Check this out from Catherine's website.
"In this day and age, where you can tweet, pin, drop, Facebook and who knows what else – it is even more important to second guess what you read. There are many gurus and quack’s out there whose interests are somewhat questionable. So, don’t just blindly follow what they are telling you to do. Rather, take a step back and investigate first. Your health is worth that.
So, how do you know if what these quacks/guru’s are “feeding” you is… true or not? You go to the scientific research which is available… Don’t understand it? Your best bet is then to seek out an expert opinion. Someone who is trained in the applicable field. In terms of nutrition, dietitians are the food experts. Visit Association of Dietetics South Africa (ADSA) to find your nearest dietitian."
"So, how do you know if what these quacks/guru’s are “feeding” you is… true or not? You go to the scientific research which is available…"
"quacks/guru’s" does she mean people like me ! BTW did you notice on Graham's post the Dietitian was making comments re high fat and high protein as is Catherine. We have never recommended high fat and high protein, so often these people twist what we say and have found to be successful.
We recommend low carb, high quality fat, medium protein, a big difference, not that a high protein diet is a problem for a non diabetic individual with good kidney function. The tragedy in all this is a very well intentioned bright young lady has been fed a complete crock of dietary garbage, at least as far as diabetics are concerned. She will send thousands to a painful and early grave, unless she sees the light.
Eddie, your friendly neighbourhood quack and guru, who can shred any argument re. the best way to control type two diabetes, put forward by any healthcare professional, who does not believe that a low carb diet and exercise, and nil/minimal meds is the best way to control type two diabetes.
As Graham asked - where are the long term studies for their side of the argument?
ReplyDeleteThey may well have studies looking at different aspects of nutrition but there is nothing to compare the long-term benefits of LCHF to the standard recommended diet for
Perhaps because those following the standard diet don't last as long?
"investigate first: - that IS what I have done, and a low carb diet is exactly the correct way to manage diabetes. If this dietician actually knew anything about human physiology and disease, then she would not be promoting the standard unhealthy diet. All these mainstream dieticians are like sheep - blindly following each other. The scientific evidence is absolutely there, if they could be bothered to do some independent research. Beside the scientific research, humans have been eating a low carb diet for 2.6 million years and they were free from modern chronic disease. There is no way the modern standard diet high in toxic carbohydrates is healthier than what our ancestors ate. That is evidence enough for me...that and my son's excellent blood glucose and blood lipid results!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should read this - I do like the comment if you want to do paleo properly go catch your food and eat bugs. Humans adapt!
"Maybe you should read this - I do like the comment if you want to do paleo properly go catch your food and eat bugs. Humans adapt!"
ReplyDeleteHey bozo can you not read !!! the blog name is lowcarbdiabetic not paleodiabetic.
I know - dah! but think it is relevant as you are very similar and hate carbs ! A balanced view maybe!
ReplyDeleteI see you are just as nice as ever - maybe you should be grateful as there is a lack of posts!
Yes, the title of this blog certainly says the low carb diabetic.
ReplyDeleteIs it not if you are low carb, primal, paleo, wheat free whatever you term it the emphasis is on eating healthy and for diabetics that must be eating to keep blood sugars low.
A blog should be free to talk about and discuss topics as they see fit but especially those that major on real food issues, health issues. Only by sharing and discussing what is happening can good progress be made.
Be warned, from what I have read in the years I have followed this blog the writers aim is to educate about low carb living.
A blog could be seen as a television it has an on/off switch or similar, you don't have to read it.
For me I enjoy the variety of reads - and I don't always comment as other readers do not comment.But I do say thank you.
Anonymous said... "I know - dah! but think it is relevant as you are very similar and hate carbs !" Hi Anon It's not simply a case of "We hate carbs" here(No-one here on the team is advocating or practices zero carb regimes-not dangerous in any way of course but very restrictive)-in fact we do eat non starchy carbs in the form of vegetables and low fructose based fruit which gives us the nutrients and fibre we need and then we add good quality fats through meat,fish,dairy and nuts. As for comments being low?...well it's quality rather than quantity IMO,if quantity was all that mattered then the spam filter would simply be disabled but this is a no-nonsense blog to promote a good low carb method of control for diabetics and there's no place for bullshit!
"I know - dah! but think it is relevant as you are very similar and hate carbs ! A balanced view maybe!"
ReplyDeleteHate carbs do we sunshine! Just in case you've not noticed we are diabetics, perhaps your one of those morons that think big pharma is the answer to our carb intolerance. Were we differ from paleo is we don't restrict dairy products.
"I see you are just as nice as ever - maybe you should be grateful as there is a lack of posts!"
How kind of you to appreciate how nice we are, we always endeavour to be pleasant to our visitors unless of course they are imbeciles like some that comment on our blog!
Finally a quote from the link you provided:
"She agreed that a high-carbohydrate diet can have a detrimental effect on long-term health, as many studies have demonstrated"
And she wasn't referring to diabetics to whom the detrimental effects can create a far worse scenario to that of non - diabetics.
Kind regards
Graham xx
Sugar - not grains is the issue. I am not sure the gluten summit looked at that but what is certain there is not agreement and we need to eat more plants as we are consuming too much animal protein.
ReplyDeleteI see you are your usual self - rude Graham
"Sugar - not grains is the issue. I am not sure the gluten summit looked at that but what is certain there is not agreement and we need to eat more plants as we are consuming too much animal protein."
ReplyDeleteGrains not an issue really! I'm afraid from a diabetics perspective my BG meter disagrees with that.
Do you really know what thread your commenting on? This one is a post about a dietitian promoting a high carb diet for diabetics, grains are covered in this thread Leading Neurologist Says Grains Are Bad For Your Brain, perhaps you should cut back on the grains!
"I see you are your usual self - rude Graham"
Me rude not normally sunshine, I'm usually a very affable easy going chap, the rudeness is reserved for a select few anonymous visitors to this blog.
Kind regards
Graham xx