Monday, 4 November 2013

Cameras up our butts ! Google installs cameras in public toilets !

Checking around over the last few weeks it appears we in the UK are the most photographed people on the planet. Everywhere we go someone or some outfit has us on a video link. Yesterday while watching the worlds most boring sport, Formula  One, I had a trawl around. I Googled up live video cameras, from Heathrow Airport to the car ferry at Lake Windermere. The brains will tell us this will save us from rabid terrorists trying to turn us into fish-paste. Now I read today Tesco are going to install more surveillance at all of their garage forecourts. Around three years ago I gave Tesco the big elbow. For me they have become greed personified, they want it all !

The big brother promoters tell us 'If you have nothing to hide you have nothing fear' clever, but it does not wash with me. I have far more chance of being rubbed out in a car crash than some rabid head-case taking me out with an act of terrorism. This is how the game is played, I call it the politics of fear. Take it from me my friends, this is all bollocks !


Link to Tesco's latest stroke here.

Google installs cameras in public toilets link here.

1 comment:

  1. Back in 1982, before we were all born (ahem), The Clash said in a great song buried on their album Sandinista 'Fear is just another commodity here, they sell us peep-holes to peep when we hear, a bang on the door, resoundingly clear.'

    Pretty prescient of them; the motivating factor of 21st century culture is fear; fear of terrorism, fear of disease, fear of death, fear of life even.

    You don't assert your rights if you are scared to meet someone's eyes.

    All the political parties know this, all the editors of news media know this; if it bleeds it leads as the printed press so charmingly put it.




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