Tuesday 19 November 2013

My friends take on ‘Cajun Chicken Breasts’

I don’t know what you may have enjoyed for dinner tonight. For Eddie and I, it was one of our favourites …. low carb pork and herb sausages, served with buttery mashed swede plus onions in gravy. Really tasty, not expensive and low carb - of course !

A friend had earlier been telling me about a tasty dish she’d enjoyed. It was her take on Cajun Chicken Breasts. I don’t have a recipe as such, but she gave me some sketchy details, which when you read through, is quite an easy one to follow …. I think.

Skinless Chicken Breasts marinated in oil with paprika, cayenne pepper, black pepper, a little garlic puree, mixed herbs, red wine vinegar, salt, and red chilli puree.

She puts the chicken breasts in a foil container, which can later be cooked in the oven. She makes up the other ingredients in a small bowl and then pours the mix over the chicken breasts. Leave to ‘marinate‘ over night in the fridge. Next day cook in the oven at 190 C for just over 30 minutes, until the juices run clear and the meat isn‘t pink.

She served hers with white rice EEK ! And some chopped red peppers cooked in a frying pan.

Now SHE isn’t diabetic and doesn’t go mad on the carbs, but she does eat more carbs than Eddie and myself …. My suggestion, if you are following a low carb high fat lifestyle, serve this wonderful sounding dish with Cauliflower Rice.

A great recipe idea for cauliflower rice can be found here.  


All the best Jan


  1. Jan, don't forget salt in a spice rub, and I guess I would skip on a vinegar during marinating because I suspect it could mess-up oil-based marinade.

  2. Hi All, thought you might be interested in this article regarding sales of wheat products on the decline due to the Wheat Belly and Grain Brain books. Slowly the public is learning how toxic wheat is, and the cereal companies are getting scared.



  3. that sounds nice...I will try it for dinner today, no vinegar for me and no rice maybe serve with some roasted vegetables :)

  4. Hello and thanks for your comments.

    This certainly is a recipe you could adapt to suit your tastes and lifestyle.

    Interesting to see that red wine vinegar is quite popular with chefs. I once worked with someone who was very keen on cider vinegar and it's 'health benefits'. I can't comment on that because I don't know, so if anyone has any insight as always we'd be pleased to hear.

    I looked at the 'gluten link' and it was an interesting read ... thanks. The comments I read were once again across the board. It does annoy me that for those that want to eat and must eat gluten free the prices they pay are always more expensive.

    But what about GM crops? Now that's an entirely different subject and discussion.What a can or worms that is.

    Once again many thanks for all comments

    All the best Jan


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