Wednesday 8 January 2014

Check out HealthInsightUK a great site for great information.

"Non-drug ways of preventing or treating disease are regularly attacked as being useless and probably fraudulent because they lack evidence from randomised controlled trials. But just how good is the evidence for most drugs? Much weaker than most doctors believe because of the drug companies right to hide inconvenient evidence. Melayna Lamb investigates the new trials transparency campaign that’s getting legal and political support.
Official policy on statins is unravelling fast. Old reasons for taking them, such as lowering cholesterol, are being abandoned yet advice to patients is staying the same. Aidan Goggins unravels a plot with more twists than Homeland. Turns out fish oil is what really works.
Meanwhile the evidence base for a healthy diet remains equally shaky. Why do dieticians continue to bang the low fat drum when there’s growing evidence that high carb diets are very unhealthy? Lawyer and low carb expert Hannah Sutter has been investigating the government’s supposedly expert committee on carbohydrates and finds it is appallingly ill informed."
HealthInsightUK is here.

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame but we do NEED great sites like this. Thank goodness some do bring what is going on to those among us who are interested in good health.


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