Not so long ago I was watching a TV documentary on diet and obesity and they wheeled the expert out in the form of Sian Porter. Well she has a lot of neck, literally, and was clearly in the obese weight range, She has featured on this blog more than once, including the last post. Check out her short video below, as usual saturated fat is the bad guy. She makes a reference to an outfit called The Fat Panel and is one of the companies she works for, and wait for it, “The Fat Panel is currently funded by an unrestricted educational grant from the Margarine & Spreads Association” Check out the links below.
Quote from Sian in the video "use rapeseed oil or olive oil instead of butter and lard" she clearly knows nothing about the smoke point of oils and fats and how heat works on them.
Now, as it is the season of goodwill, I won’t bang on about dietitians that can’t get to a healthy weight, or are clueless about basic human metabolism, or seem to be prepared to hawk themselves out for a price. No, I am offering to help Sian, I know I can get her to a healthy weight. If she contacts me via our website we can getting cracking in the New Year. Go for it Sian, you know it makes sense, why fight it ?
Link to Sian Porter at The Fat Panel here.
Link to The Fat Panel here.
Eddie see this vid she looks fatter. Low sat fat is not working for her lol
your 2nd link (to mentions which doesn't actually exist (is only a holding page) and passes you to the fat information service which is a unilever "shillpage"
ReplyDeleteWhen I click the link I get this.
ReplyDeleteCompany Description: The Fat Panel is a new, independent, group, which will provide objective information about the important dietary role and benefits of oils and fats and how we can all get it right. It brings together experts in the areas of lipid metabolism, public health, general practice, nutrition and pharmacy. Our objectives are: Educate the public on the fat facts so they can make informed decisions about their diets. Provide an independent/objective source of information about the important role and benefits of oils and fats. The Fat Panel is currently funded by an unrestricted educational grant from the Margarine & Spreads Association. Anyone wishing to offer further unrestricted funding to The Fat Panel should contact us by email on
"the fat information service which is a unilever "shillpage""
Too right as I often say follow the money and big pharma or junk food are pulling the strings.
You are a vile man Eddie - how can you make comments like that? You cannot see her.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you do make comments like this to young people - that is often how eating disorders start.
Dr Briffa looks quite round on the cruise last year! Maybe its the camera - even you should know that!
By the way Dr Briffa sells all kinds of supplements and endorses anything any one will pay him for!
Look at the videos, watch the TV documentary, check out her published photographs, she is heavily over weight. Even Stevie Wonder would realise that.
ReplyDeleteAre you drunk or just as thick as a plank ?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou are a vile man Eddie - how can you make comments like that? You cannot see her.
Take a look here anon Sian Porter twitter pic, hardly a Twiggy is she!
Thanks to an earlier comment providing a link to youtube you can see even more of her:
Dr Briffa looks quite round on the cruise last year! Maybe its the camera - even you should know that!
So your implying Dr Briffa's fat are you? Seeing as you called Eddie a vile man what does this make you, a vile cowardly anonymous troll it would appear so.
Love and hugs
Graham xx
She indeed looks fat, and her long neck is created by long hair hiding plump shoulders.
ReplyDeleteThat is disgusting Eddie - I could call you alot of names but I am a gentleman. Galina you are as bad!
ReplyDelete"I could call you alot of names but I am a gentleman"
ReplyDeleteNo you are not ! You are a gutless anon troll, hiding in the shadows.
As far as I am concerned she can be as fat as a house. But it's the fact she spouts complete rubbish re a safe diet. If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk.
ReplyDeleteShe is a shill for junk food and big pharma. Flogging marg etc.
Would you take flying lessons from a kamikaze pilot ?
Oh does she sell margarine? Briffa is a shill whatever that is for pharmaceutical companies too - selling snake oil supplements!
ReplyDeleteIt is true, I am not always nice, my lifelong struggle with an abnormal appetite and different health issues made me slightly bitter. I always tried to follow the standard health advice, but it didn't work well. I could live healthier happier youth, but till 46 years old I was loosing the battle. I view the people who blabbing their low-fat favorite song as dangerous bunch. They are dangerous, they are causing harm, and looking how they are harm themselves too gives me some satisfaction. I know it is bad and not lady-like, but it is how
ReplyDeleteI feel. Also,I agree that it is not 100% fair to judge by appearances, like one blogger is criticized harshly for still being in a very overweight category after loosing whopping 100 lb (45 kilos).
Actually, I don't know what is worse, a fat dietitian who is talking nonsense while looking like a victim of her own favorite theory herself, or a naturally thin one who thinks everybody else who is not like him/her is pigging out on a junk food.Probably the fat one is better.
Galina how can you tell anything from a head shot- nothing. Eddie is a nasty man and is she talking nonsense? If we stop eating carbs there will not be enough food to go around! Low carb is not sustainable for the world!
ReplyDeleteIt is the sugar that is the problem!
