Monday 25 November 2013

A quick, easy and tasty low carb meal - Chicken and mixed vegetable stir fry.

How is your new week going? Is it going to be one that seems to be a head-long rush or will you be able to relax and take your time over things. For most I suspect it could be somewhere in the middle. Well my week started with a family visit and lunch out ...... nice.

I chose a tasty light lunch because I knew that dinner was going to be Chicken and mixed vegetable stir fry.

Well sometimes you just want a quick, easy and tasty low carb meal, and this meal is just that.

Have a look at the recipe and method below and see what you think.

Ingredients: Serves two. 2 Large chicken breasts cut into pieces. 350 grams of vegetable stir fry, ( I used Sainsbury's brand )  6 tablespoons olive oil, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, Salt and pepper to taste 
Method:  Clean, cut and place chicken in a small frying pan, I use a small 8" non stick omelet pan - add some olive oil or butter and fry on a low heat until starting to brown. Place 350 grams of the vegetable stir fry into a large frying pan or wok. While the chicken is cooking heat the vegetables in some butter or olive oil at a low heat. When everything is piping hot, tip the chicken into the vegetables and stir, add lots of soy sauce and serve. It's quick, easy and tasty and less than 10 carbs. I check the chicken is cooked through by cutting a few pieces in half.

Hope you enjoy it

All the best Jan

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