Thursday 16 January 2014

Authority Nutrition Best Blog In The World ?

Authority Nutrition may not be the best blog in the world, but it is the best blog I have ever read. A blast from the past, something I posted back in May last year.

My Wife Is Driving Me Nuts

As reported here recently, my Wife Jan has joined our team, I am beginning to regret her signing up to our barmy army. Why is that you may be asking ? Well, for a start I have to fight to get near our internet computer these days. Secondly, she is bombarding me with information I have been writing and talking about for years. Did I know carbs are not essential ! Do you know how bad trans fats are for our health ! Seriously she is driving me nuts ! Have any of you ever given a copy of the Guinness Book of Records to a kid for Christmas ? I have, and they follow you around for two days saying “did you know” you’ve got the picture. Talking of nuts, she has tried to corner the worlds supply of Macadamia nuts, and I can’t open a lunch box these days without a pack staring up at me. I only have to say I am feeling a bit peckish, and the bloody nuts make an appearance. It gets worse. Jeez she has even questioned having the Free The Animal blog in our side bar, bleating “think of my ladies” It’s not all bad news, yesterday while surfing around she found this guy, Kris Gunnars.

Check this guy out she said, he has one great blog. I had a swift look and when I read this statement, “recommending a high-carb diet to diabetics is a crime against humanity” I thought yes, I like the cut of this blokes jib. This statement really fired me up, nothing ambiguous there eh ! Kris goes for the jugular, my kind of fella. Almost five years ago I stated on our website. “The dietary information offered to many newly diagnosed diabetics is at best nonsense and at worst criminal” and I think that is a fact, now more than ever. So check our Kris’s blog, it’s a fantastic site.

There is a silver lining to this cloud re Jan’s take over, with the weather at last warming up, I can spend more time down at my fishing club. Sitting around chewing the fat with a few old boys, and stopping off on the way home at my favourite pub for a drink or two. Getting back home after some sunbathing fishing, and being tormented by the smell of a great lowcarb roast in the oven, and a bottle of Rioja, quietly breathing on the dining room table, life could be worse.


Link to Kris’s blog here. 


  1. I think Eddie first put this post up in May 2013? I'm probably still driving him nuts!

    Macadamia's are still on the menu with a lot of other good real food, the LCHF way of course!

    The blogs listed in our side bar do change from time to time, but I still think 'blogging' and sharing and exchanging news, views, ideas is good.

    Kris and his blog is definitely one of my must reads.

    Happy Reading wherever and whose ever blog you 'hop' over to LOL !

    All the best Jan

  2. Get another computer to your wife, Eddy!
    I know that post was a joke, probably induced by a bad weather, but anyway, I want to say something with meaningful.
    My personal message to Jan - Jan, nuts put a lot of LCarbers into a weight regain, especially ones who are not young athletes, two Brazilian nuts a day is enough for everyone for health benefits, which is convenient from the expense perspective. Also, guy, please, keep your nuts in a freezer if you want their healthy fats to stay that way, not to turn into the unhealthy equivalent of a trans-junk! Take it from your pantry, keep it frozen.

  3. Get another computer for your wife, Eddy! Sell one of your many cameras or photo-toys, and get one, it is not so expensive nowadays.
    I know that post was a joke, probably induced by a bad weather, but anyway, I want to say something sort-of meaningful.
    My personal message to Jan - Jan, nuts put a lot of LCarbers into a weight regain, especially ones who are not young athletes, two Brazilian nuts a day is enough for everyone for health benefits, which is convenient from the expense perspective.Probably, as a naturally thin person, you can have more, but my guess, Eddy's metabolism is not so perfect to handle too much nuts. Also, guys, please, keep your nuts in a freezer if you want their healthy fats to stay that way, not to turn into the unhealthy equivalent of a trans-junk! Take it from your pantry, keep it frozen.

  4. "Also, guys, please, keep your nuts in a freezer"

    Good grief woman, even I have my limits.

    Sorry Galina I couldn't resist it.


  5. Hi Galina - and thanks once again for your comments.

    Yes, I know Eddie, myself and others do 'joke' about things...... BUT......I/We appreciate your helpful tips, thoughts and comments.

    It is true I like macadamia nuts but we only ever eat a handful. If going out for a walk or even working, they can often be found in a small airtight container somewhere in our lunch bag. They are delicious and it could be hard, for some, to resist more than what you should healthily eat.

    For diabetics it is important to keep a check on blood sugar readings.

    It always comes back to the word balance, and the balance that is right for the individual. Low carb high fat, moderate protein works well for us both. Also some exercise (other than working a keyboard)and good sleep patterns. My word of caution as always is - if an individual has any underlying health issues then account must be taken of them, and diet/exercise etc modified appropriately.

    All the best Jan

  6. Please, guys, be free to joke on my behalf. I wish I would make zero mistakes in my writings, but thinking that somebody had a reason to laugh is my consolation.

  7. Galina I love you and thanks for all your comments.

    I know English is your second language, it is my only language, you leave me behind, big time.

    Eddie xx

  8. Eddie said...
    Galina I love you and thanks for all your comments.

    How cringeworthy is that comment folks.

    Seriously we value your comments Galina your always welcome on this blog.


  9. Thank you, guys, I also have very warm feelings towards you. What you are doing(avoiding food which you can't take for health) seems logical and normal, but for some mysterious reason it is considered controversial. Most diabetics I know personally just keep pretending they are fine,take drugs because they can't believe expensive treatment could be worthless or worse, while getting sicker, it really drives me nuts, they like a cattle going to a slaughter house . Not you.
    I keep count my blessings that my husband came to work in an English-speaking country - he almost went to Japan instead.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
