This came in as a comment today. A much more comprehensive post against me, and what I believe, than the usual "I feel sorry for you" or "your heart attack is on the way" type of comment. I have started a thread using the comment, because I believe it demonstrates the attitude and beliefs held by many on the forum. I believe some of the comments in the quoted comment are 100% wrong and give my reasons why low carb is the best route FOR ALL DIABETICS. My italics.
"As an observer rather than a participant, I saw it all unfold.
Yes there were faults on both sides but you seem to be saying that you did nothing wrong and are whiter than white.
I did not see it as some had faults on both sides. I saw the situation as some people were right and some wrong very wrong. For example a member called academicdiabetic started a thread based on a sent out email from the forum management, quoting latest information re type two diabetic insulin users, had a death rate of up to three times higher, than a non insulin user, and was dose dependent, i.e. the more insulin used the higher the death rate. Obviously the more carbs used the more insulin would need to be used, the higher the death rate.Thus less carbs, less insulin, less deaths.That thread was subjected to the usual wrecker tactics and was locked. The information in that thread was extremely important, hence why the management sent out the email bringing it to members attention.
You didn't get banned because you were low carbers, there were plenty of low carbers who did not act in the destructive way that you did.
You used every opportunity to tell people that low carb was the only way forward and ridiculed anyone who did not agree with you using postings and private messages.
Show me where I acted destructive posting as Fatbird, you lie my friend, I received over one hundred thank you's for my posts and attacked no one other than one member trying to convince the members that butter contained sugar. As fatbird I replied to two members who PM'd me. I did not instigate dialogue with members over the PM system.
You had the run of the forum until people stood up to you and that was your undoing, not being able to accept that others could be right too. You then tried to undermine anyone who did not follow your doctrine but you ended up getting banned.
Do you think getting banned made any difference to me ? do you think I have not got other names on the forum. I have many friends on the forum who would use information I send them for publication. Do you believe I can't influence the forum ? It was Graham and myself who got rid of Cugila the most entrenched forum mod in the history of the forum, without posting on or involving the forum.
Things have moved on at DCUK and the partition that you created no longer exists except within the minds of a few of your followers.
Nothing has moved on at the forum, the same low carb antis are telling lies, spreading misinformation, wrecking and getting threads locked, as we have seen over the last few weeks.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it but don't try the sympathy card. It would be better to admit that there were problems that you created too.
Sympathy card, good grief getting banned gives me untold opportunities to spread the word, getting banned got you over here, and prompted this post and a chance to educate you.
Low carbing does not mean the same thing as you would have us believe. DCUK members have a variety of carbohydrate intake and as long as they are doing well why would you care?
I don't care what method individuals use to control their diabetes, the trouble is most are not controlling their diabetes. My beef is with these poorly informed or poorly controlled leading others astray. And yes I do care when I see people who clearly are very poorly informed, and setting themselves up for an often early death.
Yes this is an anonymous posting because I cannot stand the way you behave and do not want you to know who I am on the forum. A little clue, my posts are under 100. I may not have posted much but I have learned a lot in the years that I have been a member. MY education has been more about personalities than diabetes management. It's not what people say but the way that they say it. I would rather read something genuine than all the scientific papers that people offer to show they are right.
You say "MY education has been more about personalities than diabetes management." I am not looking to win a personality contest, I am not concerned with the personalities of the messengers, it is the information the messengers bring that counts. I don't care who you are stay anon. You say you have posted less than a hundred posts on the forum. I have posted countless posts on forums all over the world, thousands of posts on blogs and spent thousand of pounds of my own money paying for websites and helping type two diabetics. I care, I help people, the fact that some find me an arshole means less than nothing to me. To be honest I would be doing something very wrong if the likes of the clan thought I was Mr. Nice Guy.
It's a sad diabetic world when people would rather argue than debate for the good of their fellow sufferers."
We agree on something. Was it the low carbers that wrecked the low carb thread over the last few weeks ? No as always it was non low carbers that made sure those thread were wrecked and locked. BTW I noticed a few sheep were saying I owed Ian an apology the other night. He has been a friend for years, and told me no apology was required your posts were valid.
You have come onto this blog. Your Comment has been authorised, not only that I have started a new thread, thereby giving your comment maximum exposure. It has not been edited, it was not deleted, this thread will never be locked. I have responded to the points you have made, please come back, if you require further clarification, please let me know.
Now, as you are over here would it be possible for you to return and answer a few comments I have to make. What are your opinions on why 93% of type one diabetics never get to a safe HbA1c number in the UK. What are your views on so many type two diabetics never getting to a safe HbA1c number. What are your views on type two diabetes medications such as Actos and Avandia being banned for killing people, and the manufacturers being fined massive sums for hiding the truth. What are your views on type two drugs still being used in the UK for type two diabetes such as Victoza and Byetta, being subject to banning requests and class action lawsuits in the US. That's how the Actos and Avandia bans started.
