Wednesday, 27 November 2013

DCUK quote of the year from Phoenix !

"Perhaps I should just stick to the 1.5 section...... but what about discussions, other medications, diet?"

The best idea the woman ever had in my opinion. This is a woman that thinks Hope Warshaw and a diet of 50% carbs per day should be the way to go for type two diabetics. The Phoenix aka the slippery one has spent years rubbishing low carb while she sits back with all the tools, Insulin, a pump, test strips, top medical advice  etc. All the time undermining people who in many cases can't even get their hands on some test strips.

Elsewhere she is known as OnePointFive, well known US blogger the Wooo has certainly got Phoenix sussed.

As your moniker states, you are a 1.5 diabetic. YOU are nothing like a type 2 diabetic and cannot relate to their concerns. You are much more in common with a type 1 metabolically healthy subject. Just as you don't seem to understand why type 2s need to restrict carbs and can't just inject insulin like you or a type 1 or a MODY diabetic, you are also not likely to succumb to the complications because exogenous insulin will manage your condition entirely, assuming you are compliant with blood sugar checks and insulin coverate and monitoring/observing how your blood glucose responds to variables. 

This is not the case for a type 2 diabetic who is intrinsically DISEASED in the liver, and in the very core of their cells. Whereas your c-peptide is barely detectable, theirs will be extremely HIGH. They are rarely insulin deficient, and often hyperinsulinemic in the early phases. The problem with type 2 diabetes is that the cells are like that of a corpse - they are half dead - they simply fail to generate energy normally. No matter what this person does, they will succumb to illnesses UNLESS THEY STOP TRYING TO USE GLUCOSE FOR ENERGY. THe best therapy for the type 2 is getting off glucose ASAP, using non-insulin dependent sources of nutrition like fats, and maximizing glucose tolerance as much as possible via micronutrients, weight training/moderate exercise, good sleep patterns and so on.

Here's a little chart to illustrate the differences in insulin secretion and resistance between 1, 1.5, and 2. As you can see, 1.5 is pretty much type 1 that occurs in old age, with some insulin resistance but not significant.

The fact you laugh at type 2 diabetics on low carb diets, would be like someone with situational laughing at a manic depressive for taking lithium. Situational depression may resolve without life long medication, but bipolar disorder will NOT. Sure, both of these people have a condition considered by doctors to be described as "depression" but the etiology and treatment of the condition is radically different. The various categories of diabetes are just like this. You have no idea what type 2 diabetics experience and what treatment they benefit from, because the news flash is for you: it isn't the same as type 1, type 1.5, or mody diabetes.



  1. I do not read US blogs is TheWooo a medical person? The way she/he writes I would say she/he is.

  2. If you read the whole thread, it would seem that the OP does not want Type2's anywhere near him on the forum.

    Some Type1 loon has come up with colour coding for different types. Why not a star of David for those pesky type2's and let everyone know how inferior they are. It is a pity they mince their words and don't say what they really mean. Type1's of this ilk see themselves as proper diabetics, not the fat, lazy slobs that bring it on themselves. and who do not have a brain.

    Tolerance is not a word in their vocabulary and nor is acceptance. Stereotyping is alive and well on DCUK.

  3. Well obviously T1 is the acceptable form of diabetes. Just proves how effective the slur campaigns have been.Divide and conquer.

    DUK would probably be happier dealing only with T1's.

    There is the same attitude on some threads discussing nutrition and the possible long term effects of a ketogenic diet. Some posters appear to think that they are coming from a detached position of strength,that they can afford to think long term. Maybe they can.

    For many of us however,it is absolutely essential to get control of our bgs asap by any means.

    Dietary deficiencies and the need for supplements can be worked out later on an individual basis.


  4. Oh wow, Eddie - where did you find Woo's smackdown of Phoenix? Can we all say "amen" now?

    Woo is definitely one of the most unique and interesting blogger's out there and well worth reading.

  5. Someone sent it to me via email. They found it on the Carbsane blog. Very well suited those two. They have made winding up type diabetics and low carbers their life's work.


  6. There are some real weirdos on DCUK.
    There was a genuine post asking about how to lose weight and some clever dick suggested that they cut off their leg. There are enough diabetics in the world who are losing limbs without joking about it.

  7. Agree but for me Phoenix is the number one fruit cake. Hell bent on others succumbing to complications and failure. What makes it worse is she knows what she is doing. Year after year she never stops pushing the carbs and meds. For most this does not work and she knows it!


  8. Eddie,
    my comments on that post didn't go through. I am just curious, is it a glitch, or I am no longer welcomed?

  9. No commenter more valued than you Galina, we would never delete your comments. I will check back through the email confirmations of comments sent file.

    Sorry you have had a problem.

    Kind regards Eddie

  10. Thank you, Eddie, so it was a glitch.

  11. Yes I will try and find your post, please don't stop posting on our blog and thank you for taking the time to contribute.



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