and a wax works model of err..….Dell boy. He competes with Brucie in the ‘who won’t need next years diary’ competition. Len’s jokes are as pitiful as Brucie’s, and are older than Methuselah. Why the beautiful, and once mega talented ballet dancer, Darcey Bussell has anything to do with this dance macabre show, is beyond me, lots of money I suspect. What a way to end a fantastic career, camping it up with Bruno Tonioli. Now, Bruno I like. He reminds me of Larry Grayson on speed (anyone remember Larry ?) Bruno makes the late Liberace, look like the hard man from the Terminator films by comparison. Leaping from his chair, gushing orgasmic jibber at a hundred miles an hour, it is some spectacle I can tell you, and about as genuine as Brucie’s rug. If they can find a way of connecting Bruno to the National Grid, energy bills may come down.

That leaves Mr. Nasty the Dracula like Craig Revel Horwood. Now, I should like him, he tells it like it is most of the time. When the dancing is crap, (most of the time) and the Celeb looks totally embarrassed, and about to have a heart attack, Craig gets the mob booing by adding to the participants misery, with the truth. Don’t give up the day job darling and find a new botox quack.

That’s Strictly come dancing, and I expect some of them do ! Jeez, do they love themselves. What a waste of licence payers money. This is prime time Saturday night TV in the UK. Beam me up Scotty, send me back on Christmas eve.



  1. Take it you don't like this show Eddie?

  2. Amen to that Eddie! I thought I was the only one to scream and run when that show is on the box-My mother-in-law is currently staying and asked me to record it so she could watch it round here, oh how I laughed at that request and I'm currently getting bad vibes off her and little digs along the lines of "My other son-in-law (The serious butt kisser) would let me watch the dancing.." lol


  3. "Take it you don't like this show Eddie?"

    Jeez anon you don't miss much do you LOL

    Kind regards Eddie

  4. Paul

    You sure have had some tough breaks. Strictly Come Dancing and your MIL staying. You must have been one SOB in a previous life !


  5. Eddie for someone who doesn't like the show you seem to have a lot of knowledge about it, I would suggest this is more down to being an avid fan than rather than a critic.


  6. Think Graham is on the right track. Maybe you have a serious case of sequin envy Eddie?
    Hello, my name is Eddie 'Twinkletoes' Mitchell. Try as I might to vilify this programme and all who participate, I admit that my secret ambition is to perform the paso doble on said progrmme with my lovely wife.
    Go on Eddie, admit it, why fight it. You know it makes sense.

  7. "sequin envy"

    How true is that and the show does appeal to his feminine side.



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