Sunday, 1 December 2013

Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University aka The Spoofer aka Multiple Miggs view of women.

"Hello flâneur,

There should come a health warning on higher education for women. 

Can cause bad "habits" - Like neglect of appearance, the growing of wispy beards, the wearing of more than one coat and the carrying around handbags with balls of string in them. 

But the worst thing is most so-called educated women adopt crazy dietary habits and a anti-establishment mentality.

I believe men are more evolved evolutionary wise to handle knowledge better.

But can also (not to appear sexist) can end up with anti-establishment mentality and batty ideas. Especially as they get older. 

Linus Pauling a notable example. This forum/blog is another, full of misguided individuals.

But I stand by my comments made to that women, I am distracted by a sexy figure, I can admire such, but not get distracted. Methinks the reverse is true of you I expect Eddie.

Not the mark of a true researcher.

The woman rambling's are nuts."

Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University 

That comment came in this afternoon together with this highly accomplished piece of work.


Your comments are grand, considering this site and the bull dodo it peddles.

Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University"

Whether this commenter is genuine or not, makes no difference to the fact, the sender is clearly a troubled man. He appears to be wrapped too tight for this blog, probably wrapped too tight for any place. I am indulging him for the time being, I'm am optimist and I feel he may actually have something worthwhile to send to us regarding diet. I have checked out academics with that name operating in Wales and one is a vegan. Come on Paul, thrill us with your acumen.



  1. I have passed a comment on this person before, but, is this Dr if that who and what he is stalking this blog? Could he perhaps indicate what his beliefs are and why. He may appear in a better light than he does now.

    Paul B

  2. Why would anyone mention the university or any other place of work in a post?

    However, I am sure he is an asset and they would be proud of his posts.


  3. "There should come a health warning on higher education for women."

    There should come a health warning on Dr Paul Jones.

  4. So he's a vegan that explains a lot LOL !!!

  5. "Why would anyone mention the university or any other place of work in a post?"

    Think he maybe trying to impress us with his qualifications (if he has any) if that's the case he's failed miserably.

    "However, I am sure he is an asset and they would be proud of his posts."

    Agreed the female members of staff and students must be immensely proud of his views of women.


  6. Dr Paul Jones...said
    Hello flâneur

    Well hello again you Welsh troll, did you realise that Welsh trolls tried to invade England they failed just like you will do.

    I'm sure the many good people of Wales will realise a misogynistic, narcissistic troll like Paul Jones is not representative of the general poulation.

    Kind regards

  7. Hello everyone,

    What I wrote: -

    Hello flâneur,

    There should come a health warning on higher education for women.

    Can cause bad "habits" - Like neglect of appearance, the growing of wispy beards, the wearing of more than one coat and the carrying around handbags with balls of string in them.

    But the worst thing is most so-called educated women adopt crazy dietary habits and a anti-establishment mentality.

    I believe men are more evolved evolutionary wise to handle knowledge better.

    But can also (not to appear sexist) can end up with anti-establishment mentality and batty ideas. Especially as they get older.

    Linus Pauling a notable example. This forum/blog is another, full of misguided individuals.

    But I stand by my comments made to that women, I am distracted by a sexy figure, I can admire such, but not get distracted. Methinks the reverse is true of you I expect Eddie.

    Not the mark of a true researcher.

    The woman rambling's are nuts."

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

    I embarrassed to say that I wrote this whilst under the influence of a alcohol. I had toothache (Pulpitis) and the only thing that numbed the extricating pain was several bottles of wine.

    I want you to know I am not sexist, but I think it is pretty obvious that to some degree women are prone to be credulous. Which is what I was sort of trying to say.

    Many apologies.

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

    P.S But I stand by my other statement, this site does peddle bull-do-do.

  8. Graham wote:-

    Well hello again you Welsh troll, did you realise that Welsh trolls tried to invade England they failed just like you will do.

    Graham you need to get a hat on as there is a woodpecker flying around your consul.

    And just to remind you a true Englishman is a Welshman.

    Lastly your taking the thread of topic as usual.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  9. P.S But I stand by my other statement, this site does peddle bull-do-do.

    But hey that do-do has enabled us to keep our blood sugars in check for five and a half years with minimum or no medication and most importantly no signs of progression of the disease. That means no neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy or any other diabetic complications.

