Say what you like about, but more miracles happen there than in the Bible. The latest miracle to be seen is from the highly vocal member Mongoose. This guy states in his profile “I am not diabetic, I have diabetes” too right you have diabetes lad. But here is the miracle, from the man himself.
“I don't low carb, I have tried it and it is not for me. If you are happy to eat that way it is fine. Just not for me. At diagnosis I had a HbA1c of 14.9% I followed the advice given of loosing weight (about 5 stone) reducing carbs and changing those carbs to better GI ones. reduced fats and changed from ghee to olive oil for the cooking etc. I started on 500mg of Metformin twice a day. I am now on one Metformin 500mg once a day. my last HbA1c was 4.7%”
OK reducing weight can be very beneficial for reducing Insulin resistance, but to go from HbA1c 14.9 to 4.7 and one metformin pill a day is a world record without a doubt. Bear in mind this guy does not low carb and has reduced fats. The trouble with forums nothing is verified, the same with blogs. On my travels through life I have found most people are honest, I have rarely been let down. But every now and again you read something that is either total bullshit or a complete miracle. The experienced and knowledgeable see through it, but the newbie or poorly advised is easily taken in.
So, with all these miracles flying around and the bullshit stacked high, what can you believe? Believe your weighing scales, your BG meter, your tape measure, your blood tests. If you look and feel good you are probably doing good. Don’t count on miracles and don’t believe the bullshit. has had some miracle men and bullshit merchants in the past, it will always be the same, thankfully they don’t fool people for long. Anyone remember Gezzathorpe? He was an arch bullshiter, 250 carbs per day, no meds, and non diabetic BG numbers. I think old Gezza has been outdone.
Don't know about three wise men think it's three pigs flying.
ReplyDeleteGood advice "Believe your weighing scales, your BG meter, your tape measure, your blood tests."
Jean, I also agree with that advice.
Like most T2 diabetics, the man was obese. At least he did something about it and reversed his diabetes before it was too late. Instead of vilifying someone for taking control of his own health, why don't you challenge some of those obese unhealthy folk loading up their shopping baskets with multi packs of crisps, biscuits and sugary fizzy drinks whose idea of exercise is picking up a remote control for the giant plasma TV they spend their lives in front of? Because those are the very people we see coming to the NHS. Even their kids are becoming diabetic now. So what would YOU do in the face of THEIR aggression when you try and encourage them to improve their eating habits? I'm telling you, it happens. How about spending a week on the front line staff of the NHS in North Lanarkshire? If half of our patients were as motivated as that man you criticise we'd be happy. As it is, we are shouted at, sworn, threatened with violence, threatened with finding out where we live and harming our kids, and we're just the receptionists. And then they turn round and tell us they've got rights and they demand to see another doctor! Like it or not, some people won't do anything to help themselves. At least show some respect to those who do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the plug
Btw its Mongoose39uk
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAt least show some respect to those who do.
Hi anon.
I do think you have misread the post, we have no problem whatever about diabetics who take control and reverse their diabetes it's just that given his track record on the forum we doubt the validity of his achievements.
I feel sorry about your predicament a receptionist should not have to put up with that sort of behaviour but unfortunately due to the lack of funding for the NHS I can't see things changing in the near future.
By the way I'm one of the slim T2s who's never been overweight.
Tony Pinnington said...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the plug
Btw its Mongoose39uk
No problem Tony and a big HFLC welcome to our humble little blog, we do like to see our efforts are not in vain.
Checked out your blog seems you've not updated it since September are you still on the Newcastle diet?
On a HFLC high calorie diet for over five years.
Peace love and streaky bacon