Friday 10 January 2014

DCUK A Memo to the forum members from Giverny !

OK you numbskulls and halfwits, listen up, I don’t intend repeating myself. Some of you muppets are under the deluded impression this joint is a forum, get it into your thick heads, it’s not. We are part of sitefinders UK an exploitation outfit. We exploit diabetics, the lonely with our dating mob and the poor and financially disadvantaged with our pay day loans outfit. Get it into your thick heads, I don’t give a f**k for diabetics, good grief I am not a diabetic, so why should I give a monkeys, it’s a job to me, so you ba****ds can go and piss up a rope. If you don’t like the way the ex Kenny boy clique and the bullshit brothers run the forum, f**k off.

Some of you members have been posting links and referring to that retard Eddie Mitchell and his vile, festering and obnoxious blog. The next time someone does this, I will personally nail their nuts to the mast of a sinking ship and blow torch their arse, kepeech! Jesus christ I have enough to do placing ads for junk on the forum and flogging crap from our shop, let alone ballsing around dealing with you plebs, give me a break or you arse won’t touch the ground.

Listen up and listen good ! The next time someone tries to start an intelligent and serious debate regarding diabetes, you’re history, apart from the clan pushing dangerous information and heroic amounts of carb consumption and drug dependency. The big money is in big pharma and low carbers have cost us a fortune in advertising revenue over the years.

BTW some of you in the know may realise the forum and site finders are owned by Sikh’s. When we find out the identity of the new member who posted that excrement below, they will be sorry they were ever born.

Right, that's my lot for now, give sensible and informative posts a miss from now on, or I'll be back locking the thread before you can say "banned again" stick to playing the word games and posting complete shite, and we can all have a quiet life.

Check out our other exploitation quality sites here.


"Hello, unable to sleep so I though I would share this recent review which I found interesting. will will begin by saying sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes as English is a second language for me.

A recent review of 10 studies in to diabetic amputation in the UK Found that there was significant reduction of the risk of lower limb amputations amongst males in the Sikh community by 25 percent.

Professor Ronald Gupta Singh of the University of South Wales believes its the Sikh practise of wearing a Turban, that helps prevent heat loss through the head helping prevent circulatory problems.

He went on to say that non-Sikhs males could benefit by wearing a smoking hat or adopting the wearing of a Turban and growing a beard or goatee, especially in the winter months.

I was taught how to tie a Turban at a Gurdwara (Sikh temple) open day and have worn one whilst hiking last October in Snowdonia. But I would be hesitant to walk down the local high street with one on in case it courted ridicule. Perhaps a beanny hat thou would be acceptable and I know smoking hats are currently in vogue.

I noted that the review did not mention women or the wearing of hat by them.

What is your opinion?

Warmest regards"


  1. You idiot.
    This was written by your friend Dr, Paul Jones as he had been banned for his previous attempt to cause mayhem on the forum.
    You missed the fun when he got banned the other night. His thread was deleted.
    You really must pay more attention..

  2. Jeez you just won the prize for the idiot of the year award, of course it was Jona, check his name Dr Pan Jules, work it out you moronic chump.

    BTW we have a copy of all his deleted posts Ha Ha


  3. Hey Eddie, you are one bitter fucked up twisted individual who obviously has never been loved .. just for the record, were you abused as a child or did you abuse others Eddie? More likely other, eh Eddie?
    Once a bully always a bully....keep on with your bitter twisted anger rants... your heart attack is on its way...

  4. Thank you for putting in more effort with your bravely spoken anonymous comments. Good grief it takes me back to the stuff you used to post on carbo’s blog. As we have seen in the past, it is a very thin veneer that the sweetness and light and hugs and kisses people hide behind. So, I should be in a coffin yesterday and get a heart attack today. The child abuse smear was a particularly charming touch.

    So chuffed to see we are getting better at annoying all the right people. You know all the liars, spreaders of fear and misinformation. Get back to the forum and carry on rubbishing low carb. Once again thank you for exposing yourself on our humble blog, and making a special effort in your comment, frankly the insults we receive have been very lacklustre of late, please keep coming back, now you have a nice day my friend.

    BTW stand by for new thread on insulin pumps, it’s a corker.

    No more Mr. Nice Guy

    Eddie xxx

    PS Keep an eye on that BP or you will be checking out before me.

  5. Vile anonymous anti said...

    Hey Eddie, you are one bitter fucked up twisted individual who obviously has never been loved .. just for the record, were you abused as a child or did you abuse others Eddie? More likely other, eh Eddie?
    Once a bully always a bully....keep on with your bitter twisted anger rants... your heart attack is on its way...

    Are you a graduate of cugilas charm school?

    There you have it folks the anti's showing their true colours, this is just like many of the the vile comments posted at carbo/tubolards blog.

    And they have the audacity to accuse us of posting vile comments, yet more hypocrisy from the anti's.


  6. RLOL :oD that post was a corker and worthy of the Wally Corker Award for originality.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