    Between 2006 and 2010, there has been an increase in unnecessary

    Retinopathy increased by 118%

    Stroke increased by 87%

    Kidney failure increased by 56%

    Cardiac failure increased by 43%

    Angina increased by 33%

    Amputations increased by 26%

    Derived from the QOF Diabetes registers and NDA diabetes-related
    complications prevalence in the years (2006-2010).

    Kind regards

  10. Graham wrote -

    “Between 2006 and 2010, there has been an increase in unnecessary

    Retinopathy increased by 118%
    Stroke increased by 87%
    Kidney failure increased by 56%
    Cardiac failure increased by 43%
    Angina increased by 33%
    Amputations increased by 26%

    Derived from the QOF Diabetes registers and NDA diabetes-related
    complications prevalence in the years (2006-2010).”

    I’m not going to dispute this fact.

    But.... And I going to have to try and use layman terms or as the those who live on the wrong side of the pond like to say, Donald Duck talk. So the flâneurs can understand.

    The above diseases are on the increase because diabetics are living longer and they are disease that are more prominent in the elderly, regardless if you got diabetes or not.

    All put it another way, smokers enjoy a significantly reduce risk of Alzheimer’s, that’s because they don’t live long enough to get the disease.

    Also there is no evidence that the diet you promote reduces your risk to any of those diseases. FACT

    New drugs in the pipeline will. Or find a way to cheat the processes of ageing. (one day)


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  11. "The above diseases are on the increase because diabetics are living longer and they are disease that are more prominent in the elderly, regardless if you got diabetes or not."

    Get your facts right more young people are being diagnosed with type 2 than ever before, this includes young children and teenagers.


  12. MelB,

    “Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want”, lol

    MelB said -

    Get your facts right more young people are being diagnosed with type 2 than ever before, this includes young children and teenagers.

    The only thing effecting teenagers that can be said with certainly is that most are to lazy to get out of bed and work.

    Statically teenagers as a group for the first time in generations are going to be poorer than their parents.

    Which I think is great, because as they sit on a wall outside my house talking bollocks. at two in the morning.

    I like to shout out “go home” “oh I forgot you can’t because you haven’t got money to own one”.

    I have to interact with them on a daily basis, which is difficult when all they do these days is swear, swear and swear, like they invented foul language.

    So what... if teenagers are getting more ill.

    But your statement is only true for type 1 diabetes, because they are to lazy and undisciplined to structure there treatment properly.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  13. Sorry Dr Jones, but I am puzzled by your statement regarding your toothache. Did you mean 'excruciating' pain or was no anaesthetic offered for an extraction? Somewhat incredulous.


  14. Dr Jones said..."Also there is no evidence that the diet you promote reduces your risk to any of those diseases. FACT..."

    What SERIOUSLY?? Running higher Bg's and HbA1c levels increases patients risks of these complications significantly whereas a LCHF diet significantly reduces BG readings and HbA1c levels which in turn,greatly reduces the risk of ever developing these complications.


  15. Dr Paul Jones wrote.

    "And I going to have to try and use layman terms or as the those who live on the wrong side of the pond like to say, Donald Duck talk. So the flâneurs can understand."

    I am most appreciative you are prepared to drop to the level of us laymen and women, it is rare that we have such an august commenter such as yourself post on our humble blog.

    "Also there is no evidence that the diet you promote reduces your risk to any of those diseases. FACT"

    It is a proven medical fact, that highly elevated blood glucose levels are dangerous, as are highly elevated plasma insulin levels. It is a fact the closer a diabetic can keep to non diabetic blood glucose levels, and a good lipid count, the better the chances of avoiding diabetes related complications. It is also a fact the method of controlling the aforementioned BG and lipids is extremely important as proved in the ACCORD study. Ramming down BG numbers with multi-med regimes do not work. Many type two diabetes drugs are close to useless, and drugs such as Avandia and Actos have been banned in recent times for killing people.

    Many people believe type two diabetes is in part a lifestyle disease, therefore it makes sense to reverse the condition with change of lifestyle. It is a medical fact there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. Therefore a strict reduction in carbohydrates must be the way forward for a person that cannot metabolise highly processed high sugar/starch foods.

    That is what we promote,a low carb diet, a natural way to reduce blood glucose numbers with nil or minimal medication.

    "New drugs in the pipeline will. Or find a way to cheat the processes of ageing. (one day)"

    I do not have time to wait for one day, The track record for many drugs is very poor. The methods of diabetes control used by the NHS and DUK have failed totally as evidenced by the published audits. Our method of low carb high fat works and keeps on working. We have years of data to back up that claim and the evidence gets stronger by the day.