I believe, and I can prove, a low carb high fat whole foods diet, with moderate exercise, and nil or minimum medication is the best way to control diabetes. I can argue my case and win every time, against anyone ! No one will ever convince me, a diet based on sugar and starch, and covered by unnecessary medication is a sane and sensible option.
I look forward to your return and debating the issues I have raised, together with any other points you would like to discuss. Thank you for your comment.
Thread edit the anon returns.
"I am the anonymous poster you refer to.The comments I made were not about your Fatbird identity but when you posted as Fast Eddie.Fatbird was too obvious, a 5 year old could have spotted that one."
Let me get this straight you were referring to events over three years old. Good grief, the world has moved on since then, although the same low carb antis are still wrecking serious debate etc.
Anyway, what are your views on the comments I made. 100 to 1 odds against you debating the points, and why. Because you cannot operate on a level playing field, and probably know deep down I am right. Come back and prove me wrong, astound me with your acumen.
I may be wrong but I think this post is referring to your highly publicised first ban. It is posted after Graham brought in the name of AliB so it cannot be about recent activities.
The problem over at DcUK is not the low carbers, or the non low carbers.
ReplyDeleteIt's the management. That's exactly what I told Benedict by PM, when he was starting to have me in his sights.
Good management sorts everyone out, rather than let a clique dominate.
Simple as.
Geoff J
I am the anonymous poster you refer to.
ReplyDeleteThe comments I made were not about your Fatbird identity but when you posted as Fast Eddie.
Fatbird was too obvious, a 5 year old could have spotted that one.
ReplyDeleteYou will never stop herd behaviour regardless of any diet.
People who think the same stay together and promote their thinking patterns even if some of us take issue with it.
A lot of people do not like alternative views and this is well demonstrated on DCUK.
Remember Hana's favourite conclusion to something trivial? When people questioned what she said, rather than explain herself she answered,"I am right".
Eddie, Why do you waste your time on these anonymous people who have lots to say but do not answer your questions. I suspect it could be they do not have an answer. Do they know what they are talking about?
PS I like the featured foods posts you have started doing and the simple to do recipes.
Ooh I love a good mystery!
ReplyDeleteAnon said...
ReplyDeleteI am the anonymous poster you refer to.
The comments I made were not about your Fatbird identity but when you posted as Fast Eddie.
Fatbird was too obvious, a 5 year old could have spotted that one.
That's strange the cherub gave Eddie (fatbird) a like a couple of days before his ban what does this say about cherub.
Kind regards
Graham (AKA graham64)
Yet another Anon said...
ReplyDeleteRemember Hana's favourite conclusion to something trivial? When people questioned what she said, rather than explain herself she answered,"I am right".
Don't you mean interrogated? The clique didn't just question they demanded answers. Hana always refused to be intimidated by the baying mob, who of course claimed to have all the right answers when nothing could be further from the truth.
Kind regards
xyzzy said...
ReplyDeleteOoh I love a good mystery!
Yes mate it's a mystery why these anon posters conceal their forum names, couldn't be they have something to hide now could it.
Anon said...
ReplyDeleteI am the anonymous poster you refer to.
If you really are talking about the early days of the forum do you really know anything about the history or is it just the version embellished by the anti’s?
Fact in 2008 phoenix, jopar and SarahQ/CarbsRock all pumpers were meddling in the T2 forums joined a little later by noblehead, another T1 joining the band wagon proclaiming to be experts in T2, and attempting to dissuade us from LC claiming their expertise as T1s gave them the credentials to advise us on our diet, although it was obvious the did not have a clue how a LC diet worked. Jopar actually stated the she knew better than me on how to control my diabetes.
Do you think it’s right for T1s to be giving advice on diet in the T2 forums?
Phoenix is still there confusing newbies with the GI index even though the acknowledged expert on GI diets David Mendosa T2 since 1995 who she often cited, reverted to LC in 2008 and has come off all diabetic medications including byetta. If her way was so successful just where is the evidence of T2s success? Sid Bonkers claims to be following low GI when in fact it’s just a very low calorie diet, catherinecherub is the other but as I haven’t got all night to explain her dubious claims I will leave that for now. Finally we had tubolard/carbo another ex-forum mod and exponent of the GI diet the last we heard of him he was using orlistat and his diet included lots of toast.
What you got to hide anon? Both Brett and Mo to their credit used forum names here then they have nothing to hide, unlike you who must have few skeletons in the cupboard. If as you say your just an observer then you should have nothing to fear by publishing your forum name!
Kind regards