For the purpose of clarity the good advice site is here.
Hi there
I’m the webmaster of Freelance Dietitians, the specialist group of the British Dietetic Association (BDA). Our web address is The group no longer owns the domain name, which has been taken up by a commercial organisation which does not appear to include any UK-registered dietitians.
Your website has links to this old domain name, so that your users are being directed to a bogus site, which I’m sure is not what you intended. I would urge you to amend any links you have showing dietitiansunlimited to
Please contact me on or the BDA’s webmaster David King on if you need any further information or confirmation on this matter.
With thanks and best regards
The age old saying the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing fits quite aptly, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteI guess we can make up our own minds about which is the "bogus" site, Hilary. Glad you reaffirmed your intentions by posting another link to the good info, Eddie :-)