    Let's look at a few other facts. You are a rude and arrogant oaf. A total misogynist living in the stone age, clearly you seem to have less understanding of women than you do of safe diabetes control. Clearly you have severe personality issues and I suspect a drink problem. If you were a common 'layman' such as myself these character defects would not be overly important, the fact you are an educator in a University, is most concerning. I ask myself, what sort of roll model are you, I shudder to think you are turning out highly jaundiced individuals made in your mould.


  16. Dr Jones said...

    "So what... if teenagers are getting more ill."

    I would say much more but it wouldn't be suitable for public view!

    Maybe you can use the festive season of goodwill and compassion to reflect on your attitude to life and people in general.


  17. Paul

    I made my comment before you made your comment. The comment you commented upon was in the spam folder and I only just put it through.

    Jeez this guy should be in some sort of counseling program. He hates low carbers, women and kids.

    Who does he like ?


  18. So Dr Jones you not only have an obvious dislike of women you now also include children and teenagers, I suspect the only person you admire is the one with the smug face looking back at you from the mirror.

    "While type 1 diabetes is still more prevalent among children nationwide, experts estimate that type 2 diabetes has grown from less than 5 percent in 1994 to about 20 percent of all newly diagnosed cases of the disease among youth in more recent years."


  19. Bloody Hell What Comments

    'I suspect the only person you admire is the one with the smug face looking back at you from the mirror.'

    You may be correct MelB

  20. Alcoholics Anonymous2 December 2013 at 19:14

    Dr Jones your not alone do not despair help is available in your location.

    Carmarthenshire Alcohol Abuse Help - including private detox rehab centres, local AA meetings & NHS treatment.

  21. Hello avid readers,

    A bottle of wine a night, two E’s and half an ounce, does not make a drunk. 

    You attack me personally, as you cannot counter my arguments that are based on sound science.

    I believe I have won this debate, The diet you peddle although keeps your blood sugar low it does so in a unhealthy way, which is why its offers no protection against heart disease or any other disease.

    As for seasonal greetings Bah Humbug..!

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  22. Some eye opening revelations and comments have passed since my comment of yesterday.

    I sincerely hope Dr Jones takes up some of the advice offered and perhaps contacts the Alcohol Abuse Help Organisations if he feels it may help him. However, I have heard it is taking the first step that is the hardest.

    I wish this troubled man well.

    Paul B

  23. "I believe I have won this debate"

    What debate would that be ? You have given us drunken drug fuelled rants and we have replied.

    When you sober up come back and we can have a debate.


  24. Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University?...said

    Hello avid readers,

    Good evening to the most ardent follower of our humble blog.

    A bottle of wine a night, two E’s and half an ounce, does not make a drunk.

    Whatever floats your boat!

    You attack me personally, as you cannot counter my arguments that are based on sound science.

    Attack you! come on now old boy you've done your fair share of that pot and kettle spring to mind. Can't counter your arguments what would those be then? all we have had from you is the witterings of an inebriate, as for sound science you've not provided any evidence whatsoever.

    I believe I have won this debate, The diet you peddle although keeps your blood sugar low it does so in a unhealthy way, which is why its offers no protection against heart disease or any other disease.

    Won the debate have you! read my last comment. Again were's the evidence that our diet is unhealthy you have provided not one shred of evidence. Let's not forget besides SMBG we also get a comprehensive annual blood test which would show any anomalies and we get printouts of the results, and you can add in retinopathy eye screens and podiatary checks too.

    As for seasonal greetings Bah Humbug..!

    That does not surprise me in the least I mean who would want to spend Christmas with you apart from Paul Jones!

    A very Merry Christmas
    Best Wishes

  25. Dr Paul Jones makes basic mistakes that I would not expect a doctor to make. The wrong spelling of "off" "too" and "their" do not instill confidence of his authority

  26. Booze and drugs can dull the mind, Dr.Jones is shot away, but hey, what do we care.


  27. Dr Paul Jones makes basic mistakes that I would not expect a doctor to make. The wrong spelling of "off" "too" and "their" do not instill confidence of his authority

    True you would expect mistakes to come from us uneducated laymen (plebs) he's so dismissive of. For such errors to come from and eminent acamademic is inexcusable.


  28. Well,

    I wake up on this morning with a big black hole in my memory. As I slowly and painfully regained my senses, I desperately search my memory banks for a spark of recollection and turned to my computer screen and realised I have been posting bollocks.