"Eddie is a nasty man"
ReplyDeleteYou haven't seen me naked, I'm ya Hoochie Coochie Man, just ask Jan
Thank god for that - I feel very sorry for Jan she seems a nice lady but is very misguided by you - you have some very strange traits and are quite obsence on times. POOR JAN!
ReplyDeleteThe twitter photo of her and Rebecca Adlington shows more than just her head as does the video that Graham linked to, and yes there's no doubt she is fat.
ReplyDeleteYou may be fat Graham - never seen a pic just stop it! Just look at Eddie! We only see upper shots!
ReplyDelete"It is the sugar that is the problem!"
ReplyDeleteYes your right and all carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugar by the body, ergo carbohydrates especially for diabetics are the problem!!
"Just look at Eddie! We only see upper shots!"
ReplyDeleteSays you who won't even use an anon forum name. Send me an email address and I will send you a below the waist photograph.
Anyway back on the case, Sian is fat full stop. BTW don't worry about Jan, she does not know what "obsence on times" means. Come to think of it neither do I, give us a clue.
Well, the head-spot of a thick neck, plump shoulders, under-chin and puffy face lived me with an impression I shared, plus I goggled her images.
ReplyDeleteSo, everybody would be fine if we just replaced a butter with a vegetable oil spread and exchange full-fat milk with a skim one? Total rubbish! If you think like her, I serially doubt you know enough in order to leave a comment which makes sense(unless you want to discuss how bad lady I am). I learned how to manage my health and weight with life-style choices and an appropriate diet,and help several not naturally-thin people to do the same, and from my acquired knowledge I can tell that what she was saying is a pure nonsense. It is not a news any longer that saturated fat is Innocent from causing atherosclerosis and heart attacks, in US trans fats are banned, but the leading British Dietitian promotes margarine! Was she on another planet till recently? Everybody knew it by now, but not the leading British Dietitian!
I am sure that before whining about not enough grains-free food for everyone, the waste issue should be addressed(at least feed it to pigs and chicken). Whole food production system is screwed-up, and it is not the excuse for the people to get sicker and sicker. People who don't eat enough fat and enough meat, eat too much too often of everything else, generating too much garbage in a process. Agriculture brutally disrupt natural habitats, but only meat eating is getting blamed.
Probably, from the environment perspective it would be just fine is people didn't live that long, died earlier if got diabetes,they could breed fine on grains, but from a human perspective such outcome is not perfect.
Anon posts has Jopar written all over them. Mad as hatter always was.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous troll said...
ReplyDeleteYou may be fat Graham - never seen a pic just stop it! Just look at Eddie! We only see upper shots!
Err fat! au contraire old chap with a BMI of 21.5 and six foot tall don't fit the bill.
As for photographs Jan took a full length picture of Eddie and me that was published on the old Lowcarb diabetes forum.
Anyway just who do you think you are coming on here as a faceless internet troll and telling me to stop it, idiots like you are the incentive for us keep this blog up and running.
Love,hugs and a Merry Christmas
Anonymous gentleman troll said...
ReplyDelete"I could call you alot of names but I am a gentleman"
Your very self opinionated aren't you, no self respecting gentleman would troll the internet anonymously, god knows what else you get up to we hear many tales of vile anonymous trolls these days.
Eddie - you should not let personal comments on here. The post by Galina is an absolute disgrace - how would he like to be described by someone on here. Blogger should be putting a stop to this.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous fruitcake said...
ReplyDeleteEddie - you should not let personal comments on here. The post by Galina is an absolute disgrace - how would he like to be described by someone on here. Blogger should be putting a stop to this.
For starters it absolutely nothing to do with you what comments we allow an this blog.
As for the Galina comment we are in total agreement with her sentiments.
Blogger should put a stop to it! Really! now I'm convinced your a total fruitcake, get real have a look round other blogs and you will find that comments and posts here are tame by comparison.
Back on topic, as the NHS states there is no special diet for diabetics, they and DUK and I quote "recommend a healthy, balanced diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt and contain a high level of fresh fruit and vegetables".
Earlier this year, top NHS dieticians(Porter) were reported as providing the following tips for people with diabetes.
Together, these can be said to sum up the NHS approach to controlling type 2 diabetes with diet.
This is just a couple of points from the advice for diabetics:
Eat plenty of starchy carbohydrates
The NHS advises people, including those with diabetes, to base meals around food with starchy carbohydrate such as:
Source NHS Diet Advice for Diabetes
Sian Porter who by the way is a Consultant Dietician to the Potato Council plays a part in this misleading advice given to diabetics.
Shades of Ally5555 at DCUK another dangerous totally incompetent dietician.
Happy carb aware Christmas
Whatever a disgrace I may be, I am not as disregardful as that unfit on many levels dietitian, and for sure less harmful.
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with personal comments? We often share experiences and exchange opinions on diet blogs. Often it is more useful that asking a doctor's advice and going to a dietitian.
Bully boy tactics - you need to take a look at yourselves over the festive season and perhaps make your point in 2014 with out resorting to bullying - then you might get some more posters!
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas