Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Could I share a prison cell with this guy ?

Often, as I have gone through life and trying to evaluate a man, I think to myself 'could I share a prison cell with this guy' ? OK it might seem nuts to you, but it usually works for me. Let's get one thing straight, I have never ever been in a prison other than as a visitor. Being banged up with someone 23 hours a day is a tester for sure. One guy I could not be banged up with is Noblehead at If ever there was a lightweight it is Nigel. The forum has been down for around 18 hours and he posts "Has the forum been down" he then proceeds to post like a madman on speed.

Who is this guy trying to kid ?

BTW has anyone seen Bonkers ? I am beginning to miss him. He may be a nutter, but he is my kind of nutter !


PS. Nice to see the management have put another five bob in the meter to keep the forum going.


  1. Apparently there is now also going to be a 'Like' button for posts now too so we don't have to reply with +1 anymore as we all know what the penalty is for doing that eh !


  2. Hi Paul

    Graham and myself got banned permanently for less, and that's a fact.


  3. "Graham and myself got banned permanently for less and that's a fact"

    Ha ha, if you were around at the time of these bans then you would know that this is fiction.

  4. Ha Ha how are you doing you old miscreant, over a week and no comments from you. I post up your negative comments because I know how much pleasure you derive from them. Never let it be said I begrudge someone for getting their rocks off !


  5. Anonymous cretin said...
    "Ha ha, if you were around at the time of these bans then you would know that this is fiction."

    Listen up sunshine I was banned not for anything I said at DCUK but for a comment made on another forum, the instigators of my ban were silverfox (one of cugilas troll names) and that drama queen cherub.

    The comments I made were directly targeted at cugila and the way he had become a control freak and the banning of anyone who had the temerity to disagree with him or his boot licking clique (are you one of them?).

    The events the led to his removal of his mods job and his subsequent foul mouthed rants more than vindicated the comments made by me and Eddie.

    Boy how I enjoyed the weeping and gnashing of teeth by his grovelling clique on hearing of his demise.

    Kind regards


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