Thursday, 30 January 2014

DCUK from Jopar !

"That's how it should be, as the likes of Bernstein, Briffa, Wortman are just as bad as my first consultant/team back in the days when you has the patient had little say..."  From Jopar the expert on diabetes control."

Jopar low fat high carb, the picture of health (err not) is on the right. Who looks around twenty years older than Jay, who is in fact around 20 years older, but looks many years younger, and in a different tangent fitness wise to Jopar (death warmed up). But hey, follow Jopar and you too can look many years older than your age.

Link to national news item here.


My friend Jay Wortman low carb high fat type two diabetic and low carb expert at 60 odd years of age, legs of iron and balls of steel.


  1. Jopar needs to do some more research. Give me Bernstein, Briffa, Wortman any day.

    I've reduced the level of carbohydrates I eat but still don't ski like your friend Jay. Love the music how about featuring it on Saturday Music?


  2. This is where you show your true colours - you are disgusting I just fail to see the relevance of this post . Jan stop this !

  3. Wortman is the man. A Doctor, type two diabetic, and low carb expert.

    Jopar one foot in the grave, but knows all the answers, err not.


  4. Wonder which version of Jopar we're being treated to this time. Just a sock puppet account shared over the years by at least three people including the ex fat copper.

  5. But Jopar is Type 1 isn't that different from type 2?

  6. Jopar is a type one. But feels she is an expert on type two. She cannot help her type on Husband but feels she is an expert on type two.

    A clueless muppet with one foot in the grave.


  7. Well I thought you were kidding but this is a true story I've just read the link to the Mail. I have a worry if Jopar and her husband do not have good diabetes control then what are the treats they gave/fed the dogs. This was at the bottom of the mail report "We've been giving them extra treats and fussing since."

    On the other hand it's GO Wortman GO that is some speed.

    Paul B

  8. Paul B

    I'm not in the bullshit business. The Jopar story is real. She is full of it but knows next to nothing, but has lots of verbal.


  9. I miss snow terribly, I went to Whistler last time 10 years ago. Actually, mounting skiing is not very hard, you don't just go downhill with maximum speed like guys during sport competitions, your way down is wavy and is not steep as you choose it to be. Legs shouldn't be weak, though.

  10. i found Jay very attractive on the Low-Carb Cruise last year ... but please don't tell my husband. ;-)

  11. W O W

    Look at the Dr.

    G O


  12. Try and find a photo of Defren to be your example of a low carb dieter.
    I have always found that Wortman looks pale and uninteresting.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Try and find a photo of Defren to be your example of a low carb dieter.
    I have always found that Wortman looks pale and uninteresting.

    Dr Jay is far from dull and uninteresting just ask Tess who saw him on the Low Carb Cruise.

    Love and hugs

  14. Disgusting troll said...
    This is where you show your true colours - you are disgusting I just fail to see the relevance of this post . Jan stop this !

    Fail to see the relevance of this post do you? Read the quote by jopar were she called into question the credibility of three doctors two of whom are diabetics.

    It's pointless appealing to Jan as I've said before she has no truck with anonymous trolls like you, have the guts to use a recognisable forum name and you may get a response.

    Nightie night sweetie
    Love and hugs
    Graham xxx


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The best of health to you and yours.
