Over at the forum of fun Catherinecherub got her tights in a twist today. Sometime ago she started a thread called 'Don't involve yourself in the blame game' In this post she linked to the arch drugs shill Hope Warshaw. Hope believes in a very high carb diet for diabetics.
The Cherub believes in a low GI diet, with no meds for her to control her diabetes. Regulars know not even the NSA and MI6 can find out what her diet comprises of. One thing we do know is she was totally devoted to the arch Stalinist mod Cugila. I found it laughable when she stated 'You could also include some of the comments you have made elsewhere on the forum that include your conspiracy theories and that some members are shills which means that you think they do not conduct themselves with integrity.
The Cherub believes in a low GI diet, with no meds for her to control her diabetes. Regulars know not even the NSA and MI6 can find out what her diet comprises of. One thing we do know is she was totally devoted to the arch Stalinist mod Cugila. I found it laughable when she stated 'You could also include some of the comments you have made elsewhere on the forum that include your conspiracy theories and that some members are shills which means that you think they do not conduct themselves with integrity.
Member said.
"there are people in here who would rather you remain dumb and ignorant and following the directives of your doctors instead of realising that low-carb high-fat diets can control your blood sugars and give you respite from the inexorable progression that the NHS dietary advice will result in..."
Followed up by another member.
"I completely agree with you!
No Dr deserves to be put on a pedestal for giving out advice that is clearly damaging to some people with DB whilst blindly refusing to consider evidence to the contrary!"
No Dr deserves to be put on a pedestal for giving out advice that is clearly damaging to some people with DB whilst blindly refusing to consider evidence to the contrary!"
Followed up by the cherub.
As the OP, I would say that this has nothing to do with the thread other than highjacking it.
This is about Type2s not getting embroiled in the media perceptions of our condition. If you want to ***** about other forum members why not take your post and start a new thread on the Diabetes Soapbox. You could also include some of the comments you have made elsewhere on the forum that include your conspiracy theories and that some members are shills which means that you think they do not conduct themselves with integrity.

The cherubs link in the first post.
Type 2 Diabetes. From old dogmas to new realities.
http://www.diabeteshealth.com/read/2011 ... ealities-/
(This article explains that you may have been diabetic for years prior to diagnosis)
http://www.diabeteshealth.com/read/2011 ... ealities-/
(This article explains that you may have been diabetic for years prior to diagnosis)
The cherub knows almost all the good news on the forum has been by way of low carb high fat. When the cherub gives us a days or weeks meal plan that keeps her in the non diabetic, nil meds camp, she might gain a shred of credibility Having said that, in an unguarded moment on this blog, she did state a thyroid problem was the reason for her low BG numbers. If that is the case, maybe she will add that info to her forum signature. I can't believe she would want to hoodwink the members, not with a name like cherub surely.
This way to the forum of fun here.
Hmmm...So the "new reality" according to Hope is to bash your ailing pancreas on the head with plenty of carbs and when that goes horribly wrong which of course it will- simply take the pills...so according to that simplistic logic a person with alcoholic liver disease should get 40-60% of their fluid requirements from booze still and when it progresses to cirrhosis-just take some pharma drugs to reduce portal vein hypertension and diuretics to deal with any ascites buildup. {sigh}
When someone is a fan of Hope Warshaw, I smell a rat, Phoenix and Carbsane are her number one fans.