    But... thankfully its on a obscure site that is full of it to begin with and frequented by geeky unpopular types.

    So no harm done. I'm off to have another pint, oh I forgot you lowcarbs can't have one.

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  29. Well,"
    I'm fine thank you.

    "I wake up on this morning with a big black hole in my memory. As I slowly and painfully regained my senses, I desperately search my memory banks for a spark of recollection and turned to my computer screen and realised I have been posting bollocks."

    Nothing different there then you always post absolute bollocks.

    "But... thankfully its on a obscure site that is full of it to begin with and frequented by geeky unpopular types."

    If we were that obscure how on earth did you find us? With over 811,000 page views I don't think we do so bad. We have visitors from around the globe today for instance: United States,China,
    Ukraine,Estonia,New Zealand, Sweden,Denmark and of course the UK were viewing our obscure little blog.

    "So no harm done. I'm off to have another pint, oh I forgot you lowcarbs can't have one."

    Now you really are spouting a load of bollocks I enjoy few pints every weekend but proper beer not the stuff you acamademic lager louts consume.

    Carmarthen University

    There must be a few bloggers on your campus I will endeavour to find them could make interesting reading!

    Kind regards

  30. Graham mumbled -

    There must be a few bloggers on your campus I will endeavour to find them could make interesting reading!

    Now your insulting my intelligence, IT here is nearly nonexistent, you stand more chance finding Lord Lucan than a computer literate Walshy.

    Graham further mumbled -

    If we were that obscure how on earth did you find us? With over 811,000 page views I don't think we do so bad.

    As for having a international following what a load of cobblers, most of those views are you lot reading your own cretinous comments.

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  31. I thank the Lord that Dr Paul Jones is not in any way involved in my family's health.

    By the way Doc, it is "it's" not "its".

  32. Paul Jones said...

    Graham mumbled -

    There must be a few bloggers on your campus I will endeavour to find them could make interesting reading!

    Paul Jones slurred;

    Now your insulting my intelligence, IT here is nearly nonexistent, you stand more chance finding Lord Lucan than a computer literate Walshy.”

    Haven’t checked out the staff members as yet but the students do have a blog and a forum. As for insulting your intelligence!! I better not go there LOL



    Graham further mumbled -

    If we were that obscure how on earth did you find us? With over 811,000 page views I don't think we do so bad.

    Paul Jones slurred even more;

    As for having a international following what a load of cobblers, most of those views are you lot reading your own cretinous comments.

    The stats don’t lie it’s Google that provides them we don’t have any input at all, as for cretinous comments you youself seem to be suffering a severe case of cretinopathy judging by what you post here.

    I do have some rather good news for you though! If you care to Goole Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University you will find that out of 227,000 results you now occupy the top three positions, just goes to show how a blog run by a couple of old geezers can enhance? your profile.

    Kind Regards

  33. Graham mumbled -

    The stats don’t lie it’s Google that provides them we don’t have any input at all.

    A quick check of your stat information and it soon becomes apparent that people of being directed to your site through search terms like “wankers”. Obviously Google thinks this blog is full of them.

    Where Eddie Michelle the “Patron Saint of nutritional cobblers”, to busy thinking something witty to say rather than explain why he advocates a diet that is unhealthy, unsustainable and restrictive.

    I recently received a picture of him and he looks like a talent scout for a cemetery.

    His appearance speaks volumes.

    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  34. "A quick check of your stat information and it soon becomes apparent that people of being directed to your site through search terms like “wankers”"

    And they have certainly found one in you Dr Jones.

  35. Paul Jones waffled...

    A quick check of your stat information and it soon becomes apparent that people of being directed to your site through search terms like “wankers”. Obviously Google thinks this blog is full of them.

    Really Paul is this how low your prepared to go, you do realise that you are now inextricably linked to this blog and your comments will always be available on Google.

    Where Eddie Michelle the “Patron Saint of nutritional cobblers”, to busy thinking something witty to say rather than explain why he advocates a diet that is unhealthy, unsustainable and restrictive.

    Unhealthy again you have offered no evidence which we have repeatedly asked for.

    Unsustainable Spherical's! We've followed the same diet for over five and a half years.

    Restrictive Tonight I enjoyed a nice sirloin steak from grass fed beef cooked rare, you should check out our food blog which along with our web site contains a wealth of delicious recipes.

    I recently received a picture of him and he looks like a talent scout for a cemetery.

    Yes and vegans are his specialty.

    Must bid you goodnight
    Kind regards


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
